Design Op-Amp Bandpass Filter for 500 & 1500 rad/s

In summary, the student is trying to find the gain and transfer function for a corner frequency of 500 rad/s and 1500 rad/s. They are stuck at this point and don't know what to do next. They are stuck because they have two equations in three unknowns (Vo/Vi is one unknown). The third equation is [1] the gain formula which relates V2 to Vo. The gain formula gives gain from the + terminal of the amp to the output but you could also relate V2 to Vo just by using the resistor divider Ra/Rb. So this equation let's you replace V2 by an expression in Vo and equation [2] will let you replace V1 by an expression in Vo.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Select component values to design for corner frequencies at 500 rad/s and 1500 rad/s.

Homework Equations

KCL, transfer function

The Attempt at a Solution


[1] G = 1 + [itex]\frac{R_{A}}{R_{B}}[/itex]

Voltage division:

[2] V2 = V1[itex]\frac{R_{2}}{R_{2}+1/sC_{2}}[/itex]


[3] 0 = [itex]\frac{V_{1}-V_{i}}{R_{1}}[/itex] + [itex]\frac{V_{1}-V_{2}}{1/sC_{2}}[/itex] + [itex]\frac{V_{1}-V_{o}}{R_{3}}[/itex]

I am stuck at this point and don't know what to do next. There is a similar problem in the book and it said to substitute equations [1] and [2] into [3].

I sort of know what to do once I find [itex]\frac{V_{o}}{V_{i}}[/itex], but I just don't know how to get there from where I am.



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  • #2
Equations 2 and 3 are two equations in three unknowns (Vo/Vi is one unknown). The third equation is [1] the gain formula which relates V2 to Vo. The gain formula gives gain from the + terminal of the amp to the output but you could also relate V2 to Vo just by using the resistor divider Ra/Rb. So this equation let's you replace V2 by an expression in Vo and equation [2] will let you replace V1 by an expression in Vo. Then equation [3] will only contain Vo and Vi.

But honestly it seems like you are throwing equations at it, particularly the gain equation, when it's much simpler not to memorize any equations at all. I'd be looking at removing as many unknowns as possible at the outset. So I would have found V2 in terms of Vo by the resistor divider Ra/Rb. This voltage in Vo would then appear at the + terminal of the op amp. Then KCL at the + terminal would find V1 as a function of Vo and the final KCL at V1 would involve only Vi and Vo.
  • #3
I looked up the circuit on Google and found this:–Key_topology#Application:_Bandpass_filter

That is the same circuit and the transfer function is in the image attached. According to the page R2 = 2R1 and C1 = C2.

Would be a good idea to pick C = 1F or and R1 = 1kΩ, and then use scaling to find the standard values to use?


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  • #5
No matter what values I try, none work :| (I am always ~30-50Hz away on one or both of them). RA and RB don't have much effect, but I notice R3 changes the bandwidth (or maybe it's something else, but it makes graph wider/smaller depending on value, as well as the center frequency). I am not sure where I am going wrong.
  • #6
hogrampage said:
No matter what values I try, none work :| (I am always ~30-50Hz away on one or both of them). RA and RB don't have much effect, but I notice R3 changes the bandwidth (or maybe it's something else, but it makes graph wider/smaller depending on value, as well as the center frequency). I am not sure where I am going wrong.

Go to your link. First, pick your mid-band gain A. That defines Ra and Rb. You might pick A = 1 since nobody told you what it should be.

Then: what is f0, given your corner frequencies f1 and f2? Then, how is Q expressed as a function of f0, f1 and f2? This part is standard textbook stuff you should have covered by now.

Once you know f0 and Q, use the formulas in your link to determine all the R's and C's. Note that you have only 2 formulas, so you need to pick some of the R's and/or C's arbitrarily to solve for the remaining two components.

(Your instructor might have wanted you to determine the transfer function yourself).
  • #7
If I set A to 1, then G = 1.5, so I set RB = 10kΩ resulting in RA = 5kΩ.

f0 = [itex]\sqrt{\frac{500}{2\pi}\frac{1500}{2\pi}}[/itex] = ~138Hz

Q = [itex]\frac{f_{0}}{f_{2}-f_{1}}[/itex] = ~0.86

(2[itex]\pi[/itex]f0)2 = [itex]\frac{R_{3}+R_{1}}{C_{1}C_{2}R_{1}R_{2}R_{3}}[/itex]

R3 = [itex]\frac{R_{1}}{(2\pi f_{0})^{2}(C_{1}C_{2}R_{1}R_{2})}[/itex]

Now, arbitrary values:
R1 = 10kΩ
R2 = 20kΩ (2R1)
C1 = C2 = 0.1μF

R3 = ~6.6kΩ

The simulation is still giving the wrong corner frequencies (this simulation shows ~103Hz and ~310Hz). I am using the universal op-amp 2 in LTSpice IV. Either my circuit is wrong or I calculated something wrong. An image of the circuit I made in LTSpice IV is attached.


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  • #8
Does 'AC 1 0' mean a 1V amplitude ac signal? If so, try changing V2 and V3 to +/-10 rather than 1. You could be clipping the output.
  • #9
I tried a different schematic (attached) and same issue. I am so confused, I have gone over my calculations numerous times and I get the same answers, but it just doesn't give the correct simulation.


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  • #10
hogrampage said:
R3 = [itex]\frac{R_{1}}{(2\pi f_{0})^{2}(C_{1}C_{2}R_{1}R_{2})}[/itex]

Now, arbitrary values:
R1 = 10kΩ
R2 = 20kΩ
C1 = C2 = 0.1μF

R3 = ~6.6kΩ

You can't set them all to arbitrary values; Q is a function of these values too. You have to find component values that satisfy both equations for Q and foIf that's too annoying, I have a simpler design procedure that doesn't let you control the max gain:

1. G=2 (it must be 2 because this causes a term to zero in the Q equation)
2. all C the same
3. R1=R3=1/(woQC)
4. R2=2Q/(woC)

Max gain is 2Q2

(p116 ISBN 9783527407668)
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  • #11
EDIT: See my last reply.
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  • #12
hogrampage said:
The simulation is still wrong, where am I going wrong?

Check you op amp power supplies. They look backwards to me in polarity, and the voltages (+/-1V) look too low.
  • #13
I figured it out while in the lab today:

Q = ~0.86
G = ~1.8
C1 = C2 = 0.47μF
R1 = R3 = 2.4kΩ
R2 = 4.7kΩ
RA = 12kΩ
RB = 10kΩ

Thank you for all of your help!
  • #14
rude man said:
Check you op amp power supplies. They look backwards to me in polarity, and the voltages (+/-1V) look too low.

Also make sure you're not overdriving the input. Does your output look like a nice clean sine wave?

FAQ: Design Op-Amp Bandpass Filter for 500 & 1500 rad/s

1. What is a Design Op-Amp Bandpass Filter?

A Design Op-Amp Bandpass Filter is an electronic circuit designed to allow a specific range of frequencies to pass through while blocking all other frequencies. It is commonly used in electronic devices to filter out unwanted noise and signals.

2. How do I design a Bandpass Filter for 500 & 1500 rad/s using an Op-Amp?

The design process involves selecting the appropriate values for the resistors and capacitors in the circuit based on the desired cut-off frequencies of 500 and 1500 rad/s. The specific design method may vary depending on the type of Op-Amp and the desired characteristics of the filter. It is recommended to consult a professional or refer to a design guide for specific instructions.

3. What is the importance of having a 500 & 1500 rad/s cut-off frequency for a Bandpass Filter?

The cut-off frequency determines the range of frequencies that are allowed to pass through the filter. Having a 500 & 1500 rad/s cut-off frequency means that the filter will only allow signals within this range to pass through, effectively filtering out any unwanted signals or noise outside of this range.

4. What are the benefits of using an Op-Amp in a Bandpass Filter?

An Op-Amp provides high gain and low input impedance, making it ideal for amplifying and filtering signals. It also has a high input impedance, which minimizes the effect of loading on the circuit. Additionally, Op-Amps have a wide bandwidth, allowing for a greater range of frequencies to be filtered.

5. Are there any limitations to using a Design Op-Amp Bandpass Filter?

One limitation is that Op-Amp Bandpass Filters are not suitable for filtering out very low or very high frequencies. They are best used for filtering signals within the audio frequency range. Additionally, the complexity of the design process and the need for precise component values may make it challenging for beginners to design and implement a Bandpass Filter.

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