Determine the magnitude of its maximumradial acceleration

You also have atangential=d|v|/dt, where v is the velocity and t is time. Since you are given the maximum speed of the discus, you can use that to find the tangential acceleration. Then, using the given radius and the equation for total acceleration, you can solve for the maximum radial acceleration. In summary, to find the maximum radial acceleration of a discus thrown by an athlete, you can use the equation for total acceleration and the given information of the discus's maximum speed and radius.
  • #1
1. Before throwing a 0.821 kg discus, an ath-lete rotates it along a circular path of radius1.19 m. The maximum speed of the discus is18.7 m/s.Determine the magnitude of its maximumradial acceleration.Answer in units of m/s2

Homework Equations

atotal = sq rt (a2 radial + a2 tangential) where aradial = −v2/r and atangential = d|v|/dt

The Attempt at a Solution

I tried using the equation above but I don't think I have enough info or I don't know where the info goes
Physics news on
  • #2
gap0063 said:

Homework Equations

atotal = sq rt (a2 radial + a2 tangential) where aradial = −v2/r and atangential = d|v|/dt

So you have aradial=v2/r

v= velocity and r= radius, both of which you are given.

Related to Determine the magnitude of its maximumradial acceleration

What is the meaning of "magnitude" in this context?

The term "magnitude" refers to the size or quantity of something. In the case of determining the magnitude of maximum radial acceleration, it is the measurement of the largest amount of acceleration in a radial direction.

What is the difference between radial acceleration and tangential acceleration?

Radial acceleration is the acceleration towards or away from the center of a circle, while tangential acceleration is the acceleration in the direction of motion along the circumference of the circle. In other words, radial acceleration is perpendicular to the direction of motion, while tangential acceleration is parallel to the direction of motion.

How can the maximum radial acceleration be calculated?

The maximum radial acceleration can be calculated using the formula a_max = v^2 / r, where v is the velocity and r is the radius of the circular path. This formula is derived from the centripetal acceleration formula, a = v^2 / r, where a is the centripetal acceleration.

What factors can affect the magnitude of maximum radial acceleration?

The magnitude of maximum radial acceleration can be affected by the speed of the object, the radius of the circular path, and the mass of the object. In general, larger speeds, smaller radii, and larger masses will result in a higher magnitude of maximum radial acceleration.

Why is it important to determine the maximum radial acceleration?

Determining the maximum radial acceleration is important in understanding the forces acting on an object moving in a circular path. It can also be useful in engineering applications, such as designing roller coasters or car tires, to ensure that the objects can withstand the maximum forces generated by the acceleration.
