Determinats,dependence, span, basis.

  • Thread starter am_knightmare
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    Basis Span
In summary, the relationships between determinants, span, and basis are as follows: for a 3x3 matrix on R3 vector space, if the determinant is 0, it is linearly dependent and will not span R3, and therefore is not a basis for R3. However, if the determinant is non-zero, it is linearly independent, will span R3, and is a basis for R3. It is not meaningful to say that a determinant is linearly independent, spans Rn, or is a basis for Rn, as these concepts only apply to sets of vectors. The four statements that are equivalent for a quadratic nxn-matrix A are that the determinant is nonzero, the column vectors of A
  • #1
Im having trouble under stand the relationships between determinats, span, basis.
Given a 3x3 matrix on R3 vector space.
* If determinat is 0, it is linearly dependent, will NOT span R3, is NOT a basis of R3.
, If determinant is non-zero, its linearly independent, will span R3, is a basis of R3

I was not able to confirm this statement one of my friends said, and i checked wiki as well, but didn't find a answer. Question is, is this right? can anyone confirm this? Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
It is not meaningful to say that a determinant is linealy independent, spans Rn, or is a basis for Rn. Only sets of sets of vectors can do these things. And the set of vectors of interest here is the set of column vectors of the determinant (more precicely, of the underlying matrix).

For a (quadratic) nxn-matrix A, the following four statements are equivalent, either all four of them are true or all four are false:

1. The determinant of A is nonzero.
2. The column vectors of A is a linearly independent set.
4. The column vectors of A span Rn.
5. The column vectors of A is a basis for Rn.

The corresponding is true for the row vectors.
  • #3
I think this link might be useful to you, here I answer some of your questions...


For now I will say you're mixing up concepts. A determinant itself has nothing to do with linear dependence or with basis... a determinant is simply a number which is assigned to every quadratic matrix. If you understand what a determinant is, then you will be able to understand what the "rank of a matrix" is, which is a number assigned to every matrix (quadratic or not).

I hope I don't get banned or anything for helping you, by the way...
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  • #4
Thanks for the replies, just what I needed Erland.
  • #5

Yes, the statement is correct. The determinant of a matrix plays a crucial role in determining its linear independence and whether or not it spans the vector space it is defined on. If the determinant is 0, it means that the matrix is not invertible and therefore, its columns are linearly dependent. This also means that the vectors represented by the columns do not span the entire vector space. In this case, the matrix cannot be a basis for the vector space.

On the other hand, if the determinant is non-zero, it means that the matrix is invertible and its columns are linearly independent. This also means that the vectors represented by the columns span the entire vector space. In this case, the matrix can be considered as a basis for the vector space.

In summary, the determinant of a matrix is a key factor in determining its linear independence, span, and whether or not it can be a basis for a vector space. I hope this helps clarify the relationships between determinants, span, and basis.

FAQ: Determinats,dependence, span, basis.

1. What are determinants?

Determinants are values that are calculated from a square matrix and represent the scaling factor of the transformation represented by the matrix. They are often used in linear algebra to solve systems of equations and determine if a matrix has an inverse.

2. How do determinants determine dependence?

In a system of linear equations, the determinants of the coefficient matrix can indicate whether the system has a unique solution, no solution, or infinitely many solutions. If the determinant is equal to zero, then the system is dependent (has infinitely many solutions).

3. What is the span of a set of vectors?

The span of a set of vectors is the set of all possible linear combinations of those vectors. In other words, it is the set of all vectors that can be created by multiplying each vector by a scalar and adding them together.

4. How do you determine the basis of a vector space?

The basis of a vector space is a set of linearly independent vectors that span the entire space. To determine the basis, you can use the process of Gaussian elimination to reduce the vectors to a form where it is easy to see which vectors are linearly independent.

5. Can the basis of a vector space change?

Yes, the basis of a vector space can change depending on the set of vectors used to define it. However, the number of vectors in the basis will always be the same and the basis will still span the entire vector space.

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