Describing quantities independently from frames in Newtonian mechanics

In summary, the author is looking for a way to describe classical mechanics in a non-einsteinian spacetime without relying on specific frames of reference. He has found a suitable formulation in the form of a Hamiltonian or Lagrangian.
  • #1

I know that it's possible to reformulate Newtonian mechanics in such a manner that absolute velocities of objects can be defined. By absolute I mean defined without any reference to a specific frame of reference (just as in the article Notes on Mathematical Physics for Mathematicians). I wondered if in a similar manner an object representing kinetic energy could be defined too (after a few attemps, it appears to me that yes) and if all Newtonian physics could be expounded that way.

I'd like to go further in this approach but the previous article only uses absolute objects in its beginning and does not contain any bibliography. I'm pretty sure books or documents on that topic have already been written.

Does anybody have any reference to something similar ?

Thank you
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  • #2
I think you are talking about Hamiltonian Mechanics.
  • #3
Hi simon Bridge

No I'm not talking specifically about Hamiltonian Mechanics. This is an independent concern. I'm talking about the ability to describe a non-einsteinian spacetime (the 4 dimensions "galilean spacetime") and to expound classical mechanics in it without frames of reference (using Hamiltonian formulation, Lagrangian formulation or none, I don't care)
  • #4
Therefore I don't understand your problem - there are several formulations that do not rely on a specific frame of reference. You have just named two of them. There are, indeed, many books and papers written about them.

To my knowledge, absolute velocities cannot be defined in Newtonian Mechanics though - do you have an example?
  • #5
Simon Bridge said:
Therefore I don't understand your problem - there are several formulations that do not rely on a specific frame of reference. You have just named two of them. There are, indeed, many books and papers written about them.

I have named two ? We're not talking about the same thing. Hamiltonian and Lagrangian formulation both use kinetic ernergy. And kinetic energy is generally defined within a specific frame. Of course considering a different frame will lead us to the same physical result. But this result will be formulated in a peculiar frame.

Simon Bridge said:
To my knowledge, absolute velocities cannot be defined in Newtonian Mechanics though - do you have an example?

One can think about galilean spacetime as a 4 dimensions affine space [itex]\mathcal{A}[/itex] with a linear form [itex]\tau : \mathcal{E} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}[/itex] where [itex]\mathcal{E}[/itex] is the vector space under [itex]\mathcal{A}[/itex]. If [itex]\epsilon_1[/itex] and [itex]\epsilon_2[/itex] are events (elements of [itex]\mathcal{A}[/itex]), the quantity [itex]\tau(\epsilon_1 - \epsilon_2)[/itex] represent the delay elapsed between them. Finally one needs a scalar product defined on the kernel of [itex]\tau[/itex].

Within this framework, absolute velocities of bodies can be defined as vectors of [itex]\{ v \in \mathcal{E} : \tau(v) = 1 \}[/itex]. And I guess kinetic energy could be defined as a tensor of [itex]\mathcal{E} \otimes \mathcal{E}[/itex] with specific properties.

This way you can get rid of frames, or describe them as objects with their own absolute velocities.

I'm looking for books that describes completely Newtonian physics with this kind of formulation. To me using Hamiltonian or Lagrangian is just a way of describing a physical problem using state spaces and to find the good trajectory in them, but these state spaces can be based on any spacetime you prefere.
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  • #6
I suspect there are two related but distinct uses of the word "absolute" here.

One usually says there are "no absolute speed [i.e. magnitude of a 3-d velocity vector] in Galilean relativity" to mean that observers generally disagree on the speed of an object... in particular, there is nothing "absolutely at rest" (as there would be in an Aristotelian spacetime).

One can also talk about "absolute structures [i.e. tensorial or "geometrical" structures in 4-d]", like the 4-velocity of an object, which has different 3-dimensional components depending on the reference frame of the observer studying that object. Malament's papers might be a good starting place. Follow the references (to Ehlers, Kunzle, Trautman, etc...) ("Newtonian Gravitation Theory)

[I am actively working on aspects of formulating classical physics in a Galilean spacetime framework... with an eye to clarifying the connection to its special relativistic analogoues.]
  • #7
Hi Robphy

I'm reading the second reference you've given and it's definitely the kind of approach I'm looking for. Thank you.

I'm a bit surprised that the chosen structure is a manifold and thus is weaker that the affine space I was thinking about, but I guess the reason will become more obvious when I have finished reading.

Related to Describing quantities independently from frames in Newtonian mechanics

1. What is the concept of describing quantities independently from frames in Newtonian mechanics?

This concept refers to the ability to measure and describe physical quantities, such as displacement, velocity, and acceleration, without being influenced by the frame of reference or perspective from which they are observed.

2. How is this concept applied in Newtonian mechanics?

In Newtonian mechanics, the laws of motion are based on the principle of describing quantities independently from frames. This means that the laws of motion are valid in all frames of reference, regardless of their relative motion.

3. Why is it important to describe quantities independently from frames in Newtonian mechanics?

It is important because it allows us to accurately describe and understand the motion of objects, regardless of the observer's position or motion. This concept is essential for making accurate predictions and calculations in physics.

4. Can you provide an example of describing quantities independently from frames in Newtonian mechanics?

An example of this concept is the motion of a car on a straight road. From the perspective of a stationary observer, the car's velocity is constant. However, from the perspective of a passenger in the car, the car's velocity is zero and the road is moving backwards. Despite the different frames of reference, the car's velocity is still constant.

5. Are there any limitations to describing quantities independently from frames in Newtonian mechanics?

Yes, this concept is limited to non-accelerating frames of reference. In accelerated frames, the laws of motion become more complex and require additional considerations such as fictitious forces. Additionally, this concept does not apply in the realm of relativistic mechanics where the laws of physics change at high speeds or in the presence of strong gravitational fields.

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