Determine the Main Cycle of a Counter (JK flip-flops)

In summary, the conversation discusses determining the main cycle of a counter and what happens when it starts at unused states. A table method is suggested to solve the problem and the resulting sequence is found to be 000->110->011->001->101->000. The out-of-sequence numbers 010 and 100 result in loops while 111 results in a sequence.
  • #1

Homework Statement

For the counter shown below, determine the main cycle, and for each of the unused states, show what happens if it starts up there.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I thought I knew how to do this, but after some deliberation I've determined that I probably don't. It seems to me that, if I started at 000...I would get the sequence 000->010->100->101->010...which would then repeat through three states. I don't know why, but something tells me this isn't right. Can anyone explain to me how to do problems like these? And this is a synchronous counter, right?
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  • #2
enmar said:

Homework Statement

For the counter shown below, determine the main cycle, and for each of the unused states, show what happens if it starts up there.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I thought I knew how to do this, but after some deliberation I've determined that I probably don't. It seems to me that, if I started at 000...I would get the sequence 000->010->100->101->010...which would then repeat through three states. I don't know why, but something tells me this isn't right. Can anyone explain to me how to do problems like these? And this is a synchronous counter, right?

Yes, it is a synchronous counter. I would solve it by setting up a little table like this$$
Q_1Q_2Q_3& J_1=\bar Q_2& K_1= 1& J_2=\bar Q_3& K_2=Q_3& J_3=Q_1& K_3=Q_1\\
000&1&1&1&0&0&0 \\
110&&&&&& \\
&&&&&& \\
&&&&&& \\
\end{array}$$On the left in the first row you have the current state ##Q_1Q_2Q_3## which you use to fill out the J's and K's in the first row. That allows you to figure out ##Q_1Q_2Q_3## for the next row etc. Notice that we have a disagreement for the next state of 000 already.
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  • #3
Well damn, that was a lot easier than I thought it was. So for the sequence, I get:


And when I start on the following out-of-sequence numbers, the following results:


Thanks Kurtz
  • #4
enmar said:
Well damn, that was a lot easier than I thought it was. So for the sequence, I get:


And when I start on the following out-of-sequence numbers, the following results:


Thanks Kurtz

Check that one.
  • #5

As a scientist, your understanding of counters is correct. The sequence you listed (000->010->100->101->010) would be the main cycle of this counter. This is a synchronous counter, as it uses a clock signal to synchronize the flip-flops and change states at a specific time.

To understand how the counter works, we can break it down into individual flip-flop states. Starting at 000, the first flip-flop (JK1) would have J=0 and K=0, so it would remain in the same state (Q1=0). The second flip-flop (JK2) would have J=0 and K=1, so it would toggle from 0 to 1 (Q2=1). The third flip-flop (JK3) would have J=1 and K=0, so it would toggle from 1 to 0 (Q3=0). This would give us the first state of 010.

As the clock signal continues, the flip-flops will continue to toggle in a similar manner, giving us the sequence 010->100->101->010. This is the main cycle of the counter. Each time the counter goes through this cycle, it counts up by one. This is why counters are often referred to as "counting circuits."

If the counter were to start at any other state, the sequence would still follow the same main cycle, but it would start at a different number. For example, if the counter started at 011, the sequence would be 011->110->111->011, which is still following the main cycle of 010->100->101->010.

It is important to note that the unused states (000 and 111 in this case) may not have any specific meaning or function in the circuit. They are simply the states that are not part of the main cycle and may not be used in the intended operation of the counter.

In conclusion, the main cycle of this counter is 010->100->101->010, and if it starts at any other state, it will follow the same main cycle but start at a different number. This is an example of a synchronous counter, as it uses a clock signal to synchronize the flip-flops and change states at a specific time.

FAQ: Determine the Main Cycle of a Counter (JK flip-flops)

1. What is a counter and how does it work?

A counter is an electronic device that counts the number of times a specific event or signal occurs. It can be used to keep track of time, measure frequency, or control the sequence of operations in a digital system. In a counter, flip-flops are connected in a specific configuration to store and propagate data, allowing it to count events and produce a sequence of outputs.

2. What is the main cycle of a counter?

The main cycle of a counter refers to the sequence of states that it goes through when counting. In a JK flip-flop counter, the main cycle consists of four states: 00, 01, 10, and 11. These states represent the binary values 0, 1, 2, and 3 respectively. The counter goes through these states in a specific order depending on the clock signal and the input values.

3. How do JK flip-flops determine the main cycle of a counter?

JK flip-flops have two inputs: J (set) and K (reset). These inputs, along with the clock signal, determine the state of the flip-flop. When both inputs are 0, the flip-flop maintains its previous state. When both inputs are 1, the flip-flop toggles its output. This toggle action is what allows the counter to count in binary, as it changes the state of the flip-flops in a specific pattern to produce the main cycle.

4. Can the main cycle of a counter be altered?

Yes, the main cycle of a counter can be altered by changing the connections between the flip-flops or by using different types of flip-flops. For example, a counter can have a different main cycle if it uses D flip-flops instead of JK flip-flops. Additionally, the main cycle can be modified by changing the clock signal or the input values, allowing for different counting sequences.

5. What are some applications of counters?

Counters have various applications in digital systems, including frequency measurement, timekeeping, and event counting. They can also be used in control circuits to sequence operations or in communication systems for synchronization. Counters are essential components in many electronic devices, such as timers, clocks, and digital watches.

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