Designing a Bouncing Egg-Drop Container with Springs

  • Thread starter hushnow
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In summary, the conversation discusses the creation of a bouncing "egg-drop" container using springs as one of the materials. The main goal is to protect a raw egg while achieving the largest number of clear bounces. Materials such as bubble wrap and sponges are suggested for cushioning and shock absorption, while surrounding the container with springs is recommended for directional bouncing. The idea of using a coiled spring surrounding a central egg container is also proposed, but the difficulty in finding a large spring is mentioned.
  • #1
Hello! :smile:
Could you please help me with materials and design ideas for a bouncing "egg-drop" container?

I have to make a bouncing "egg-drop" container that must be made with springs.
Any materials (except liquid) may be used.
The container will be dropped from 1.0m to the floor and it must protect a raw egg while achieving the largest number of clear bounces.

I think that protecting the egg part is fairly easy. What I need would be good cushioning and shock absorbing materials such as bubble wrap, sponges, etc. The springs (which I must use as one of the materials for the container) would also help reduce the impact. However, I don't know what kind of design would make the container to bounce most effectively. :confused:

The really difficult part is making it bounce in a same direction on a specific, small area of surface (where it is dropped on at first, not boucing off to other random areas)... :rolleyes:

Please help! I would great appreciate any advice or ideas. :wink:
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  • #2
does it absolutely have to be a "spring" or can you use some other material that makes the container bounce? i could think of ways to get it to bounce much more efficiently if you can use other materials

as far as helping with the directional problem, surround your container with springs so that it will bounce no matter which way it lands
  • #3
How about a simple coiled spring, like a spring powered device winding, that surrounds a central egg container.

It should dissipate energy from any direction along the plane provided its dropped perpendicular to the coil axis.
  • #4
syko sykes said:
does it absolutely have to be a "spring" or can you use some other material that makes the container bounce? i could think of ways to get it to bounce much more efficiently if you can use other materials

as far as helping with the directional problem, surround your container with springs so that it will bounce no matter which way it lands

Yes. Unfortunately, springs must be used as one of the materials for the container. :(

So, I would just need to attatch many springs around the container...
Thank you for your nice idea! :)
  • #5
3trQN said:
How about a simple coiled spring, like a spring powered device winding, that surrounds a central egg container.

It should dissipate energy from any direction along the plane provided its dropped perpendicular to the coil axis.

I really like your idea, but it is difficult for me to find a spring that big... :blushing: Thanks a lot, anyway! :)

FAQ: Designing a Bouncing Egg-Drop Container with Springs

What is a bouncing egg-drop container?

A bouncing egg-drop container is a scientific experiment where an egg is placed inside a container and dropped from a certain height. The goal is to create a container that can protect the egg from breaking upon impact.

What materials are needed to make a bouncing egg-drop container?

The materials needed for a bouncing egg-drop container include: an egg, a container (such as a plastic bottle or cardboard box), cushioning materials (such as foam or bubble wrap), tape, and any additional materials for decoration or reinforcement.

What is the purpose of a bouncing egg-drop container experiment?

The purpose of a bouncing egg-drop container experiment is to teach principles of physics, such as force, gravity, and impact, in a fun and hands-on way. It also helps students understand the importance of designing and engineering structures to withstand various forces.

What are some tips for creating a successful bouncing egg-drop container?

Some tips for creating a successful bouncing egg-drop container include: choosing a strong and sturdy container, using multiple layers of cushioning materials, securing all materials with tape, and testing the container from different heights to find the optimal level of protection.

How can the results of a bouncing egg-drop container experiment be improved?

The results of a bouncing egg-drop container experiment can be improved by experimenting with different materials and designs, conducting multiple trials, and recording data to analyze and make improvements for future experiments.
