Detection of Earth's radio broadcasts at interstellar distances

In summary, the conversation is discussing the meaning of Tsys, which refers to the system temperature of a receiver. The table mentioned shows the detection ranges of different electromagnetic emissions, and the value for Tsys varies depending on the frequency being examined. It is noted that the temperature used in the calculation is 68 million kelvin for one frequency, and there is confusion as to why this value is being used. The conversation also mentions that Tsys is typically only a factor in ensuring receiver efficiency and is not usually relevant in transmitter situations. The individual is well-versed in Tsys and is open to other comments on the topic.
  • #1
Pagan Harpoon
I'm trying to understand the entry labeled 1.2.3 on this page -

The main point of confusion, for me, is what they mean by Tsys. At first, I assumed it referred to the temperature of the telescope, but in the table of results, its value changes depending on the frequency being considered and it ranges from millions of kelvin to 40-50 kelvin.

What does Tsys mean?

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  • #2
Pagan Harpoon said:
I'm trying to understand the entry labeled 1.2.3 on this page -

The main point of confusion, for me, is what they mean by Tsys. At first, I assumed it referred to the temperature of the telescope, but in the table of results, its value changes depending on the frequency being considered and it ranges from millions of kelvin to 40-50 kelvin.

What does Tsys mean?


no you are NOT looking at millions of K that's surface/core of the sun etc temps

Tsys = is the system temperature (Kelvins)
All electronics generate heat and this has an undesirable effect on the sensitivity of a receiver. For very sensitive receivers, like used in radio astronomy, the receiver system is encapsulated and cooled with (usually) liquid nitrogen. This has the effect of bring down the temperature of the receiver components and therefore substantially decreasing the noise they produce... the less noise, the more sensitivity. Temps of less than 20 Kelvin are achieveable.

If you do a bit of reading, you will discover that in radio astronomy signal level is usually measured in its temperature above the backgrond noise
there is masses of info on google.

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  • #3
Here is the contents of the table I was referring to:

Table 1 Detection ranges of various EM emissions from Earth and
the Pioneer spacecraft assuming a 305 meter diameter
circular aperture receive antenna, similar to the Arecibo
radio telescope. Assuming snr = 25, twp = Br * Tr = 1,
<eta>r = 0.5, and dr = 305 meters.
Source -----| Frequency | Bandwidth | Tsys | EIRP | Detection |
------------| Range ------|---(Br) ----|(Kelvin)|-------| Range (R) |
AM Radio | 530-1605 kHz | 10 kHz | 68E6 | 100 KW | 0.007 AU |
FM Radio | 88-108 MHz | 150 kHz | 430 | 5 MW | 5.4 AU |
UHF TV | 470-806 MHz | 6 MHz | 50 ? | 5 MW | 2.5 AU |
Picture | | | | | |
UHF TV | 470-806 MHz | 0.1 Hz | 50 ? | 5 MW | 0.3 LY |
Carrier | | | | | |
WSR-88D | 2.8 GHz | 0.63 MHz | 40 | 32 GW | 0.01 LY |
Weather Radar| | | | | |
Arecibo | 2.380 GHz | 0.1 Hz | 40 | 22 TW | 720 LY |
S-Band (CW) | | | | | |
Arecibo | 2.380 GHz | 0.1 Hz | 40 | 1 TW | 150 LY |
S-Band (CW) | | | | | |
Arecibo | 2.380 GHz | 0.1 Hz | 40 | 1 GW | 5 LY |
S-Band (CW) | | | | | |
Pioneer 10 | 2.295 GHz | 1.0 Hz | 40 | 1.6 kW | 120 AU |
Carrier | | | | | |

(I hope that's readable, it didn't really copy well.)

In that table, the value for Tsys is varying depending on the frequency being examined, and they are indeed using a temperature of 68 million kelvin for one of them. The reason I started the thread is to see if anyone knows why they would be using such a temperature?

I'd also be interested in any other comments that people have on this calculation.
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  • #4
I really don't see why they are mixing Tsys into a transmitter situation
Tsys is purely a function/feature of the receiver sensitivity as I stated in my previous post.
In any normal transmitter, system temperature is only a factor of making sure the transmitter is as efficient as
possible... ie. its not overheating

I am well versed with Tsys of a receiver, as it is important in a number of activities I undertake both at work
and in my radio activities at home.also awaiting any other comments

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  • #5

Tsys refers to the system temperature, which is a measure of the overall noise and interference within the receiving system. It is a combination of the temperature of the telescope and any external sources of noise, such as thermal noise from the atmosphere or electronic noise from the receiver. The value of Tsys can vary depending on the frequency being observed because different frequencies may be affected by different sources of noise. Therefore, it is important to take into account the Tsys when analyzing radio signals from interstellar distances, as it can affect the accuracy and sensitivity of the observations. It is also worth noting that the Tsys values reported in the table may be different from the actual temperature of the telescope, as they are calculated based on the observed signal and background noise levels.

FAQ: Detection of Earth's radio broadcasts at interstellar distances

1. How can we detect Earth's radio broadcasts at interstellar distances?

Scientists use radio telescopes to detect Earth's radio broadcasts at interstellar distances. These telescopes are sensitive enough to pick up faint signals from distant objects, including radio waves from Earth.

2. What are the challenges of detecting Earth's radio broadcasts at interstellar distances?

The main challenge is the vast distance between Earth and other stars. This means that the signals from Earth become very weak and difficult to detect as they travel through space. Additionally, there is a lot of interference from other sources, such as natural radio emissions from cosmic objects.

3. How far have Earth's radio broadcasts been detected at interstellar distances?

Currently, the farthest distance at which Earth's radio broadcasts have been detected is about 100 light years away. This was achieved by the Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico in the 1970s.

4. What information can we learn from detecting Earth's radio broadcasts at interstellar distances?

By detecting Earth's radio broadcasts at interstellar distances, scientists can learn about the technology and culture of our planet. They can also gather information about the strength and direction of our radio signals, which can help us understand the structure and composition of the universe.

5. Are there any potential risks or consequences of detecting Earth's radio broadcasts at interstellar distances?

Some scientists have raised concerns about the potential risks of broadcasting our presence to intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations. This could potentially lead to unwanted attention or even harm to our planet. However, others argue that the benefits of communicating with other civilizations outweigh the risks.
