Determining Electric Potential with Charge Density

In summary: Q = (0→r)∫ρEdV=4/3ρEπ you should just plug in 4/3ρEπr3 and solve for k.Now, I think the answer is that ρE=4/3(ρEr3).
  • #1

Homework Statement

A nonconducting sphere of radius r0 carries a total charge Q. The charge density ρE increases as the square of the distance from the center of the sphere, and ρE=0 at the center.

a) Determine the electric potential as a function of the distance r from the center of the sphere for r > r0. Take V=0 for r=∞.

b) Determine the electric potential as a function of the distance r from the center of the sphere for r < r0.

Homework Equations

Vb-Va = -∫E⋅dl

The Attempt at a Solution

a) Because it is a sphere with total charge Q,
From ∞ to r,
-∫kQ/r2 dr
=-kQ * [-1/r](∞→r)
= kQ/r

Part a I think I understand OK.

b) I don't know where to begin here really. Because r<r0, I can't use E=kQ/r^2.
The question (I think) is saying that Q isn't distributed evenly.
So would ρE = dQ/dV?
How do I find E with a changing charge AND changing radius?

Let me know if any of my formatting is weird, this is only my second time trying to post something.
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  • #2
an_single_egg said:

Homework Statement

A nonconducting sphere of radius r0 carries a total charge Q. The charge density ρE increases as the square of the distance from the center of the sphere, and ρE=0 at the center.

a) Determine the electric potential as a function of the distance r from the center of the sphere for r > r0. Take V=0 for r=∞.

b) Determine the electric potential as a function of the distance r from the center of the sphere for r < r0.

Homework Equations

Vb-Va = -∫E⋅dl

The Attempt at a Solution

a) Because it is a sphere with total charge Q,
From ∞ to r,
-∫kQ/r2 dr
=-kQ * [-1/r](∞→r)
= kQ/r

Part a I think I understand OK.

b) I don't know where to begin here really. Because r<r0, I can't use E=kQ/r^2.
The question (I think) is saying that Q isn't distributed evenly.
So would ρE = dQ/dV?
How do I find E with a changing charge AND changing radius?

Let me know if any of my formatting is weird, this is only my second time trying to post something.
It's not really that complicated as ##ρ_e## is dependent on radius and your changing the radius so you have in total one thing that changes. For your part a you took your ##Q## for granted and that's why you were confused with the second part where they ask of you to calculate the partial sphere.
Let me give you a hint. Your total charge: ##Q_t = \int_0^{r_0} ρ_e \, dV## and your ##dV## is simply a incremental of the sphere's volume which is the surface of the sphere times a little increment in your radius. Algebraically ##dV = 4 \pi r^2 dr##. You can check that this is true if you integrate ##dV## from 0 to some ##r## to get the volume of the sphere which i leave to you to find or calculate by the way described.

In the Image above you can see a simpler version of your sphere which is a circle where we look for an increment in the surface. You go one dimension down and multiply the length of the circle and the small increment in radius and get the small surface increment. In your problem you do the same exept that everything is a dimension up and you multiply the surface with the increment to get the increment in the volume.
How this correlates to your problem? You have to find the total charge in your partial sphere so that you can put that ##Q_p## (function that depends on the radius) in your original integral equation for the potential ( not the one you derived at at a) ) and integrate from 0 to some radius which is constant set to ##r_s##. I'm sure you can do this as you know the integral function for ##Q_t## as simply ##Q_t = \int_0^{r_0} ρ_e \, dV##. What's different? You're nt integrating the full sphere. Just some part. Try it :)
  • #3
Ok, so:

Q = (0→r)∫ρEdV

E⋅∫dA = Qenc0

And then,

Vba = -(r→r0)∫(ρEr)dr/3ε0
Vba = -ρE/6ε0 * (r02-r2)

Is that right?
  • #4
an_single_egg said:
Ok, so:

Q = (0→r)∫ρEdV

E⋅∫dA = Qenc0

And then,

Vba = -(r→r0)∫(ρEr)dr/3ε0
Vba = -ρE/6ε0 * (r02-r2)

Is that right?
The left side of the Gauss's law is fine. E is constant at distance ##r## from the center but the right side is all wrong. You have to determine the amount of Q you take in by closing it with a Gaussian surface of radius r. Now, look at your expression for Q on the right involving the charge density. You basically integrated from 0 to r and said that the charge density is constant along the integration. Doesn't the problem specifically say that it depends on the 1/r^2.
What that means is that the density is some function dependent on the square of the radius. So generally something like k/r^2 where k is a constant determined by the initial conditions. The initial condition states that charge Q is present when r = r0 so your k is (Qr0^2) You have to use this expression for density when you integrate from 0 to r because the density is not constant as you assumed it was in the reply. Does this make things clearer?
Also check out for some LaTeX information. Some pretty useful information is to be found there :)
  • #5
diredragon said:
... You basically integrated from 0 to r and said that the charge density is constant along the integration. Doesn't the problem specifically say that it depends on the 1/r^2.

What that means is that the density is some function dependent on the square of the radius. So generally something like k/r^2 where k is a constant determined by the initial conditions. ...
The problem actually states the following.
an_single_egg said:
The charge density ρE increases as the square of the distance from the center of the sphere, and ρE=0 at the center.
Thus, the charge density is proportional to r2 .

OP should use ρ = k⋅r2, where k is chosen so that ##\displaystyle \ \int_\text{Sphere} {k\cdot r^2}\, dV =Q\,.##
  • #6
SammyS said:
The problem actually states the following.

Thus, the charge density is proportional to r2 .

OP should use ρ = k⋅r2, where k is chosen so that ##\displaystyle \ \int_\text{Sphere} {k\cdot r^2}\, dV =Q\,.##
Oh yeah, i thought it said inverse proportional like the electric field, my bad xD.
  • #7
SammyS said:
OP should use ρ = k⋅r2, where k is chosen so that ##\displaystyle \ \int_\text{Sphere} {k\cdot r^2}\, dV =Q\,.##

Sorry, I guess I didn't fully understand what that portion of the problem meant. I also realized I'm supposed to be solving in terms of Q, r, and r_0 and constants, so I'll be trying to solve it correctly now, oops!

diredragon said:
What that means is that the density is some function dependent on the square of the radius. So generally something like k/r^2 where k is a constant determined by the initial conditions. The initial condition states that charge Q is present when r = r0 so your k is (Qr0^2)

Does this still apply? If I use that integration, then $$ Q = \int_0^r kr^2 dV $$ $$Q = \frac 4 5 k \pi r^5$$
Right? Is the rest of my process okay once I plug in for Q (and then I guess I'd need to solve for it one I got an answer, so I wouldn't be left with a k)?

(Thanks for the LaTeX guide :) )
  • #8
an_single_egg said:
Does this still apply?

If I use that integration, then $$ Q = \int_0^r kr^2 dV $$ $$Q = \frac 4 5 k \pi r^5$$
Right? Is the rest of my process okay once I plug in for Q (and then I guess I'd need to solve for it one I got an answer, so I wouldn't be left with a k)?

(Thanks for the LaTeX guide :) )
That's almost correct.

If r < r0 , then that works for Q enclosed .

If r = r0 , then that works for Q, the total charge on the sphere. Use this to find the value of k in terms of Q and r0 .
  • #9
SammyS said:
That's almost correct.

If r < r0 , then that works for Q enclosed .

If r = r0 , then that works for Q, the total charge on the sphere. Use this to find the value of k in terms of Q and r0 .

Just solving for k,

$$k = \frac {5Q} {4\pi r^5}$$

Or did you mean something in my integral wasn't right? I'm a little confused how to get k in terms of ##Q## and ##r_0## , if the integral is from ##0## to ##r##. Do I need to be taking it from ##r## to ##r_0## ?

I'm really sorry, I'm just trying to make sure I've got everything right, this has been my problem of the day, so to speak.
  • #10
an_single_egg said:
Just solving for k,

$$k = \frac {5Q} {4\pi r^5}$$

Or did you mean something in my integral wasn't right? I'm a little confused how to get k in terms of ##Q## and ##r_0## , if the integral is from ##0## to ##r##. Do I need to be taking it from ##r## to ##r_0## ?

I'm really sorry, I'm just trying to make sure I've got everything right, this has been my problem of the day, so to speak.
That should be ##\displaystyle \ k = \frac {5Q} {4\pi r_0^5}\,.##
  • #11
My book is telling me that the answer for part b is $$ V = \frac {Q} {16 \pi \epsilon_0 r_0} (5 - \frac {r^4} {r_0^4})$$

If I plug in ##\frac {5Q} {4 \pi r_0^5}## for k, I'm not left with anything to give me that answer... I am definitely missing something but don't know what. :(
  • #12
an_single_egg said:
My book is telling me that the answer for part b is $$ V = \frac {Q} {16 \pi \epsilon_0 r_0} (5 - \frac {r^4} {r_0^4})$$

If I plug in ##\frac {5Q} {4 \pi r_0^5}## for k, I'm not left with anything to give me that answer... I am definitely missing something but don't know what. :(
What are you plugging in and what are you plugging it into ?
  • #13
SammyS said:
That should be ##\displaystyle \ k = \frac {5Q} {4\pi r_0^5}\,.##
By the way, it's also true that ##\displaystyle \ k = \frac {5Q_\text{Enclosed }} {4\pi r^5}\,.##
  • #14
SammyS said:
What are you plugging in and what are you plugging it into ?

I'm trying to plug into Gauss's Law, $$ E \int dA = \frac {Q_{enc}} {\epsilon_0} $$
$$ E \cdot (4\pi r^2) = \frac {4k \pi r^5} {5\epsilon_0} $$

And then solving for ##E,## I tried to find ##V_{ba}## by integrating E from ##r \rightarrow r_0##, but that's not correct.

SammyS said:
By the way, it's also true that ##\displaystyle \ k = \frac {5Q_\text{Enclosed }} {4\pi r^5}\,.##

I think this is confusing me also. If ##k## can be equal to something in terms of both ##r## and ##r_0##, how do I put that into an equation?
  • #15
an_single_egg said:
I'm trying to plug into Gauss's Law, $$ E \int dA = \frac {Q_{enc}} {\epsilon_0} $$
$$ E \cdot (4\pi r^2) = \frac {4k \pi r^5} {5\epsilon_0} $$

And then solving for ##E,## I tried to find ##V_{ba}## by integrating E from ##r \rightarrow r_0##, but that's not correct.
I think this is confusing me also. If ##k## can be equal to something in terms of both ##r## and ##r_0##, how do I put that into an equation?
But previously, you found that ## \displaystyle \ k = \frac {5Q} {4\pi r_0^5}\,,\ ## which only has constant factors.

Plug that into ##\displaystyle \ E \cdot (4\pi r^2) = \frac {4k \pi r^5} {5\epsilon_0} \ ## and solve for ##\ E\,.##
  • #16
SammyS said:
But previously, you found that ## \displaystyle \ k = \frac {5Q} {4\pi r_0^5}\,,\ ## which only has constant factors.

Plug that into ##\displaystyle \ E \cdot (4\pi r^2) = \frac {4k \pi r^5} {5\epsilon_0} \ ## and solve for ##\ E\,.##

Ok, I think I've got it:

## E = \frac {Qr^3} {4\pi \epsilon_0 r_0^5} ##
## V_{ba} = \int_r^{r_0} \frac {Qr^3} {4\pi \epsilon_0 r_0^5}##
##= \frac {Q} {16\pi \epsilon_0 r_0^5} (r_0^4 - r^4)##
##= \frac {Q} {16 \pi \epsilon_0 r_0} (1 - \frac {r^4} {r_0^4})##

Now... I know that 1 should be a 5... but I'm close :)

Edit: I am plugging in ##k## in terms of ##r_0## because ##k## needs to be a constant, correct?
  • #17
an_single_egg said:
Ok, I think I've got it:

## E = \frac {Qr^3} {4\pi \epsilon_0 r_0^5} ##
## V_{ba} = \int_r^{r_0} \frac {Qr^3} {4\pi \epsilon_0 r_0^5}##
##= \frac {Q} {16\pi \epsilon_0 r_0^5} (r_0^4 - r^4)##
##= \frac {Q} {16 \pi \epsilon_0 r_0} (1 - \frac {r^4} {r_0^4})##

Now... I know that 1 should be a 5... but I'm close :)

Edit: I am plugging in ##k## in terms of ##r_0## because ##k## needs to be a constant, correct?
You're plugging in for k, because you need the answer in terms of the given quantities, Q and r0 .

The result, Vba that you have for potential looks like the potential at r, relative to the potential at r0 .

What is the potential at r0 relative to the potential very far from the sphere (at infinite distance).
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  • #18
Why am I thinking about infinite distances for part b? If ##r_0## is a finite radius and r<##r_0##, isn't everything contained within the sphere?

The potential for any ##r## > ##r_0## is ## \frac {KQ} {r^2}##.
  • #19
an_single_egg said:
Why am I thinking about infinite distances for part b? If ##r_0## is a finite radius and r<##r_0##, isn't everything contained within the sphere?

The potential for any ##r## > ##r_0## is ## \frac {KQ} {r^2}##.
Where Is the potential considered to be zero? It's considered to be zero at r = ∞. You inherit this from part (a) and can use part a to determine the potential at r = r0 .

FAQ: Determining Electric Potential with Charge Density

1. How is electric potential determined using charge density?

The electric potential (V) at a point in space is determined by multiplying the charge density (ρ) at that point by a constant known as the permittivity of free space (ε0): V = ρ * ε0. This equation is known as the Poisson's equation and is used to calculate the electric potential in a given region.

2. What is charge density?

Charge density (ρ) is a measure of the amount of electric charge per unit volume at a given point in space. It is represented by the Greek letter rho (ρ) and is typically expressed in units of coulombs per cubic meter (C/m3). Charge density can be either positive or negative, depending on the type of charge present at a given point.

3. How is charge density related to electric potential?

Charge density and electric potential are directly proportional to each other. This means that as the charge density increases, the electric potential also increases, and vice versa. This relationship is described by the Poisson's equation: V = ρ * ε0, where V is the electric potential and ρ is the charge density.

4. What are the units of electric potential?

The SI unit for electric potential is volts (V), which is equal to one joule per coulomb (J/C). In some cases, the unit millivolts (mV) may also be used to express electric potential. Other commonly used units include electron volts (eV) and kilovolts (kV).

5. How is the electric potential calculated at a specific point in space?

To calculate the electric potential at a specific point in space, the charge density and permittivity of free space must be known. The Poisson's equation, V = ρ * ε0, is then used to determine the electric potential at that point. Additionally, the electric potential can also be calculated by integrating the electric field over a certain distance using the equation V = -∫E⃗ · dl⃗, where E is the electric field and dl is the differential length along the path of integration.
