Designing a 4-bit non-sequential synchronous counter

In summary: Two flip-flops are required to implement a four-state FSM. But wouldn't I need four FF's to implement a four-state FSM with four outputs per state? I'll try your suggestion on reducing the # of FF's and using combinational logic to get the correct outputs for each state.
  • #1
Gold Member

Homework Statement

I am working on a 16:4 MUX that is comprised of four cascaded 4:1 MUXs. Each MUX has an active-low enable pin. To enable one MUX at a time, I need to use a counter that outputs the following:

Clock Cycle 1: 1110
Clock Cycle 2: 1101
Clock Cycle 3: 1011
Clock Cycle 4: 0111

In decimal, the clock is counting from 14 to 13 to 11 to 7 and then repeating.

Homework Equations

I've generated a state diagram, a next-state table, a J-K FF transition table, the appropriate K-maps based on these tables, and finally a set of minimized SOP expressions from the K-maps. However, my output pins (Q0, Q1, Q2, and Q3) are all high all the time. I don't understand why.

The Attempt at a Solution


My tables, K-Maps and SOP expressions are here:
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  • #2
What does the state 1111 transition to? You should check the transition out of all states, to be sure that the maching always returns to the valid main sequence. You should also define a Reset state, and make sure that the machine goes right into the main counting sequence (either from the Reset state, or make the Reset state the first defined state of the sequence)...
  • #3
berkeman said:
What does the state 1111 transition to? You should check the transition out of all states, to be sure that the maching always returns to the valid main sequence. You should also define a Reset state, and make sure that the machine goes right into the main counting sequence (either from the Reset state, or make the Reset state the first defined state of the sequence)...


The 1111 state should not be part of the sequence 1110, 1101, 1011, 0111. I am not quite sure how one uses the set pins to sets the J-K flip-flops. Do you need to apply an initial voltage to the set pins for a short period of time and then remove that voltage... or do you leave the set pins connected to the initial voltage that they're set to?

For example, my counter should start at 1110 so I would have high voltage on the first three stages and low voltage on the fourth stage. My book doesn't really talk about how to use the set pins.
  • #4
I'm going to try using a 555-timer as a one-shot to push a high voltage to three of the stages to create the first state of 1110. I don't know how long those SET pins needing a 1 will need to be held high but I can play around with the pulse width of the one-shot.
  • #5
JJBladester said:

The 1111 state should not be part of the sequence 1110, 1101, 1011, 0111. I am not quite sure how one uses the set pins to sets the J-K flip-flops. Do you need to apply an initial voltage to the set pins for a short period of time and then remove that voltage... or do you leave the set pins connected to the initial voltage that they're set to?

For example, my counter should start at 1110 so I would have high voltage on the first three stages and low voltage on the fourth stage. My book doesn't really talk about how to use the set pins.

To clarify, you do not need a 4-bit counter for this circuit. You need a 4-state state machine, which has 4 bits of output from each of the 4 states.

How many flipflops does it take to implement a 4-state machine? Which state do you want to be the reset state?

So try doing this with fewer flipflops and add logic at each state to give you the outputs you want. And show the Reset input to the FFs, and drive it with a reset signal to start your sequence...
  • #6
berkeman said:
To clarify, you do not need a 4-bit counter for this circuit. You need a 4-state state machine, which has 4 bits of output from each of the 4 states.

Ok yes, my terminology is perhaps not very accurate. It is a four-state FSM that I need to create with four outputs per state.

berkeman said:
How many flipflops does it take to implement a 4-state machine? Which state do you want to be the reset state?

Two flip-flops are required to implement a four-state FSM. But wouldn't I need four FF's to implement a four-state FSM with four outputs per state? I'll try your suggestion on reducing the # of FF's and using combinational logic to get the correct outputs for each state.

How do I drive a reset signal? The software I'm using is MultiSim which doesn't have one-shots. I can use a 555 timer as a one-shot, so I will try that too.
  • #7
JJBladester said:
Ok yes, my terminology is perhaps not very accurate. It is a four-state FSM that I need to create with four outputs per state.

Two flip-flops are required to implement a four-state FSM. But wouldn't I need four FF's to implement a four-state FSM with four outputs per state? I'll try your suggestion on reducing the # of FF's and using combinational logic to get the correct outputs for each state.

How do I drive a reset signal? The software I'm using is MultiSim which doesn't have one-shots. I can use a 555 timer as a one-shot, so I will try that too.

I'm not familiar with MultiSim, but most SPICE packages would have a waveform generator that you can program to output a pulse. What kind of waveform generators does it have?
  • #8

Ok, approaching this as a state-machine with two flip-flops, I created the state diagram above.

The input will be a square wave (01010101010101...). Every time there is a 1, the machine progresses to the next state A to B, B to C, D back to A. When there is a zero, the current state is held.

Does this sound closer to the right idea? I will work on a state table and excitation table and see what I come up with.
  • #9
Yes, that looks good. To follow convention, you should also show a Reset arrow into whatever you want your first state to be. Real-world state machines always have to have a Reset state defined.
  • #10
berkeman said:
Yes, that looks good. To follow convention, you should also show a Reset arrow into whatever you want your first state to be. Real-world state machines always have to have a Reset state defined.

Would the D state count as a reset state since it puts the machine back to the initial state A?

So would this be the convention:

  • #11
JJBladester said:
Would the D state count as a reset state since it puts the machine back to the initial state A?

So would this be the convention:


Your reset arrow looks correct, if you want to start in State A. The D state does not count as a "reset state" -- Your A state is the "reset state", since that's the state you go to when you assert the Reset input on your FFs.
  • #12
I know that the active-high set pin on a J-K flip-flop causes the output to be high while the active-high reset pin causes the FF to be low. However, I don't know in a production circuit how one would set these pins. I tried a 555 timer connected as a one-shot but that seems like overkill.

Basically, how do I initialize state A (1110) without permanently tying the set and reset pins down?
  • #13
In real circuits, you will have at least a power-up reset signal. It may come from a low-voltage indicator (LVI) circuit like an MC34064, or you can make it yourself with an RC delay on the power-up ramp with a pulse-stretching circuit. All sequential logic needs to be reset before it is allowed to run.

And most real-world circuits will have a manual reset signal, which can come from a pushbutton, or from a microcontroller. This can be used to pull the circuit back to a known state if it gets out of synch for some reason.

Are you intending to make a real circuit for this, or are you just wanting to model it? If you search your MultiSim software's help pages, does it offer any advice on how to make a (single) pulse generator? Your simulation should always start with Reset asserted, and then you can release Reset to let your sequential logic circuit run.
  • #14
berkeman said:
In real circuits, you will have at least a power-up reset signal... you can make it yourself with an RC delay on the power-up ramp with a pulse-stretching circuit...

...And most real-world circuits will have a manual reset signal...

Are you intending to make a real circuit for this, or are you just wanting to model it?...

Hi again Berkeman.

I was able to use a 555 timer (used as a one-shot) along with a manual enable switch to get the FSM started. I know I have control over the pulse width of the one-shot per the equation tw=1.1R1C1. My current values for R and C have the pulse width pinned at 30 ns. Perhaps reducing the pulsewidth will fix my issue which is that the FSM doesn't stabilize until the fourth clock cycle.


Here is the circuit I have set up:


To answer your other questions, I am doing all of this as a class project in an 8-week (ultra-fast) digital electronics course. So I am doing it with MultiSim parts. However, I want to keep the design as close to "real-world" as possible because I am required to create a parts list in case somebody wanted to really make my design. In other words, I cannot use a pulse generator but must use a production part like the 555 timer connected as a one-shot.

I am enjoying this thoroughly (and hating it simultaneously). Your posts have been very helpful. My project is due next week. I'll keep you updated.
  • #15
JJBladester said:

Homework Statement

I am working on a 16:4 MUX that is comprised of four cascaded 4:1 MUXs. Each MUX has an active-low enable pin. To enable one MUX at a time, I need to use a counter that outputs the following:

Clock Cycle 1: 1110
Clock Cycle 2: 1101
Clock Cycle 3: 1011
Clock Cycle 4: 0111

In decimal, the clock is counting from 14 to 13 to 11 to 7 and then repeating.

Is it part of an assignment that you have to do it that way? You could implement that with a single 4-bit shift register.
  • #16
LCKurtz said:
Is it part of an assignment that you have to do it that way? You could implement that with a single 4-bit shift register.

Hi LCKurtz (and I apologize for being rude in a previous post),

It is not required in the assignment that I create a FSM like the one I designed. I just read your post and ran over to my wife yelling "a shift register... it makes sense!"

I just opened my book to the portion on shift registers. In particular, a ring counter made with four D flip-flops may work. I would set the first FF to 0 and the other three to 1. During operation the 0 would just move to the next FF in a loop.


I also discovered a 4035 shift register available in MultiSim. I may use it (

I'll work on something like that in MultiSim and post my results. Once I get this working, my next goal is to ensure that this 4-bit shift register (ring counter) is timed correctly with another counter (2-bit 00, 01, 10, 11) that I am using for the A/B channel select pins on each MUX.
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  • #17
JJBladester said:
Hi LCKurtz (and I apologize for being rude in a previous post),
Apology accepted.
It is not required in the assignment that I create a FSM like the one I designed. I just read your post and ran over to my wife yelling "a shift register... it makes sense!"

I just opened my book to the portion on shift registers. In particular, a ring counter made with four D flip-flops may work. I would set the first FF to 0 and the other three to 1. During operation the 0 would just move to the next FF in a loop.


I also discovered a 4035 shift register available in MultiSim.

Of course, if you are going to use 4 D type flip-flops, you might as well keep your current circuit. I have LogicWorks instead of MultiSim and it has a similar part to your 4035. You should be able to do it with that with no external gates.
  • #18
Hello again Berkeman and LCKurtz. I completely revamped my whole approach to this problem. Instead of using four MUX's, I'm using two 74157's to multiplex the four 4-bit binary-coded hex digits to the decoder.

I'm using a counter and a decoder to bring the common-cathode pin of one of the LCD displays low at a time. This enables only one display per clock cycle.

From what I can tell, my circuit is working well, except for one thing... The common-cathode displays have an "on current" of 5 mA but my current is in the pico-Amp range. I don't know why considering I'm using a 5 V dc source and 1 k-ohm resistors.

I think the current being way off is causing the crazy flickering in my seven-segment displays. I can see the numbers that should appear on the display, but there is a ton of random flickering which I think is a current issue.

Here is my circuit (minus the decoder which takes up too much space):


The circuit including the decoder (which is just a bunch of combinational logic) is here:

You'll have to hit the magnifying glass button to zoom in.
  • #19
Perhaps I don't understand how your parts work, but it looks to me like if you put the switches in the "right" position, you are shorting the ##V_{cc}## to ground. Or do you have pull-up resistors coming down from the ##V_{cc}## bar you haven't shown?
  • #20
LCKurtz said:
Perhaps I don't understand how your parts work, but it looks to me like if you put the switches in the "right" position, you are shorting the ##V_{cc}## to ground. Or do you have pull-up resistors coming down from the ##V_{cc}## bar you haven't shown?

Hi there,

I neglected to add pull-up resistors. Thank you for catching that mistake. I've added them now but my current is at 5 pA which is extremely low considering the displays need 25 mA.

  • #21
I'm not an EE type, so I will leave the current and voltage stuff to you and Berkeman. My only other comment would be are you not allowed to use 7447 BCD to 7-segment display decoders instead of building your own?
  • #22
LCKurtz said:
...are you not allowed to use 7447 BCD to 7-segment display decoders instead of building your own?

I cannot use the 7447 decoder because it only handles 0-9 and not A-F. MultiSim, the software I'm using, does not have a BCH decoder (that I have found). It was fun in a sick geeky way to build the decoder and have it actually work!
  • #23
JJBladester said:
I cannot use the 7447 decoder because it only handles 0-9 and not A-F. MultiSim, the software I'm using, does not have a BCH decoder (that I have found). It was fun in a sick geeky way to build the decoder and have it actually work!

Which makes me realize that I guess I never knew what your project actually is. Just to satisfy my curiosity, what was your actual project assignment?

And I agree about the fun building it. This stuff is a hobby to me and I often take problems that are posted in this forum and try them myself just to see if I can still do it. I sat in on a digital logic class in 1973 and kept my notes.
  • #24
LCKurtz said:
Which makes me realize that I guess I never knew what your project actually is. Just to satisfy my curiosity, what was your actual project assignment?

And I agree about the fun building it. This stuff is a hobby to me and I often take problems that are posted in this forum and try them myself just to see if I can still do it. I sat in on a digital logic class in 1973 and kept my notes.

Here is the original problem description:

4-Digit Multiplexed Display:

Displays a 4-digit hexadecimal number using a single BCH to 7-segment decoder to operate 4 displays. Use 16 switches organized as four groups of 4 switches. Each switch outputs a 1 or 0. If the switches are set to 1100 0101 0001 1111, the four-digit display should read C51F. A counter and multiplexer will be needed for selecting the digit patterns in sequence.

I started 8 weeks ago not knowing a thing about a Karnaugh map and this is where the 8 weeks took me. Insane.
  • #25
About the current... You are seeing the reverse leakage current of the LEDs. You say you are using Common Cathode displays, but you are showing them hooked up as common anode displays (where you would have one pin for the common anode driven with the + voltage, and multiple cathodes to pull down to ground to turn on the LED segments...
  • #26
Is there any way to ensure a constant voltage/current into the seven-segment display pins? I looked at various decoder/driver combos and the "driver" part seems to ensure a constant supply current. Since I built my decoder from scratch out of logic gates, it obviously doesn't have any bells and whistles.

The displays *are* common-cathode. The appropriate display is enabled when the 74139 decoder outputs a 0 on the CK pin of the correct seven-segment display. One of the example circuits in my book actually uses the same technique for enabling the displays one-at-a-time. The example does note quite clearly that "additional buffer drive circuitry may be required". This is what my circuit seems to be missing and I don't know how to rectify it.

Related to Designing a 4-bit non-sequential synchronous counter

1. What is a 4-bit non-sequential synchronous counter?

A 4-bit non-sequential synchronous counter is a digital circuit that can count from 0 to 15 in sequence, with each count represented by a 4-bit binary number. It is called non-sequential because it does not follow a specific sequence of counting, and it is synchronous because all the flip-flops within the circuit are clocked simultaneously.

2. What is the purpose of designing a 4-bit non-sequential synchronous counter?

The purpose of designing a 4-bit non-sequential synchronous counter is to create a circuit that can count up to 15 and then repeat the count, providing a continuous sequence of numbers. It can be used in various applications such as frequency division, time delay, and control of digital systems.

3. How does a 4-bit non-sequential synchronous counter work?

A 4-bit non-sequential synchronous counter consists of four D flip-flops connected in a cascade, where the output of one flip-flop serves as the input of the next flip-flop. The inputs of the first flip-flop are connected to a clock signal, and the outputs of all the flip-flops are connected to an XOR gate, which generates the next count based on the current count. The XOR gate output is then fed back to the input of the first flip-flop, creating a loop and allowing the counter to continuously count.

4. What is the difference between a non-sequential and a sequential counter?

A non-sequential counter, like a 4-bit non-sequential synchronous counter, does not follow a specific sequence of counting. It can count in any order, as long as it stays within the range of 0 to 15. On the other hand, a sequential counter follows a specific sequence of counting, such as binary or gray code, and cannot skip numbers in between.

5. What factors should be considered when designing a 4-bit non-sequential synchronous counter?

When designing a 4-bit non-sequential synchronous counter, factors such as propagation delay, power consumption, and noise immunity should be considered. It is also essential to ensure that the circuit has proper clock synchronization, and the count sequence does not have any glitches or unwanted states. Additionally, the counter's application and the frequency of the clock signal should also be taken into account.

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