Deriving EOMs and Field Equations of General Relativity

In summary: Yes, this is correct. One can calculate the equation of motion for particles by examining particular components of the field equation.
  • #1
I'm a bit confused by the following:

We can derive the equation of motion for a particle traveling on a timelike worldline by applying the Euler-Lagrange equations to the Lagrangian

[itex]\mathcal{L}=- g_{\mu \nu}(x(\tau)) \frac{d x^\mu}{d \tau} \frac{d x^\nu}{d \tau}[/itex]

However, to derive the field equations of General Relativity, we extremise the Einstein-Hilbert action

[itex]S_{\text{EH}}[g] = \frac{1}{16 \pi} \int_{\mathcal{M}} d^4x \sqrt{-g} R[/itex] where the integration is performed over the manifold [itex]\mathcal{M}[/itex] and [itex]R[/itex] is the Ricci Scalar

However this suggests that the necessary Lagrangian is

[itex]\mathcal{L}=\frac{1}{16 \pi} R[/itex] i.e. the integrand of the Einstein-Hilbert action.

My question is, why are the two Lagrangians the same. Surely they should be?

Secondly, I understand the motivation for the Einstein-Hilbert action, but where does the first Lagrangian actually come from? As far as I can tell they just seem to introduce it so that we end up with [itex]\ddot{x^\mu} + \Gamma^\mu{}_\nu \rho} \dot{x}^\nu \dot{x}^\rho=0[/itex] after applying the Euler-Lagrange equations.
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  • #2
Why should they be the same ? One is the Lagrangian for the field, the other is for matter, i.e. a particle of mass m.
  • #3
dextercioby said:
Why should they be the same ? One is the Lagrangian for the field, the other is for matter, i.e. a particle of mass m.

OK. The field of GR? What does that mean?

From a QFT perspective, I know that particles appear after we quantise the relevant field i.e. an electron is a derived concept after we quantise the classical electron field i.e. give it the necessary anti-commutation relations and what not so that it obeys Fermi-Dirac statistics etc.

But when we talk about field in GR, do we just mean the gravitational field? Would/should(in theory) quantisation of this give rise to the graviton?

I think I'm getting a bit mixed up perhaps because, we can take the field equations [itex]G_{\mu \nu} = T_{\mu \nu}[/itex] and look at a particular component and end up with the equation of motion can't we?
  • #4
Yes, the field in GR is the gravitational field. One can have matter either as relativistic particles, or by fields, for example fluids or e-m fields. The graviton is the hypothesized quanta of the gravitational field.
  • #5
dextercioby said:
Yes, the field in GR is the gravitational field. One can have matter either as relativistic particles, or by fields, for example fluids or e-m fields. The graviton is the hypothesized quanta of the gravitational field.

so if we were using the gravitational field then matter would move as a relativistic (timelike) particle in the gravitational field. Is it true that we can get it's equation of motion by examining particular components of the field equation?

Surely this is true? For example, looking at the tt component of the field equation will tell us how time will dilate for relativistic particles moving through the gravitational field, yes?

Related to Deriving EOMs and Field Equations of General Relativity

1. What is the importance of deriving EOMs and field equations of General Relativity?

Deriving EOMs (Equations of Motion) and field equations of General Relativity is crucial in understanding the fundamental laws that govern the behavior of gravity and the structure of the universe. These equations allow us to make accurate predictions about the movement of objects and the curvature of spacetime.

2. How are EOMs and field equations derived in General Relativity?

EOMs and field equations in General Relativity are derived using Einstein's field equations, which relate the curvature of spacetime to the distribution of matter and energy. This involves solving a set of differential equations using mathematical techniques such as tensor calculus and differential geometry.

3. What are the implications of General Relativity's EOMs and field equations?

The EOMs and field equations of General Relativity have numerous implications, including the prediction of the bending of light around massive objects, the existence of black holes, and the expansion of the universe. They also provide the framework for understanding the effects of gravity on large scales.

4. Can EOMs and field equations be applied to other theories of gravity?

While General Relativity's EOMs and field equations are specific to this theory of gravity, they can be adapted and applied to other theories, such as modified gravity or string theory. However, in these cases, the equations would need to be modified or extended to fit the specific theory.

5. How do EOMs and field equations of General Relativity differ from those of Newtonian gravity?

EOMs and field equations in General Relativity take into account the curvature of spacetime, while Newtonian gravity assumes a flat spacetime. Additionally, General Relativity's equations involve tensors and differential equations, while Newtonian gravity's equations are simpler and involve only basic algebraic equations.

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