Determine the sign of angular momentum

In summary, the conversation discusses a collision between a 2 kg disk and a 1 kg stick on frictionless ice. The collision is assumed to be elastic and the disk does not deviate from its original line of motion. The conservation of linear and angular momentum is used to find the translational speed of the disk and stick, as well as the angular speed of the stick after the collision. The solution includes solving equations and finding values for vdf, omega, and vs. The question of why rmdvdi and rmdvdf are negative and I*omega is positive is also raised.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A 2 kg disk traveling at 3 m/s strikes a 1 kg stick of length 4 m that is lying flat on nearly frictionless ice .Assume the collision is elastic and the disk does not deviate from its original line of motion. Find the translational speed of the disk, the translational speed of the stick, and the angular speed of the stick after collision. The moment of inertia of the stick about center of mass is 1.33 kg m2


conservation. of linear momentum

mdvdi = mdvdf + msvs
(2 kg) (3 m/s)=(2 kg) vdf + (1 kg)vs
6 kg m/s-(2 kg) vdf = (1 kg)vs----------------------(1)

conservation. of angular momentum
-rmdvdi = -rmdvdf + I*omega
-12kgm2/s=(- 4kg m) vdf + (1.33 kg m2)*omega----------------------(2)
-9rad/s+(3rad/m) vdf = omega

elastic collision
1/2 mdvdi2 = 1/2mdvdf2 +1/2 I*omega2 + 1/2msvs2
18 m2 /s2 =2mdvdf2 +(1.33 m2 )*omega2 + vs2--------------------------(3)

solve .(1), (2), (3) >>> vdf =2.3 m/s, omega = -2rad/s , vs =1.3 m/s

For my solution above, I have no idea why the rmdvdi and rmdvdf are negative, but I*omega is positive. I tried to figure it with right hand rule, but i still find three of them should be in the same direction.
Physics news on
  • #2
Hi, could anyone help me to figure out the reason?
I still don't get it =(
  • #3
anyone knows? perhaps i attach a picture to explain the motion better.
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FAQ: Determine the sign of angular momentum

What is angular momentum?

Angular momentum is a physical quantity that measures the amount of rotational motion of an object. It is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction, and is calculated by multiplying an object's moment of inertia with its angular velocity.

How is the sign of angular momentum determined?

The sign of angular momentum is determined by the direction of rotation of an object. If the object is rotating clockwise, the angular momentum is negative, and if it is rotating counterclockwise, the angular momentum is positive.

Why is the sign of angular momentum important?

The sign of angular momentum is important because it indicates the direction of an object's rotational motion. It also plays a crucial role in understanding and describing the conservation of angular momentum in physical systems.

Can angular momentum be negative?

Yes, angular momentum can be negative. This occurs when an object is rotating in a clockwise direction, and its angular momentum is calculated to be negative. However, the negative sign does not indicate a decrease in the magnitude of the angular momentum, only its direction.

How is the sign of angular momentum related to torque?

The sign of angular momentum is related to torque through the right-hand rule. The direction of torque applied to an object determines the direction of its angular momentum. If the torque is applied in the same direction as the rotation, the angular momentum will be positive. If it is applied in the opposite direction, the angular momentum will be negative.
