Design and Build a Sturdy Egg Transport Device | High School Project

  • Thread starter KbCs2006
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation is about students seeking help with a project that involves designing and building a device to transport an egg over a distance of 8-12 meters and place it on top of a cone without breaking it. The device must be propelled by the falling of a mass and have a stopping mechanism. The students are struggling to come up with ideas and are seeking advice.
  • #1
We desperately need YOUR help!

Sorry for posting again, but we are GETTING DESPERATE!

I'm a senior in high school and have been assigned the following project. My partner and I are having a hard time getting our thoughts and ideas rolling on this one, any ideas would be MUCH appretiated!

"Students will design and build a device that will transport a large Grade A uncooked egg a distance of 8-12 meters along a straight track and place the egg, unbroken, on top of a standard orange raod cone without leaving a 2 meter wide lane. The intent is to transport the egg, unbroken and have it en up on the cone. Along the route there will be two speed bumps, made from 1/2 " dowels. (we were told we didnt HAVE to go over them?) You may not grease the wheels or use any chemical substances on their surface. The device must be propelled by the falling of 1km, or less, mass. This is the only source of energy allowed to make the device move. Energy sources for stopping and the device "arm" are allowed."

These are the requirements...we can still get a passing grade if we don't make it onto the top of the cone I guess.

~device is sturdy and professional looking
~device is transportable
~transports egg a distance of 2 m without allowing egg to crack/break
~energy propulsion is solely due to the falling mass. (must be easily removed for weighing)
~the device has a stopping mechanism that does not propel the device (anything can be used)

PLEASE HELP! We are having a real hard time figuring this out
Physics news on
  • #2
This is a pretty common project, have you done a search on egg?
  • #3
yah I have, but i haven't been able to find anything like this

FAQ: Design and Build a Sturdy Egg Transport Device | High School Project

What is the meaning of "We desperately need YOUR help"?

"We desperately need YOUR help" is a statement often used to express a sense of urgency and to ask for assistance or support from the listener. It implies that the situation is critical and that the help of the listener is crucial in order to resolve it.

Why do people use the phrase "We desperately need YOUR help"?

People use this phrase in order to convey the urgency and seriousness of the situation at hand. It is also used to make a personal and emotional appeal to the listener, emphasizing that their contribution is highly valued and needed.

Who is the "we" referred to in "We desperately need YOUR help"?

The "we" in this phrase can refer to a group of people, an organization, or a community that is facing a challenging situation and is seeking assistance from others. It could also be used by an individual to express their personal struggle and ask for help from others.

What kind of help is usually needed when someone says "We desperately need YOUR help"?

The type of help needed can vary depending on the specific situation. It could range from financial assistance, to physical or emotional support, to volunteering time or resources. The phrase is often used to express a general call for any kind of help that can make a difference.

How can one respond to the statement "We desperately need YOUR help"?

One can respond to this statement by actively listening and considering how they can offer their support. It could involve offering resources, volunteering time or skills, or simply providing emotional support. It is important to assess the situation and determine the most effective way to help before taking action.
