Designing Process for a Temperature Controlled Box

In summary, the conversation involves someone discussing their plans to build a box with a constant temperature and determining the heat loss through the box. They mention the materials they plan to use and the thermal conductivity values for each material. However, it is pointed out that their calculations are missing important factors such as heat transfer coefficients and the results are not accurate. The conversation then delves into correcting the calculations and considering the use of peltiers and solar cells for the project.
  • #1
Hey all!

I am thinking of building a box in which the insides can be held a constant temperature. I would like to see if I can determine some parameters for the box.

My first step is to determine heat loss through the box. I'm estimating that the largest difference in heat will be 101°C (Ideally the temperature will be controlled by a PID)

The box will be 1 m3, And will have layers of
| 0.00635 m Plywood | 0.003175 m ABS Plastic | 0.00635 m air space | -
| 0.003175 m ABS Plastic | 0.00635 m Plywood | 0.003175 m ABS Plastic | -
| 0.00635 m air space | 0.003175 m ABS Plastic | 0.00635 m Plywood |

(After these layers, I will assume the surface area is now 0.830103 m2

Thermal Conductivity for Air = 0.024, Plywood = 0.13, ABS = 0.03; and to make things easier I figured Conductance (U) to be 1.0990 and using Fourier's Law [tex]Q = A\frac{DeltaT}{U}[/tex]

I come up with a heat loss of 76.285 Watts. I will just assume that this will occur on every side of the box, so I multiplied by the 6 sides for an estimated heat loss of 457.71 W.

I am now just wondering if my calculations are in the correct direction. Perhaps I am off by a little, but I hope to be heading in the right direction.

The next steps seem to be:
1. Using Peltier Junctions to provide temperature
2. Using a PID to automatically hold temperature at a desired temperature
3. Providing the power and source for the project (hopefully using a "green" method, e.g. solar panels).

Of course, most of this is still theoretical so although Peltiers and solar panels may not be efficient at the moment, I'd still like to incorporate it into the design. Consider this a scrap book or blueprints of sorts in my designing process.

So any takers? :biggrin: Thanks

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  • #2
You seem to have ignored the heat transfer coefficient between the walls of the box and whatever is inside and outside it. And also the HTC between the plywood and ABS, and the air gaps inside the walls.

Without including those effects, your results will not be off by "a little", they will be completely wrong.

Just from common sense, does it seem reasonable that you need 0.5kW of power to keep a 1m^2 well-insulated box 100C above ambient temperature? Think about the oven on your electric cooker, for example. (Your cooker is probably much less well thermally insulated than your box design).
  • #3
See, this is why I asked :smile: Thanks for pointing out those errors.

So I misunderstood the calculation of my overall conductance (U), or the overall HTC. Breaking things down, it should be
[tex]UAir=\frac{1}{k Air}[/tex] [tex]UPlywood=\frac{dX Plywood}{k Plywood}[/tex] [tex]UABS=\frac{dX ABS}{k ABS}[/tex]

Then I can take my final Q to be
[tex]Q = A\frac{DeltaT}{UAir+UPly+UABS+UAir+UABS+UPly+UABS+UAir+UABS+UPly}[/tex]

Doing the math
UAir = 41.667 * 4 "Layers" (Inside Box, Air Space 1, Airspace 2, Outside Box) = 166.667
UPly = 0.049 * 3 "Layers" = 0.147
UABS = 0.106 * 4 "Layers" = 0.423
UOverall = 167.237

Using the same Area and Temperature difference as before
Q = 3.008 Watts which is much more different than my previous result.

I should note that this box may remain outside and will be subjected to a temperate climate. The box will need to be heated and cooled.

If this value is more accurate, then I'd like to say that using peltiers and solar cells is more relaistic for this project.
  • #4
I realized I calculated my temperature difference from both extremes, instead of from a mid point to either extreme. My new DeltaT will be plus/minus50°C. Because of this I will only use one piece of 1/4" plywood (same thickness as before), and same dimensions.

Heat loss through one wall will be 0.5 W, so through 6 walls will be 3 W
  • #5
for considering

Hello there!

It's great to see that you are working on designing a temperature-controlled box. It seems like you have already taken some important steps in determining the heat loss through the box and considering materials with their thermal conductivities.

I would suggest that you also consider the specific temperature range that the box will need to maintain, as this will impact the design and materials used. You may also want to consider insulation materials to further reduce heat loss.

In terms of using Peltier Junctions, these are commonly used for cooling applications rather than heating. You may want to look into other heating methods, such as resistive heating or heating coils.

Additionally, using a PID controller is a great idea for maintaining a constant temperature. You may also want to consider adding a temperature sensor to accurately monitor the temperature inside the box.

Lastly, incorporating green methods, such as solar panels, is a great idea. However, it's important to consider the power requirements of the box and whether solar panels can provide enough power to maintain the desired temperature.

Overall, it seems like you are on the right track with your design process. Keep exploring and researching different options and materials to optimize the efficiency and functionality of your temperature-controlled box. Good luck!

FAQ: Designing Process for a Temperature Controlled Box

1. What is the purpose of designing a temperature controlled box?

The purpose of designing a temperature controlled box is to create a controlled environment for storing or transporting temperature-sensitive items. This ensures that the items are kept at a specific temperature, preventing any damage or spoilage.

2. What factors should be considered when designing a temperature controlled box?

When designing a temperature controlled box, factors such as the type of items being stored, the required temperature range, insulation materials, and power source should be considered. Other factors may include the size and weight of the box and any necessary regulations or standards.

3. What are the different types of temperature controlled boxes?

There are various types of temperature controlled boxes, including refrigerated boxes, insulated boxes, and thermal containers. Each type has its own unique features and is suitable for different purposes.

4. How can temperature be controlled in a temperature controlled box?

Temperature can be controlled in a temperature controlled box through the use of insulation materials, temperature sensors, and a heating or cooling system. The temperature can be adjusted and maintained based on the specific needs of the items being stored.

5. What are some common applications of temperature controlled boxes?

Temperature controlled boxes are commonly used in industries such as pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, and medical research. They are also used for transporting temperature-sensitive items, such as vaccines, blood samples, and perishable goods, over long distances.

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