Determine the average force of the wind on the building

In summary, the problem involves calculating the average force of a 140 km/h wind on a building with dimensions of 60 m by 50 m. The impulse equation is suggested as a possible method, but the lack of a change in time and incomplete information on the density of air make it challenging. A hint is given to consider the volume of air stopped in one second.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Air in a 140 km/h wind strikes head-on the face of a building 60 m wide by 50 m high and is brought to rest. If air has a mass of 1.3 kg per cubic meter, determine the average force of the wind on the building.

Homework Equations

The book seems to suggest the impulse equation.

The Attempt at a Solution

I have stared at the problem for a while. I thought I could use the impulse equation but I don't have a change in time. Also, it gives you the density which is in 3 dimensions and you only know two from the problem, length and height of the building. Overall, I'm just stumped which is weird for me.
Physics news on
  • #2
Hi Fisicks! :smile:
Fisicks said:
… I thought I could use the impulse equation but I don't have a change in time. Also, it gives you the density which is in 3 dimensions and you only know two from the problem, length and height of the building.

Hint: what is the volume of air stopped in one second? :wink:
  • #3


FAQ: Determine the average force of the wind on the building

1. What is the average force of the wind on the building?

The average force of the wind on a building depends on several factors, including the height and shape of the building, the wind speed and direction, and the surrounding terrain. It is typically calculated by using wind tunnel tests or computer simulations.

2. How is the average force of the wind on a building measured?

The average force of the wind on a building is measured using instruments such as anemometers and pressure sensors. These instruments are placed on the building at different heights and orientations to capture the variations in wind force.

3. Why is it important to determine the average force of the wind on a building?

Determining the average force of the wind on a building is important for structural engineers and architects to design safe and stable buildings. It also helps in predicting potential damage and ensuring that building codes and standards are met.

4. How does the average force of the wind on a building affect its design?

The average force of the wind on a building affects its design by influencing the size and placement of structural elements such as beams, columns, and walls. It also affects the choice of materials and the overall shape of the building to reduce wind resistance and increase stability.

5. Can the average force of the wind on a building change over time?

Yes, the average force of the wind on a building can change over time due to variations in wind speed and direction. It can also be affected by changes in the surrounding environment, such as the construction of nearby buildings or natural features like hills or trees.

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