Designing a circuit from a transfer function

In summary, the student attempted to solve a homework problem but ran into an error. They recommended recalculating a resistor between the opamps and the student attempted to solve the problem again, this time using two op-amps as a general template. They found that V1 only needed to be calculated correctly and then the rest of the circuit was easy to build.
  • #1

Homework Statement


Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

So I know how to derive a transfer function from a given circuit, but not how to design a circuit from a transfer function like the one above. It seems like there's a huge amount of possible solutions and I don't know where to begin in trying to come up with one other than guessing and checking (which would take a lot of time that I don't have on exams). Is there a systematic method or a particular approach to solve problems like this?
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  • #2
Yes - you are right, there are several possible circuit topologies. And - of course - many different impedance niveaus.
But, I think, you have selected a good and simple structure, which works in priciple.
However, I am afraid some values are not quite correct.
I suppose you know about the superposition rule, which allows you to separately find the various values by setting all but one signal sources to zero?

Questions: Why 4R2 between both opamps? Recalculate this value and - as a consequence - the time constant R1*C.
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Likes izelkay
  • #3
Once you remove the (+) input from ground, as you show for the second op-amp, then the (-) input is no longer a virtual earth. Have you analyzed that second op-amp arrangement to confirm the proportion of v3 in vo will be precisely what you hope it will be? :oops:
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  • #4
Hey guys, thanks for your replies. I forgot to mention in my post that that solution isn't actually mine. It's my professors and I kind of just assumed it was right without checking it. It's problem 3 on this past exam:

If I use superposition with V1 only:

Vo = sR1CV1

V2 only:
1st op-amps output is grounded and v3 is grounded so the 2nd op amp behaves like an inverting amplifier:
Vo = -(4R2/4R2)V2
Vo = -V2

V3 only:
Vo = (1+(4R2/4R2||R2)) * V3 * (R/2R)
Vo = (1+5)V3(1/2)
Vo = 3V3So Vo = sR1CV1 - V2 + 3V3

If I did that correctly then this circuit really isn't a solution because it's missing the -4 in front of the V2 right?
  • #5
izelkay said:
If I did that correctly then this circuit really isn't a solution because it's missing the -4 in front of the V2 right?

Yes - that`s the error. Therefore, I did recommend to recalculate this resistor betwen the opamps.
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  • #6
LvW said:
Yes - that`s the error. Therefore, I did recommend to recalculate this resistor between the opamps.
Hm okay since I didn't come up with this particular circuit I'm going to try and start from scratch since I'm probably going to have to do this on the coming exam.

Using two op-amps as a general template:
Start with V1 on the first op-amp, and because there's an "s" there's probably a capacitor. Since it's positive and I'm using two op-amps, V1 should go into the inverting terminal of the first op amp and then into the inverting terminal of the second op amp.

With V2 and V3 on the second op-amp, since V2 has a "-4" attached to it it will go into the inverting terminal of the second op-amp while V3 will go into the non-inverting terminal.

Now it's just a matter of picking components. This is what I came up with:


My reasoning:
V1 only:

Vo = s(R3/R2)R1CV1

V2 only:

Vo = -(R3/R2)V2

V3 only:

Vo = [1+(R3/R2)][R4R5/(R4+R5)]V3

Looking at V2, R3 has to equal 4 R2 to get -4 in front of V2.

Looking at V1, since R3 = 4R2, R1C = 1/2 to get 2s in front of V1

Looking at V3, since R3 = 4R2, The parallel connection of R4 and R5 has to equal 3/5 to cancel out the 5 from (1+(R3/R2)) and get the 3 in front of the R3:
R4R5 = 3
R4+R5 = 5

∴ R4 = 3/R5

3/R5 + R5 = 5

R5² - 5R5 + 3 = 0

This will have two solutions, and I picked the one where R5 = 4.3, so then R4 = 0.7 (exact values included in figure).

Would this be a valid solution?
  • #7
Is there a resistor missing for v2? As drawn the (-) input is firmly fixed at v2.
  • #8
NascentOxygen said:
Is there a resistor missing for v2? As drawn the (-) input is firmly fixed at v2.
I made it similar to the first solution's circuit:

where the Vo for V2 here is -(4R2/4R2) = -V2
the resistor connected to V2 didn't matter here so I thought I didn't need it in my solution.
Was that incorrect to assume?
  • #9
Wait now that I'm looking at it again maybe I didn't calculate V2 only correctly in the original solution.

For this circuit

Shouldn't V2 only be:

Vo = -[4R2 / (4R2||R2) ]*V2

= -[4R2 / 4R2R2/5R2]*V2

= -[4R2*5R2/4R2*R2]*V2

= -(20/4)V2

= -5V2

If so I'll be back later to work on my solution some more
  • #10
Okay here's my new solution:

I connected a resistor to V2

V1 only is still the same relation:

Vo = s(R3/R2)R1*C*V1

V2 only is now:

Vo = -[R3(R6+R2)/(R6R2)] * V2

V3 only is now:

(1 + [R3(R6+R2)/(R6R2)]) * [(R4R5)/(R4+R5)] * V3

If I make R3/R2 = 2, then R1*C must equal 1 to satisfy the first part.

Then, R2 = R6 = 1, and R3 = 2 to satisfy the second part

Then R4 and R5 are the same as I had them before.

Is this solution correct?
  • #11
Sorry - it is not. Strat with R3/R2=4
  • #12
Sorry - read start /instead of strat).
  • #13
LvW said:
Sorry - it is not. Strat with R3/R2=4
If I make R3/R2 = 4 that would cause problems for my V2 term wouldn't it?

If R3/R2 = 4:

For V2, -[R3(R6+R2)/(R6R2)] * V2 becomes


To make this -4V2,
R6 = 1
R2 = 0
which can't be

Also sorry but could you show me what's wrong with my solution? Did I mess up on the math somewhere?
  • #14
For amplification of V2 you only need R3 and R6 (R2 is grounded).
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  • #15
LvW said:
For amplification of V2 you only need R3 and R6 (R2 is grounded).
Ahh okay, thanks. I think I get the general gist of it now, I just need to be careful with the connections.

FAQ: Designing a circuit from a transfer function

1. How do you design a circuit from a transfer function?

To design a circuit from a transfer function, you first need to determine the transfer function of the desired circuit. This can be done through mathematical equations or by using simulation software. Once you have the transfer function, you can use circuit analysis techniques, such as Kirchhoff's laws, to determine the necessary components and their values for the circuit.

2. What is the purpose of designing a circuit from a transfer function?

The purpose of designing a circuit from a transfer function is to create a circuit that will perform a specific function or achieve a desired response. The transfer function represents the relationship between the input and output of the circuit, and by designing the circuit based on this function, we can ensure that the circuit will produce the desired output for a given input.

3. What are the key considerations when designing a circuit from a transfer function?

When designing a circuit from a transfer function, it is important to consider the desired response, any limitations or constraints of the circuit components, and the overall efficiency and stability of the circuit. It is also important to consider the cost and availability of the components needed for the circuit.

4. Can the transfer function of a circuit be changed after it has been designed?

Yes, the transfer function of a circuit can be changed after it has been designed. This can be done by adjusting the values of the circuit components or by adding or removing components. However, these changes may affect the overall performance and stability of the circuit, so careful analysis and testing should be done before implementing any changes.

5. What are some common tools used for designing a circuit from a transfer function?

Some common tools used for designing a circuit from a transfer function include circuit simulation software, such as SPICE or MATLAB, and circuit analysis techniques, such as nodal analysis or mesh analysis. These tools can help in determining the necessary components and their values for the circuit, as well as analyzing the circuit's performance and stability.

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