Determine if the following converges or diverges

  • Thread starter lovelylila
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses different methods for determining if the integral of ln(x)/sqrt(x^2-1) from 1 to infinity converges or diverges. These methods include the direct comparison test and the limit comparison test. While several functions are suggested for comparison, such as 1/x and 1/sqrt(1+x), a solution that works 100% for this problem is not given. However, it is suggested to use 1/(100x) or 1/(1004x) as these functions will always result in divergence when compared to ln(x)/sqrt(x^2-1).
  • #1
Determine if the following converges or diverges as x approaches infinity by either evalutation, the direct comparison test, or the limit comparison test: (It's a Calculus II, AP Calculus BC level of problem)

the integral of (lnx/(square root of (x^2-1))), from 1 to infinity.

* I do not know how to evaluate the integral analytically, so I tried to use either the direct comparison test or limit comparison test. I can't seem to find another function that will "sandwich" that function (and thus prove convergency) or one that will prove it's divergency. I've tried 1/x, 1/(x^2), etc and I'm stuck. Any help on a function to use would be very much appreciated- I'm frustrated beyond belief!

Direct Comparison Test:
0< f(x)< g(x) proves that f(x) converges if g(x) also converges
f(x)> g(x)---proves that f(x) diverges if g(x) diverges
Limit Comparison Test:
if the limit as x approaches infinity of f(x)/g(x) is a finite, non-zero number, then f(x) has the same behavior of convergence as g(x)
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  • #2
0 < Ln x < x-1 for all x > 1. Does this help?
  • #3
look at ln(x)/Sqrt(x^2-1) its only improper at infinity so if you look at what the function looks like when x --> infinity we get ln(x) /x . From this we can compare it to anything that diverges and is smaller than that...easiest example 1/x. ln(x)/Sqrt(x^2-1) > 1/x for all x > 1
  • #4
thank you, but don't you have to choose a function that is greater/less than for all numbers from 1 to infinity? I don't understand how you can say for x>1, because one itself is the lower limit of the integral and shouldn't it thus be included? or in this type of problem is it to be assumed that the f(x)> g(x) for x>1, not including one?
  • #5
That's an easy fix; 0 < Ln x < Sqrt(x-1) for all x > 1. [See edit.]

[Although: "Integral of 1/Sqrt[1+x] does not converge on {1,\[Infinity]}" may be a problem.]

Midy1420 said:
ln(x)/Sqrt(x^2-1) > 1/x for all x > 1
"x > 1" should be replaced with "x > 2.5 (approximately)."

I do not think either of these examples is a solution.
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  • #6
thank you all very much for your help :wink:, but does anyone know what a solution could be? what you're all suggesting makes sense, but nothing works 100%...
  • #7
On a 2nd thought, 1/x works, but is a little involved.

a. For 1 < x < 2.5, 0 < ln(x)/Sqrt(x^2-1) < 1/x.

b. For x > 2.5, ln(x)/Sqrt(x^2-1) > 1/x.

Fact "a" is inconvenient because it seemingly precludes a direct comparison with 1/x (our hope for a divergence result). So here is the involved part. Below, I will use the expressions "F diverges" and "F = [itex]\infty[/itex]" interchangeably.

[tex]\int_1^\infty f(x) dx = \int_1^{2.5} f(x) dx + \int_{2.5}^\infty f(x) dx.[/tex]

In shorthand, I(1/x) = I1(1/x) + I2(1/x) for f(x) = 1/x.

1/x evaluates to a finite (positive) result over [1, 2.5]. Therefore I1(1/x) is finite (and positive). Let I1(1/x) = J > 0.

Then, I(1/x) = J + I2(1/x). Since I(1/x) diverges, so does I2(1/x): [itex]\infty[/itex] = J + I2(1/x) implies I2(1/x) = [itex]\infty[/itex] - J = [itex]\infty[/itex]. Call this Result 1.

From fact "b," I2(ln(x)/Sqrt(x^2-1)) > I2(1/x) = [itex]\infty[/itex] (from Result 1). Therefore I2(ln(x)/Sqrt(x^2-1)) diverges. Call this Result 2.


We know we can write I(ln(x)/Sqrt(x^2-1)) = I1(ln(x)/Sqrt(x^2-1)) + I2(ln(x)/Sqrt(x^2-1)). Also, I1(ln(x)/Sqrt(x^2-1)) = K > 0 (positive & finite).

Can you take it from here?
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  • #8
soccergal13 said:
thank you all very much for your help :wink:, but does anyone know what a solution could be? what you're all suggesting makes sense, but nothing works 100%...
Forum rules prohibit giving out answers "100%." What are your thoughts on the subject?
  • #9
thanks again for all your help, i think i understand it now.

i wasn't asking for a "100%" answer, i was asking for a hint to a solution that worked 100% for this problem, there is a difference. i'll watch my wording next time.
  • #10
Good, nice; am glad to help.
  • #11
there are numerous number of solution to these kind of problems. you asked to show whether it diverges or diverges if it is larger than something than diverges then it too diverges (remember the converse is not true) 1/(100x) could be an answer that can work all the times but so can 1/(1004x)
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  • #12
Midy1420 is right; that's a much simpler solution.

FAQ: Determine if the following converges or diverges

What does it mean for a sequence or series to converge or diverge?

Convergence and divergence refer to the behavior of a sequence or series as its terms continue to increase. A sequence or series is said to converge if its terms eventually approach a single value or limit. On the other hand, a sequence or series is said to diverge if its terms do not approach a single value or if the terms become infinitely large.

How do you determine if a series converges or diverges?

To determine convergence or divergence of a series, we can use a variety of tests such as the comparison test, ratio test, root test, or integral test. These tests compare the given series to a known convergent or divergent series and use their properties to determine the behavior of the given series.

What is the significance of determining if a series converges or diverges?

Determining convergence or divergence of a series is important in many areas of mathematics, physics, and engineering. It allows us to make predictions and draw conclusions about the behavior of real-world systems and phenomena. Additionally, the convergence or divergence of a series can also determine the convergence or divergence of integrals, which are essential in many applications.

What happens if a series is found to be divergent?

If a series is found to be divergent, it means that the terms of the series do not approach a single value or that the series becomes infinitely large. In this case, the series does not have a defined sum and is said to be "unbounded". This could indicate that the series represents an unstable system or that there is no solution to a particular problem.

Can a series converge and diverge at the same time?

No, a series cannot converge and diverge at the same time. A series can either converge or diverge, but not both. If a series converges, it means that it does not diverge and vice versa. However, some series may have parts that converge and parts that diverge, which can make the overall behavior of the series more complex to determine.

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