Derive the Venturi Meter eqn from the Bernoulli eqn

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem with equations and substitutions involving pressure and fluid dynamics. The person is seeking help in understanding where they went wrong in their calculations and how to properly express the equations in terms of various variables. The introduction of the height variable helps clarify the physical sense behind the equations.
  • #1
Gold Member
Homework Statement
By applying Bernoulli's equation and the equation of continuity to points 1 and 2 of Fig. 16-14 [see attached file], show that the speed of the flow at the entrance is
v1 = a*sqrt{(2(dens' - dens)gh)/(dens(A^2-a^2))}
Relevant Equations
0.5*dens*v_1^2 + p_1 = 0.5*dens*v_2^2 + p_2 Bernoulii eqn
A*v_1 = a*v_2 continuity eqn
Advanced apologies for this format; I am posting my question as an the image b/c the Latex is being very buggy with me, and I lost a kind of lengthy post to it. Can anyone show me what I am doing wrong? I have attached a pdf version for easier reading if need be.


  • pr-43-p-290-h-r-text-ed.pdf
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  • #2
GreyNoise said:

From equation (1) you can see that ##p_2## must be less than ##p_1## because ##v_2 > v_1## (from the continuity equation). So, ##p_2 < p_1##.

However, in equation (2) you let ##p_1 = \rho g h## and ##p_2 =\rho' \, gh##.
But ##\rho' \, > \rho##. So, these substitutions would imply that ##p_2 > p_1##, which contradicts ##p_2 < p_1##. So, letting ##p_1 = \rho g h## and ##p_2 =\rho' \, gh## can't be correct.

Assume we can take points 1 and 2 to be at the same horizontal level:

Introduce the height ##H## as shown. Can you express ##p_1## in terms of ##p_c## , ##\rho##, ##g##, ##H##, and ##h##? Likewise, can you relate ##p_2## and ##p_d##?
  • #3
Thnx so much for the response TNsy. Pointing out my contradiction between lines (1) and (2) was the big aha moment for me, and including the ##\rho gH## term makes the physical sense clear now.
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FAQ: Derive the Venturi Meter eqn from the Bernoulli eqn

1. What is the Bernoulli equation?

The Bernoulli equation is a fundamental principle in fluid dynamics that describes the relationship between pressure, velocity, and elevation in a fluid flow. It states that in a steady, ideal flow, the sum of the kinetic energy, potential energy, and pressure energy remains constant along a streamline.

2. What is a Venturi meter?

A Venturi meter is a device used to measure the flow rate of a fluid in a pipe. It consists of a converging section, a throat, and a diverging section. The pressure difference between the inlet and the throat is used to determine the flow rate through the Venturi meter.

3. How is the Venturi meter equation derived from the Bernoulli equation?

The Venturi meter equation can be derived from the Bernoulli equation by applying the principle of conservation of energy along a streamline. By equating the kinetic energy, potential energy, and pressure energy at the inlet and the throat of the Venturi meter, we can obtain an equation that relates the pressure difference to the flow rate.

4. What assumptions are made in deriving the Venturi meter equation from the Bernoulli equation?

The derivation of the Venturi meter equation from the Bernoulli equation assumes that the fluid flow is steady, incompressible, and inviscid (no friction). It also assumes that there are no energy losses due to turbulence or other factors.

5. How accurate is the Venturi meter equation compared to other flow measurement methods?

The Venturi meter equation is considered to be quite accurate, with an error of less than 1% in most cases. However, its accuracy can be affected by factors such as the shape and roughness of the Venturi meter, the type of fluid being measured, and the flow conditions.
