Determination of an unknown concentration

In summary, the conversation discusses a lab procedure that needs to be written for determining the concentration of an unknown solution, either Lead Nitrate or Potassium Iodide. The procedure must use Ksp and Ktrials, and the conversation also mentions a set list of possible concentrations and two known solutions for the experiment. The conversation also discusses a method for determining the solution and its concentration, but there are concerns about its reliability.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Hello. I have a lab procedure that I am supposed to write, and since my teacher is on a two-week sick leave and the substitute does not know anything, I seriously need some assistance.

Please note that for the following problem, a titration is NOT allowed. It must be done using Ksp and Ktrials.

Here is the problem: There is an unknown solution that is either Lead Nitrate or Potassium Iodide.

a) I must devise a procedure to determine which solution it is (I know how to do this part)
b) I must devise a procedure to determine the concentration of the solution once I have determined which solution it is. There is a set list of possible concentrations that we are given.

IF it's Potassium Iodide
Possiblity 1: 0.05M - 0.15M
Possibility 2: 0.20M

IF it's Lead Nitrate
Possiblitty 1: 0.20-0.30M
Possibility 2: 0.05-0.015M
Possibility 3: >0.30M

We also given two KNOWN solutions (to use in the experiment for finding the unknown concentration sample) of both Lead Nitrate and Potassium Iodide, each having 0.01M concentration.

Homework Equations

Ksp PbI2 = 8.5 x 10^-9

Ktrial = [Pb] ^2

The Attempt at a Solution

So I've been doing a lot of brainstorming and I came to some conclusions that are based of qualitative observations.

I know how to figure out part A, which is figuring out WHAT the solution is. I must simply put some of the KNOWN lead nitrate, for example, into the solution, and if I get a precpitate, I know that the solution is Potassium Iodide. And vice versa if I decide to add Potassium Iodide

Part B is the problem. Now I realize that I can pre-calculate the Ktrial for each of the POSSIBLE concentrations of the unknown. For example, if we assume that our solution is found to be potassium Iodide, I can find out the Ktrial for both the 0.05-0.15M possibility and the 0.20M possibility. I have actually done this calculation, and I find that for the 0.05-0.15 possibility, the Q is more than the Ksp, but it is very close to it, meaning that I would see a very light precipitate, if any. With the 0.20M possibility, I have a Q substantially larger than Ksp and so I would get a dark precipitate.

Using this QUALITATIVE property, I can thus discern a distinction and be able to state the concentration (or range of concentration) that the unknown falls within.

My problem is that I do not think this to be a reliable method. I was wondering if anyone else has an idea as to how I can figure out part B of my procedure? Thanks alot
Physics news on
  • #2
It is as reliable as it can get in these circumstances. Go for it.
  • #3
Hmm, well I'm glad I'm not missing something. The only problem with my method is that I must be able to tell the difference between a light, medium, and dark precipitate. I don't have a control other than my memory from an experiment two weeks ago.
  • #4
No, you have to be able to tell the difference between YES, THERE IS A PRECIPIATATE and NO, THERE IS NO PRECIPITATE.
  • #5
Oh but that's the problem. I don't want to ask you to do the calculations, but if you do, you will find that there is no dilution that gives a ppt for one possibility and does not for the other possibilities. I tried 20 mL final volumes, with each solution starting at 10mL, then sequentially dropping down to 2mL (every mixture is raised to 20mL using water). None of them give a Q that is smaller than Ksp; they are either very close to it, a bit above it, or extremely above it.
  • #6
Then all you will be able to say is what is the upper limit to Kso.

Related to Determination of an unknown concentration

1. What is the purpose of determining an unknown concentration?

Determining an unknown concentration is important in various scientific fields as it allows us to accurately measure the amount of a specific substance present in a solution. This information can be used for quality control, assessing the effectiveness of a reaction, and understanding the properties of a substance.

2. What are the different methods for determining an unknown concentration?

There are several methods for determining an unknown concentration, including titration, spectrophotometry, and chromatography. Each method has its own advantages and limitations, and the choice of method depends on the type of substance being measured and the accuracy required.

3. How does titration work in determining an unknown concentration?

Titration is a method that involves adding a known concentration of a substance, called the titrant, to a solution containing an unknown concentration of the same substance. The titrant reacts with the unknown substance in a predictable way, allowing us to calculate the concentration of the unknown substance based on the amount of titrant used.

4. What is spectrophotometry and how does it determine an unknown concentration?

Spectrophotometry is a method that uses light absorption to determine the concentration of a substance. A spectrophotometer measures the amount of light absorbed by a solution at a specific wavelength, and this value is used to calculate the concentration of the substance present in the solution.

5. What is the significance of calibrating instruments in determining an unknown concentration?

Calibrating instruments is crucial in accurately determining an unknown concentration. It involves using solutions with known concentrations to establish a relationship between the instrument's readings and the actual concentration of the substance. This ensures that the instrument is providing accurate and precise measurements for the unknown concentration being determined.

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