Derive the volume of a sphere.

In summary, to find the volume of a sphere, one could start with the unit ball in 3 space, convert to spherical coordinates, and integrate the triple intergral.
  • #1
The forumula for 2¶r can intergrated to make ¶r^2 (at least I think). So can anyone derive the volume of a sphere
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  • #2
First thing: the volume of a sphere is...0.

Second: to find the volume of a ball seen as a domain in [itex] \mathbb{R}^{3} [/itex], one could antidifferentiate the expression giving the surface of the ball as a function of its radius.

  • #3
The forumula for [itex]2\pir[/itex] can intergrated to make [itex]\pir^2[/itex] (at least I think). So can anyone derive the volume of a sphere
It is certainly true that the formula for the circumference of a circle can be integrated to give the formula for area of a circle but that has nothing to do with "deriving" the area formula- unless you mean "differentiating" it!
It is true that the formula for the surface area of a sphere, [itex]4\pir^2[/itex] can be integrated to give the volume of the ball but, again, that is not "deriving the formula".
  • #4
to derive the volume of a sphere I think you want to start with the unit ball in 3 space. Then convert to spherical coordinates and integrate the triple intergral. I think I am close, I remember doing this a while back so take it FWIW.
  • #5
Why not try a surface of revolution? For example, take a semi-circle and rotate it around the x-axis to find the volume.

  • #6
I solved this out for practice on my own. I found the volume of a revolved surface. I said [tex]\text{V}=\pi\int_{r}^{-r} (\sqrt{r^2 - x^2})^2dx[/tex].
I'm pretty sure that should work thus giving you a simple to evaluate integral of
[tex]\pi\int_{r}^{-r} \(r^2 -x^2)dx[/tex].
Should be easy enough. If you have trouble with understanding whereabout the integral came from, realize that it is simply the sum of the volume's of cylinders.
(Note: I hope I typed that latex code right...I've never used it before. Sorry if it comes out wrong.)
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FAQ: Derive the volume of a sphere.

What is the formula for calculating the volume of a sphere?

The formula for calculating the volume of a sphere is V = (4/3)πr³, where V is the volume and r is the radius of the sphere.

How do you derive the formula for the volume of a sphere?

The formula for the volume of a sphere can be derived by using the formula for the volume of a cylinder and substituting the radius of the sphere for the height of the cylinder, then integrating to get the volume of the sphere.

Why is the formula for the volume of a sphere (4/3)πr³ and not (1/3)πr³?

The formula (4/3)πr³ is derived from the fact that the surface area of a sphere is 4πr². By integrating the surface area over the radius, we get the volume formula (4/3)πr³.

Can the formula for the volume of a sphere be used for any size sphere?

Yes, the formula for the volume of a sphere can be used for any size sphere as long as the radius is known.

What are the units for the volume of a sphere?

The units for the volume of a sphere will depend on the units used for the radius. If the radius is in meters, the volume will be in cubic meters. If the radius is in inches, the volume will be in cubic inches.
