Deriving Einstein Equations: Questions on Linearity & Symmetry

In summary: Yes, the condition for the tensor to be symmetric requires it to be linear in second derivatives of the metric.
  • #1

I am currently taking a course on general relativity with the book "General Relativity: An introduction for physicists" by M.P. Hobson. I am a having a hard time understanding the derivation presented for the Einstein equations. The book states that Einstein proposed the following relation: $$ K_{\mu \nu} = \kappa T_{\mu \nu}$$ Here the tensor ##K_{\mu \nu}## is related to the curvature of spacetime. My book states that this tensor needs to fulfill two conditions. It should contain no terms higher than linear in the second order derivatives of the metric tensor, and the tensor should be symmetric. The book then shows a general form:$$ K_{\mu \nu} = aR_{\mu \nu} + bRg_{\mu \nu} + \lambda g_{\mu \nu} $$ and claims that the last constant ##\lambda## is immediately zero because of the first condition.

I have two questions. I understand that the tensor has to be symmetric, but I am not really sure what they mean with the first condition. I know the tensor is related to the laplacian of the metric tensor, so is that the reason that it should be linear in the second derivatives? Or am I reading this wrong?

As a followup question, why does this condition demand ##\lambda## to equal zero? Why is the last term not linear in the second derivatives of the metric?

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  • #2
Decimal said:
It should contain no terms higher than linear in the second order derivatives of the metric tensor

The general reason for this condition, as I understand it, is that the field equation involving this tensor (the one Einstein proposed) gives you the equation of motion for the matter, and a tensor that was nonlinear in second derivatives of the metric, or that contained higher order derivatives, would not lead to a reasonable equation of motion.

Decimal said:
I know the tensor is related to the laplacian of the metric tensor

No, it isn't. The laplacian only includes spatial derivatives, not time derivatives, so it basically never appears in relativity by itself, since in relativity space and time are not separate.

Decimal said:
why does this condition demand ##\lambda## to equal zero?

I'm not sure it does. The usual reason, as I understand it, for setting ##\lambda = 0## is so that the flat Minkowski metric, ##g_{\mu \nu} = \eta_{\mu \nu}##, is a solution to the field equation for vacuum, i.e., for ##T_{\mu \nu} = 0##. That is only the case if ##\lambda = 0##. But that condition has nothing to do with having to be linear in the second derivatives of the metric; that condition is still satisfied for ##\lambda \neq 0##, although in a rather trivial sense (see below).

One other possibility is that your textbook is interpreting the condition "no terms higher than linear in second derivatives of the metric" to also imply "must contain terms linear in the second derivatives of the metric". The term ##\lambda g_{\mu \nu}## contains no derivatives of the metric at all, unlike the other two terms. So the ##\lambda## term satisfies the condition "no terms higher than linear in second derivatives of the metric" in the trivial sense that it has no derivative terms at all.
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  • #3
PeterDonis said:
No, it isn't. The laplacian only includes spatial derivatives, not time derivatives, so it basically never appears in relativity by itself, since in relativity space and time are not separate.

Yeah I should have been clearer here. The way my book introduced Einsteins proposal uses the formula for Newtonian gravity $$ \nabla^2 \Phi = 4\pi G \rho$$ and the linearized metric for a weak gravitational field: $$g_{00} = (1+\frac{2\Phi}{c^2})$$ Combining these equations with ##T_{00} = \rho c^2## for a perfect fluid one can derive: $$ \nabla^2 g_{00} = \frac{8\pi G}{c^4} T_{00}$$ Now Einsteins proposal would suggest that ## K_{\mu \nu} ## is somehow related to ## \nabla^2 g_{\mu \nu}##. This is why I said the ##K## tensor is related to the laplacian of the metric. I understand the Laplacian usually doesn't appear in GR.

I think this relation might have something to do with the linear second order derivatives. The laplacian is obviously linear in second derivatives, so is that why ##K_{\mu \nu}## should be as well?
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FAQ: Deriving Einstein Equations: Questions on Linearity & Symmetry

What are the Einstein equations?

The Einstein equations, also known as the Einstein field equations, are a set of ten nonlinear partial differential equations that describe the relationship between the curvature of spacetime and the distribution of matter and energy within it. They are a key component of Einstein's theory of general relativity.

Why is linearity important in deriving the Einstein equations?

Linearity is important in deriving the Einstein equations because it allows us to use the principle of superposition, which states that the total effect of multiple forces acting on a system is equal to the sum of the individual effects of each force. This allows us to simplify the equations and make them more manageable.

What is symmetry and how does it relate to the Einstein equations?

Symmetry is a fundamental concept in physics and refers to the invariance of a system under certain transformations. In the case of the Einstein equations, the principle of general covariance states that the laws of physics should be the same for all observers regardless of their frame of reference. This symmetry is crucial in deriving the equations.

How do the Einstein equations differ from other equations in physics?

The Einstein equations differ from other equations in physics in several ways. Firstly, they are nonlinear, meaning that the variables are not proportional to each other. They also involve tensor calculus, which is a mathematical tool used to describe the curvature of spacetime. Additionally, the Einstein equations are based on the principle of general covariance, which is unique to general relativity.

What are some applications of the Einstein equations?

The Einstein equations have numerous applications in physics, particularly in the fields of astrophysics and cosmology. They are used to describe the behavior of massive objects, such as black holes, and to study the large-scale structure of the universe. They are also used in the development of technologies such as GPS satellites, which rely on the precise measurements of time and space predicted by the equations.

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