Determine transmission of light through silver.

In summary, the problem is asking about the transmission of light through a layer of silver that is one wavelength thick, with a complex index of refraction of 0.13 + 3.19i at 532 nm. The real component can be neglected, and the attenuation exponent is calculated to be -308. However, the reflectance at the boundaries should also be taken into account, which would result in a lower transmitted intensity.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The complex index of refraction of silver at 532 nm is [tex]\tilde{n} = 0.13 + 3.19i[/tex]. What is the transmission for this light through a layer of silver that is one wavelength (in the medium) thick? In this problem, don't worry about reflections from the boundaries, just consider the absorption loss in the silver itself.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

So I'm assuming that I can neglect the real part altogether since the problem states to ignore the reflections from boundaries.
I also know that [tex]\tilde{n} = a + \frac{\alpha}{2k_0}[/tex].
I know the fresnel coefficients for reflection but they were to annoying to put in. So can I just calculate reflection then get T = 1 - R?
If I'm on the right path just let me know cause I feel lost with this problem.
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  • #2
Hmm. The real component of the index of refraction is 0.13, so that would make the wavelength of the 532 nm light about 4092 nm in the silver. The ratio of the wavelengths will be 1/Re(n), or about 7.7.

That puts the attenuation exponent at -4π*Im(n)/Re(n) for a one wavelength passage through the silver, or about -308. That's a lot of attenuation! (I/Io = e-308 via Beer-Lambert law).

Of course, I could be off base here; there may be some reason that I'm not aware of that straight-forward Beer-Lambert won't work for a silver coating... Free advice: you get what you pay for!
  • #3
The light intensity in an absorbing medium decreases exponentially with the thickness d according to I=I0exp(-4πkd/λ), where λ is the wavelength in vacuum and k is the imaginary part of the refractive index.
With the data given, the exponent is big enough to make the transmittance very law.
The problem said to ignore reflectance at the boundaries, but the reflectance is quite hight to make the transmitted intensity considerably lower.
The reflectance of an air-solid interface at normal incidence is


Taking reflectance into account, the transmitted intensity for such highly absorbing medium is T=(1-R)exp(-4πkd/λ) .

  • #4
Nifty. So in this case, if [tex]\tilde{n} = 0.13 + 3.19i[/tex] is the complex index of refraction,

[tex] R = \left| \frac{\tilde{n} - 1}{\tilde{n} + 1}\right|^2 = 0.955 [/tex]

and only fraction 0.045 of the incident light even makes it "under the skin", only to be further attenuated to the tune of about 134 orders of magnitude.
  • #5
Thank you both very much. I really appreciate the help.
So if I were to consider the boundary conditions then I would have the transmitted as calculated above and then I would determine the attenuation due to absorption according to I= I_0 exp(-4πkd/λ).
  • #6
Bhumble said:
Thank you both very much. I really appreciate the help.
So if I were to consider the boundary conditions then I would have the transmitted as calculated above and then I would determine the attenuation due to absorption according to I= I_0 exp(-4πkd/λ).

Yes, that's the way I see it.

FAQ: Determine transmission of light through silver.

1. How does silver affect the transmission of light?

Silver is a highly reflective metal, meaning that it reflects a significant amount of light that comes into contact with its surface. This results in a decrease in the transmission of light through silver.

2. Is the transmission of light through silver affected by its thickness?

Yes, the thicker the layer of silver, the less light is able to pass through it. This is due to the fact that more light is reflected off the surface of thicker layers of silver, resulting in a decrease in transmission.

3. What happens to the transmission of light through silver at different wavelengths?

The transmission of light through silver is dependent on the wavelength of the light. Silver has a high reflectivity for most wavelengths in the visible spectrum, resulting in a decrease in transmission for these wavelengths. However, it has a lower reflectivity for longer wavelengths in the infrared range, allowing more light to pass through.

4. Can the transmission of light through silver be improved?

There are ways to improve the transmission of light through silver, such as by using a thinner layer of silver or by using anti-reflective coatings. Additionally, using different wavelengths of light or altering the angle of incidence can also affect the transmission through silver.

5. Why is it important to determine the transmission of light through silver?

Determining the transmission of light through silver is important for various applications, such as in the development of optical devices and in understanding the behavior of light in different materials. It also has practical uses in fields such as photography, where the reflectivity of silver is utilized to capture images.
