Determining Field from Div & Curl: Examples & Techniques

In summary, the conversation discusses how knowing the divergence and curl of a field can determine the field itself. An example is given with the electric field, where the divergence and curl equations are used to find the field at a point. However, in practice, the charge density is not always known, so boundary conditions and other techniques are used. The conversation also touches on the relationship between electric and magnetic fields.
  • #1
My notes say that if we know the divergence and curl of a field then that uniquely determines the field.

Can somebody give me an example of how, given only the div and curl of a field, we can deduce the field?

I considered the electric field where we have,
[itex]\nabla \cdot \vec{E}=\frac{\rho}{\epsilon_0}, \nabla \times \vec{E}=0[/itex]
but we can't actually establish E using only vector calculus can we? we need other techniques do we not? perhaps I'm just being silly?
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  • #2
I think the boundary condition needs to be specified.
  • #3
The electrostatic case is easy to understand. To find the electric field at a point, you need to integrate the electric field contributions from each infinitesimal charge. Since the local charge density is found from the divergence of the E-field, you are essentially integrating the divergence over the volume of interest.

In practice, the charge density is not always known a priori. Sometimes the electric field or potential is specified along some boundary, which is where Neumann and Dirichlet boundary conditions come into play.
  • #4
yeah. can you just confirm a couple of things:

(i) the RHS of the divergence equation is easy enough to integrate given a charge density. To integrate the LHS however, I would use divergence theorem and then take it from there using an appropriate Gaussian surface yes?

(ii)In the method you just gave for finding the E field in post 3, you have only used the divergence equation, how would the curl one come into play?

  • #5
to make sure it's electrostatic
  • #6
i.e. a non zero curl results in a non continuous tangential component of electric field at a conductor's surface and so the tangential component of electric field outside the conductor isn't necessarily 0 (as is guaranteed if the curl were 0) and so charges are moving on the surface - hence it's no longer electrostatics!

is that what you mean?
  • #7
em...i would rather say a nonzero curl is resulted from a changing magnetic field, by faraday's law.So it won't be not electrostatics.
  • #8
Actually electric fields and magnetic fields are the same thing if you consider standing still the same as moving in the time dimension.

FAQ: Determining Field from Div & Curl: Examples & Techniques

1. What is the concept of field in physics?

The concept of field in physics refers to a physical quantity that exists at every point in space. It can be thought of as a way to describe the influence or effect of one object or system on another, without the objects having to be in direct contact.

2. What is the relationship between div and curl in determining a field?

Div and curl are mathematical operations that can be applied to a vector field. Div (or divergence) is a measure of how much a field is spreading out or converging at a particular point, while curl is a measure of how much the field is rotating or twisting. Together, these operations can help determine the overall behavior of a field.

3. How can div and curl be used to determine a field?

Div and curl can be used to determine a field by applying them to a given vector field. Div and curl will yield scalar and vector fields, respectively, which can then be used to better understand the behavior of the original vector field.

4. What are some examples of techniques that use div and curl to determine a field?

Some examples of techniques that use div and curl to determine a field include the gradient, divergence theorem, and Stokes' theorem. These techniques can be used to calculate the values of div and curl at a given point, which can then be used to determine the overall behavior of the field.

5. Why is it important to be able to determine a field using div and curl?

Being able to determine a field using div and curl is important because it allows for a better understanding of the behavior of physical systems. This can lead to the development of more accurate mathematical models and predictions, as well as the ability to solve complex problems in various fields of science and engineering.

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