Detection of gravitrons by plants?

In summary, the conversation discusses the possible relationship between phytochromes and gravity receptors in plants, and whether this indicates the presence of "gravitrons." It is concluded that plants grow towards light, not because of gravitons, but because of their attraction to light. The presence of gravity is still important for plant growth, but it is not directly related to gravitons. The conversation also mentions a NASA study that shows plants can still grow properly even in microgravity. The concept of heat affecting plant growth is also brought up, but it is dismissed as not being a major factor. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexity of plant growth and the need for further research in this area.
  • #1
Since plants contain proteins that help them identify gravity in order to grow the right way, and they also contain phytochromes that recongize photons, could a possible relationship between phytochromes and the gravity receptors within plants indicate that the gravity sensors are actually sensing particles (aka gravitrons)? If my idea is flawed please explain how. Thank you!
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  • #2
You don't need sophisticated equipment to detect gravity, something on the end of a string will usually suffice.
  • #3
Plants grow 'the right way' not because they are detecting gravitons, but because they are attracted to light (from the sun for free range plants) which helps to nourish the plant.
  • #4
But would similarities between these molecules infer a presence of gravitons?
  • #5
But don't plants also grow through the presence of gravity?
  • #6
SteamKing said:
Plants grow 'the right way' not because they are detecting gravitons, but because they are attracted to light (from the sun for free range plants) which helps to nourish the plant.

While completely underground (i.e., in the dark), a seed will "know" in which direction to grow roots and in which direction to grow the stem.

nst.john said:
Since plants contain proteins that help them identify gravity in order to grow the right way, and they also contain phytochromes that recongize photons, could a possible relationship between phytochromes and the gravity receptors within plants indicate that the gravity sensors are actually sensing particles (aka gravitrons)? If my idea is flawed please explain how. Thank you!

There are no such things as "gravitrons." Did you mean gravitons?
  • #7
nst.john said:
But would similarities between these molecules infer a presence of gravitons?
No. They work in completely different ways.
  • #8
nst.john said:
Since plants contain proteins that help them identify gravity in order to grow the right way, and they also contain phytochromes that recongize photons, could a possible relationship between phytochromes and the gravity receptors within plants indicate that the gravity sensors are actually sensing particles (aka gravitrons)? If my idea is flawed please explain how. Thank you!

Interesting ; but this NASA article (about experimental growth in micro-g) surprisingly shows plants (and their root systems) don't need gravity in order to grow in proper direction . But what does NASA know. ;))

  • #9
There's something utterly puzzling with this topic.

We can detect mass, and the Higgs field is responsible (partially) for the presence of mass. Yet, this doesn't mean we can detect the Higgs boson, which is naively, the excitation of the Higgs field. Look at how difficult it is to coax the Higgs out that we can detect it!

So what makes you think that we can detect this "graviton" by using these "gravity receptors" in plants? It is one thing to detect gravity. Do not confuse the presence of gravity with an actual detection of "gravitons"! You simply cannot discard ALL the lessons we have learned in our detection of all the known interactions.

  • #10
This is all true. Thanks for answering my question
  • #11
SteamKing said:
Plants grow 'the right way' not because they are detecting gravitons, but because they are attracted to light (from the sun for free range plants) which helps to nourish the plant.
If you place the light source below a plant, the plant will still grow upwards against gravity (Gravitropism) but the leaves will twist to face the light below.
  • #12
P.S. My dog has a built in graviton detector also; he stands upright , walks upright, and grows upright against gravity...except when I give him a bowl of Jack disables his graviton detector and he can't tell the difference between up and down.:devil: (Don't tell PETA.):-p
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  • #13
Plant growth

The majority of plants grow up to the surface because of heat in turn energy the bottom tends to grow in the opposite direction because of evolution telling it that the most resistance to uprooting is strait down and out you can prove this with a potted plant if you keep the UV rays on the plant on about a thirty degree angle then let it grow you can pull all the soil up and see that the majority of the roots are in the opposite direction of the light as well as does gravity's natural affect bringing it down a little but the plant isn't focused on that it is simply something naturally occurring.
  • #14
mr.jonson said:
The majority of plants grow up to the surface because of heat in turn energy the bottom tends to grow in the opposite direction because of evolution telling it that the most resistance to uprooting is strait down and out you can prove this with a potted plant if you keep the UV rays on the plant on about a thirty degree angle then let it grow you can pull all the soil up and see that the majority of the roots are in the opposite direction of the light as well as does gravity's natural affect bringing it down a little but the plant isn't focused on that it is simply something naturally occurring.

Im pretty sure this isn't the case, most plants are know to follow gravity directly. Do you know of any studies that show heat from light is a major factor?
This paper has a more detailed explanation of the phenomenon:

FAQ: Detection of gravitrons by plants?

1. How can plants detect gravitrons?

Plants have specialized structures called statoliths in their cells that can sense changes in gravity. These statoliths move in response to the pull of gravitrons, triggering a signal that lets the plant know which direction is down.

2. Can all plants detect gravitrons?

Yes, all plants have the ability to detect gravitrons. However, the sensitivity and response may vary between different plant species.

3. What is the significance of plants sensing gravitrons?

Plants need to sense gravity in order to grow and orient themselves properly. This is especially important for plants that need to grow towards a source of light or in a specific direction to optimize their chances of survival.

4. How is the detection of gravitrons by plants studied?

Scientists use specialized equipment such as clinostats and centrifuges to simulate different levels of gravity and observe the plant's response. They also study the genetic and molecular mechanisms involved in the plant's gravitron detection system.

5. Can the detection of gravitrons by plants be used for practical applications?

Yes, understanding how plants detect and respond to gravitrons can have practical applications in agriculture and horticulture. It can help improve crop growth and development, as well as optimize plant growth in space and other environments with varying levels of gravity.
