Designing a Website: Monique's First Steps

  • Thread starter Monique
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In summary: Not entirely too bad, huh? so yesterday the picture was still working, not sure why it isn't anymore.. but what I'd like to do is make a second page. So I wrote:<P><a href="picturepage.html">some pictures can be found here :)</a></p>I have a single folder into which the files can be put, the homepage must be index.html so I made a file picturepage.html and figured the link should work.. but it doesn't :frown: any help?ok dumnb question but did you put the picturepage.html on the server (I mean in the same directory with index.html)?lol,
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
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Yesterday I found out I actually have a domain on my name

So I started playing with it a little.. I will need some help though, since I don't know HTML or anything about this stuff.."

Not entirely too bad, huh? so yesterday the picture was still working, not sure why it isn't anymore.. but what I'd like to do is make a second page. So I wrote:

<P><a href="picturepage.html">some pictures can be found here :)</a></p>

I have a single folder into which the files can be put, the homepage must be index.html so I made a file picturepage.html and figured the link should work.. but it doesn't :frown: any help?
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  • #2
ok dumnb question but did you put the picturepage.html on the server (I mean in the same directory with index.html)?
  • #3
lol, yes they are in the same directory ON the server
who do you think I am ;)
  • #4
Originally posted by Monique
<P><a href="picturepage.htm">some pictures can be found here :)</a></p>

I have a single folder into which the files can be put, the homepage must be index.html so I made a file picturepage.html and figured the link should work.. but it doesn't :frown: any help?

Either the link should point to picturepage.html, or the file should be renamed to picturepage.htm.
  • #5
Well, I had already tried making them both htm or both html, after which I made a typo.. doesn't work though.
  • #6
OK, I have gotten it to work by deleting the header of the page with the banner :) so the problem must be somewhere in there..
  • #7
Is it still not working? Going directly to picturepage.html works for me.
  • #8
Which page is that?
  • #9
If I delete everything and only leave the stuff inside the <!-- End of Header --> and the <!-- Start of Footer -->, the link to the other page works.

I am a rookie when it comes to writing and reading HTML so I am sure there are redundant and maybe conficting terms in there :P

I'll try to figure it out though..
  • #10
Ah, I see...change your link to point to monique.vandervoet/picturepage.html instead of just picturepage.html. You shouldn't need to in most cases...I'm not sure why it doesn't link to that page.
  • #11
it could be this
<base href="">

try adding monique.vandervoet/at the end like this
<base href="">

I'll check but I haven't seen this label in the HTML standard [?]
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  • #12

You both are right, I just tried putting /monique.vandervoet/picturepage.html which is working now. And I'm going to try the smart thing that you also suggested, Guybrush :)

OUCH! if I change the standard reference address, it won't find the banner of the university anymore, but at least I know what was causing it :)
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  • #13
So which are the good places to find some HTML code that can be used? Such as background colors, fonts etc?
  • #14
  • #15
Originally posted by dduardo

Greg should better be afraid :wink:
  • #17
  • #18
Originally posted by Monique
Yesterday I found out I actually have a domain on my name

For a beginner, your choice of colors is pretty good. Perhaps in the future you can add a forum, and some fun facts on Biology.
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FAQ: Designing a Website: Monique's First Steps

1. What is the first step in designing a website?

The first step in designing a website is to define the purpose and goals of the website. This includes identifying the target audience, determining the content and functionality needed, and setting a budget and timeline for the project.

2. What are some important factors to consider when designing a website?

Some important factors to consider when designing a website include user experience, visual design, functionality, search engine optimization, and mobile responsiveness. It is also important to ensure that the website is accessible and user-friendly for individuals with disabilities.

3. How do I choose a platform for building my website?

The platform you choose will depend on your specific needs and goals for your website. Some popular options include WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, and Shopify. It is important to research and compare different platforms to determine which one best fits your requirements.

4. Do I need to have coding experience to design a website?

No, you do not necessarily need to have coding experience to design a website. There are many website building platforms and content management systems that allow for drag-and-drop design and do not require coding. However, having a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can be beneficial for customizing your website.

5. How can I ensure my website is user-friendly?

To ensure your website is user-friendly, you should conduct usability testing and gather feedback from your target audience. This will help you identify any issues or areas for improvement. It is also important to have clear navigation, organized content, and a visually appealing design.

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