Design Strong Water Pipe: Physics of Milking Smoke

In summary, The conversation is about designing a new water pipe, and the speaker has two main requirements: it should be strong enough to not break easily and it should allow for a slow and strong pull of smoke. They discuss possible ways to achieve these requirements, including calculating the necessary force and thickness of the glass, and analyzing how force travels through the glass. There is also a mention of the legality of paraphernalia and a humorous side conversation about the thread title. Overall, the problem may not have an easy solution and trial and error may be necessary.
  • #1
I'm new here but after a recent break of a brand new piece of glass, I want to design a new one and get it custom made. I have two things that I want for this design: I want the glass to be strong enough that just tipping it over won't break any part of it and I want a light slow suck at the top to pull very strongly on the bowl.

For the first part, I have a reasonable idea of how to do what I want. You would find the center of mass and the amount of force required to tip it over using torque. From there somehow calculate the velocity that it reaches in the fall and calculate the force on it. They I would find the force necessary to break glass in terms of thickness and basically use this to determine the thickness of glass I want. I do know that the thickness of the glass effects the center of mass and thus the force to tip. The other thing I want to know is how the force travels through the glass. For anyone that has no experience in the waterpipe field, it's fairly common for one to be knocked over and while the outside doesn't break, the percs (small glass tubes that are inside of the main tube) often break off.

The second thing I want to try to design it in a way where the smoke will build up in the tube, aka milking. It is very obvious that some pipes do this better than others but I can't seem to figure out the physics behind it. I don't understand the physics that allows this to happen and all I know is that it's related to the pressure differentials between the different percs and the density of the smoke.
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  • #2
You might run into a bit of trouble with this thread. As stupid as it seems, paraphernalia such as bongs are illegal in most of PF's country of origin. They might not consider it an acceptable topic.
  • #3
Danger said:
You might run into a bit of trouble with this thread. As stupid as it seems, paraphernalia such as bongs are illegal in most of PF's country of origin. They might not consider it an acceptable topic.

water pipes are legal if used with tobacco. I have corrected the title and we will assume the OP is using tobacco.
  • #4
It was much more entertaining when the title was 'bong physics'.
  • #5
Yeah, the pooka wants a hooka. Don't use glass.
  • #6
Greg Bernhardt said:
I have corrected the title

LOL. I saw the thread title, and thought, "Oh, maybe I need to move the thread to the ME forum, since it's probably about pumps and water pressure issues in pipes."

And then I clicked into the thread... :-p
  • #7
I suspect this isn't an easily solved problem. I mean calculating the forces involved on different parts of the glass would probably be challenging. A more reliable method might be just to make several with different dimensions and test them to see which break and analyse the failures.

Related to Design Strong Water Pipe: Physics of Milking Smoke

1. What is the purpose of a strong water pipe for milking smoke?

The purpose of a strong water pipe for milking smoke is to efficiently and effectively cool down the smoke produced from burning substances, such as tobacco or herbs, so that it can be inhaled smoothly without causing irritation to the throat or lungs.

2. How does the design of a water pipe affect the experience of smoking?

The design of a water pipe plays a crucial role in the smoking experience as it helps to filter out harmful substances and cool down the smoke, making it less harsh on the throat and lungs. A well-designed water pipe can also enhance the flavor and aroma of the smoke, providing a more enjoyable smoking experience.

3. What are the key elements of a strong water pipe for milking smoke?

The key elements of a strong water pipe for milking smoke include a sturdy base for stability, a long stem for smooth airflow, a bowl to hold the burning substance, a downstem to submerge in water, and a mouthpiece for inhaling the smoke.

4. How does the physics of milking smoke work in a water pipe?

The physics of milking smoke in a water pipe involves the process of creating suction through the mouthpiece, which pulls the smoke down the stem and through the water. As the smoke passes through the water, it cools down and is filtered, creating a smooth and enjoyable smoking experience.

5. Are there any safety concerns to consider when designing a strong water pipe for milking smoke?

Yes, there are some safety concerns to consider when designing a strong water pipe for milking smoke. These include using non-toxic materials for the construction of the pipe, ensuring proper ventilation to prevent the buildup of harmful smoke, and regularly cleaning and maintaining the pipe to avoid any potential health hazards.
