Determine the acceleration after 6 seconds.

It is important to be able to spot and correct them.In summary, the position function s(t) = sqrt12t-8 is given in metres and seconds. To determine the acceleration after 6 seconds, the velocity function is first calculated as v(t) = 6/sqrt12t-8. Then, using the chain rule, the acceleration function is found to be a(t) = -36/(12t-8)^(3/2). However, the book's answer of 0.07m/s^2 for a(6) is incorrect and the actual value is -0.07m/s^2. This highlights the importance of being able to spot and correct mistakes in textbooks.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Determine the acceleration after 6 seconds.

Homework Equations

s(t) = sqrt12t - 8 where s is in metres and t is in seconds.

The Attempt at a Solution


this is where i don't understand...they got a positive value for 36 in the book and i got a negative is my work below that got me to a negative value...what did i do wrong?

a=v'(t)=0*sqrt12t-8 - 6/sqrt12t-8*6/(sqrt12t-8)^2
= - 36/sqrt12t-8/(sqrt12t-8)^2
= - 36/(12t-8)^3
Physics news on
  • #2
Hard to tell what your original equation is..



It's kind of hard for me to see what any of your work is too.
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  • #3
Do you mean s = sqrt(12t - 8) or s = sqrt(12t) - 8? Use brackets, or else typeset your material in TeX.

If you mean s = sqrt(12t - 8), then v = ds/dt = 6/sqrt(12t - 8). If you mean s = sqrt(12t) - 8,
then v = (1/2)sqrt(12/t).

  • #4
From the work done already, it looks to be the first option.

Could you explicitly state the entire question, also? Often times with acceleration/velocity problems the manner in which the problem is set up/interpreted can account for the sign differences that using strictly mathematics doesn't show.

And as mentioned, your work is very confusing. But, from what I can see, are you trying to use the quotient rule in getting the acceleration? What you need to use is the chain rule (which I am assuming you did for the correct velocity function) after moving the square root expression in the denominator up. Remember your power/exponent rules.
  • #5
Ecthelion said:
From the work done already, it looks to be the first option.

Could you explicitly state the entire question, also? Often times with acceleration/velocity problems the manner in which the problem is set up/interpreted can account for the sign differences that using strictly mathematics doesn't show.

And as mentioned, your work is very confusing. But, from what I can see, are you trying to use the quotient rule in getting the acceleration? What you need to use is the chain rule (which I am assuming you did for the correct velocity function) after moving the square root expression in the denominator up. Remember your power/exponent rules.

Sorry, the full question is: Given the position function s(t) = sqrt12t-8 where s is in metres and t is in seconds. Determine the acceleration after 6 seconds.
  • #6
First i did this:

  • #7
therefore v(t)=6/sqrt12t-8
  • #8
a = v'(t)=d(6)/dt*sqrt12t-8 - d(sqrt12t-8)/dt*6/(sqrt12t - 8)^2
  • #9
Hrm, I worked the problem and I also get a negative value. I also checked the graph and by eye it looks like it should be just barely negative.

Are you sure your initial function isn't a velocity function (and thus you'only derive once, that gives a positive value.)
  • #10
Ya i am sure, but it could be that the answer in this book is wrong? The initial function is(according to the book) a position function.
  • #11
I could have made an error, but the graph points to a slightly falling acceleration due to it's concavity.

Was the book's answer. 75?
  • #12
the books answer was:
a(6) = 0.07m/s^2
  • #13
Then in my opinion, the book either has a sign error or your function was copied incorrectly.
  • #14
No. A correct statement would be: therefore, v(t) = 6/sqrt(12t - 8). I don't understand what you have against writing expressions clearly, using brackets. It really does not require extra work.

  • #15
Ray Vickson said:
No. A correct statement would be: therefore, v(t) = 6/sqrt(12t - 8). I don't understand what you have against writing expressions clearly, using brackets. It really does not require extra work.


ya it does on my computer...nothing "against" writing expressions clearly...that is silly.
  • #16
I don't believe you. Before, you wrote v=s'(t)=1/2(12t-8)^-1/2(12) and that has lots of brackets.

  • #17
i don't care need a holiday.
  • #18
Right... about the mathematics, can anyone else confirm that the book's solution does not match the problem we have been given?
  • #19
The answer in the book is wrong. It showing a positive acceleration when it should be a negative value. The book made a sign error.

a(t) = v'(t) = \frac{-36}{(12t-8)^{\frac{3}{2}}}

For t = 6 sec

a(6) = v'(6) \, \approx \, -0.07 m/sec^{2}
  • #20
Yes, the book must be wrong if we're all getting matching answers.
  • #21
No surprise there. i come across a lot of mistakes in textbooks.

Related to Determine the acceleration after 6 seconds.

What is acceleration?

Acceleration is the rate at which an object's velocity changes over time. It is measured in meters per second squared (m/s2).

How is acceleration calculated?

Acceleration is calculated by dividing the change in velocity by the change in time. The formula for acceleration is a = (vf - vi) / t, where a is acceleration, vf is the final velocity, vi is the initial velocity, and t is the change in time.

How do you determine the acceleration after 6 seconds?

To determine the acceleration after 6 seconds, you need to know the object's initial velocity and its change in velocity over the 6 seconds. You can then use the formula a = (vf - vi) / t, where t is 6 seconds, to calculate the acceleration.

Can acceleration be negative?

Yes, acceleration can be negative. A negative acceleration, also known as deceleration, means that an object's velocity is decreasing over time.

What factors can affect acceleration?

Acceleration can be affected by factors such as the object's mass, the force applied to the object, and any external forces acting on the object (such as friction or air resistance). In addition, acceleration can also be affected by the object's initial velocity and the duration of time over which acceleration occurs.
