Determining density of spherical cloud by dropping probe and measuring velocity

In summary, the conversation discusses the problem of finding the potential energy, U, and the density, \rho(r), of a spherical cloud of gas and dust by measuring the velocity of a space probe as it accelerates towards the center of the cloud under the influence of gravity. The equation for \rho(r) is given as \rho(r)=\frac{1}{4 \pi Gmr^2} \frac{d}{dr}(r^2 \frac{dU}{dr}). The conversation also touches on finding the value of M, the mass of the cloud, in terms of r and how it affects the calculation of work. It is concluded that the problem is a calculus question and not an algebra one.
  • #1
This is a problem that has been giving me trouble, wondering if I could get some input:

A space probe of mass m is dropped into a previously unexplored
spherical cloud of gas and dust, and accelerates toward
the center of the cloud under the influence of the cloud’s gravity.
Measurements of its velocity allow its potential energy, [tex]U[/tex], to be
determined as a function of the distance [tex]r[/tex] from the cloud’s center.
The mass in the cloud is distributed in a spherically symmetric way,
so its density, [tex]\rho(r)[/tex], depends only on [tex]r[/tex] and not on the angular coordinates.
Show that by finding [tex]U(r)[/tex], one can infer [tex]\rho(r)[/tex] as follows:

[tex]\rho(r)=\frac{1}{4 \pi Gmr^2} \frac{d}{dr}(r^2 \frac{dU}{dr}) [/tex]

The first problem I am running into is finding the Equation for U. I assume it as a lot to do with the equation for work=[tex]GMm(\frac{1}{r_{2}}-\frac{1}{r_{1}}) [/tex] but I am getting tripped up over the value of M, or the mass of the cloud itself. I believe that this would change as r decreased, and less and less of the cloud would be exerting force on the probe. I assume I need to find a value for M in terms of r, but I am seemingly unable to come up with anything that works with later parts of the problem. If anyone could give me a push in the right direction it would be appreciated.
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  • #2
Assuming that the cloud is spherical and that density is a function of r only, yes, only the portion of the cloud closer to the center than the center than the probe has a net force on the probe (because any "chunk" of cloud outside the probe has an offsetting "chunk" diametrically opposite). You can find the force function, as well as the potential function, by integrating the from the center of the cloud to r.
  • #3
Ok, so this is what I currently have for U:
If I solve Newtons law of gravitation for [tex]M[/tex] I get [tex] M=\frac {Fr^2}{Gm}[/tex]. I then substitute this value for [tex]M[/tex] in the equation [tex]Work=GMm(\frac{1}{r_{2}}-\frac{1}{r_{1}})[/tex] I get [tex]Work=F(r_{2}-r_{1})[/tex]
Is this a valid equation for work in the situation described in my first post? It seems almost to simple, as it is basically the same thing as [tex]W=Fd[/tex], which I thought was only really applicable for situations involving constant force.
  • #4
The clue is that, in your "Work Equation",
there is only ONE (1) M, but two (2) r's.
Obviously that equation is only valid if
the same amount of mass is within r2 as r1.

Do you recognize 4 pi r^2 rho(r) dr ?
in your case, dM is not zero, it's the key!

That is, yours is not an algebra question in disguise,
it is an honest-to-goodness calculus question.
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FAQ: Determining density of spherical cloud by dropping probe and measuring velocity

1. How is the probe dropped into the spherical cloud?

The probe is usually released from a spacecraft or aircraft that is flying above the spherical cloud. The probe is equipped with sensors to measure its velocity as it falls through the cloud.

2. What is the purpose of measuring the velocity of the probe?

The velocity of the probe allows scientists to calculate the density of the spherical cloud. This is because the density of a spherical cloud is directly related to the velocity at which objects fall through it.

3. How accurate is this method of determining density?

This method is relatively accurate, but it does have limitations. Factors such as wind speed, turbulence, and instrument error can affect the accuracy of the measurements. However, when multiple probes are dropped and the data is averaged, a more accurate estimation of the density can be obtained.

4. What can the density of a spherical cloud tell us?

The density of a spherical cloud can provide valuable information about its composition, such as the amount of water vapor, dust particles, or other gases present. It can also give insight into the dynamics and behavior of the cloud.

5. Are there any other methods for determining the density of a spherical cloud?

Yes, there are other methods such as using remote sensing techniques or mathematical models. However, dropping probes and measuring their velocity is a direct and reliable method for determining density and is often used in conjunction with other methods for more accurate results.

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