Determining communication direction in SPI ports

In summary, the conversation discusses the challenge of determining the master and slave in a two wire SPI bus without a slave select line. The first person suggests using diodes and resistors but experiences difficulty interpreting the results due to open collector drives. The second person suggests reading up on the protocol and using a scope to debug the interface. The first person clarifies that they understand the protocol and can list the data, but are struggling to determine the direction of the data. They also mention that the devices have no documentation. The second person suggests temporarily adding capacitors and resistors to round the edges and identify the transmitter and receiver. The first person agrees to try this solution.
  • #1

I have to reverse engineer/decode the communication on a two wire SPI bus, there is no slave select line to help determine master and slave. How do I determine which side is communicating at any point in time? I think I can determine which side is the clock with a couple of back to back diodes. But the data line is more difficult. I have tried diodes and series resistors but I have difficultly interperating the results. The difficulty comes from probable open collector drives for the data lines.

What can I do?
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  • #2
I forgot most of SPI, read up the protocode and the interface, read the serial data with the scope and find out what's going on. Particular if you can control and send out certain command and data. I debugged interface like this before. This is a simple communication link, shouldn't be hard to figure out.
  • #3
I understand the protocol and can list the data that comes out of the communications channel quite easily. The question is how do I determine the direction of the data without a slave select line? One side of the of the communication channel always clocks but I know that there is bi-directional communication. This is a more difficult problem than most people realize as most have never had to do this activity. The two devices are commercially available consumer level products for which there is no documentation.
  • #4
I would temporarily put a small capacitance at each data pin, with a resistor in series between the two devices. Size the caps and resistor to give you just a little RC rounding of the edges. That will show you who is transmitting and who is receiving.
  • #5
I'll give it a try, thanks!

FAQ: Determining communication direction in SPI ports

1. What is an SPI port and how does it work?

An SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) port is a type of communication protocol used to transfer data between microcontrollers and other devices. It uses a master-slave architecture, where the master device initiates the communication and the slave device responds. The data is transferred in a serial manner, with one bit being transmitted at a time.

2. How do you determine the direction of communication in an SPI port?

The direction of communication in an SPI port is determined by the chip select (CS) line. When the CS line is pulled low, the slave device is selected and the master device can send data to the slave. When the CS line is pulled high, the slave device is not selected and the master device can receive data from the slave.

3. Can multiple devices be connected to the same SPI port?

Yes, multiple devices can be connected to the same SPI port. Each device will have its own CS line, allowing the master device to select which device it wants to communicate with.

4. How do you configure the communication speed in an SPI port?

The communication speed in an SPI port is determined by the clock frequency. The master device generates a clock signal, which is used by both the master and slave devices to synchronize the data transfer. The clock frequency can be adjusted to increase or decrease the communication speed.

5. What are the advantages of using an SPI port for communication?

Some advantages of using an SPI port for communication include its simplicity, low cost, and ability to transfer data at high speeds. It also allows for communication with multiple devices using only a few pins, making it a useful protocol for connecting peripherals to microcontrollers.
