Determining Leading Car's Velocity On TV Outage

  • Thread starter navya
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In summary, Vic was watching a car race on TV when the picture suddenly went out due to a power surge. When the picture came back on, the timer on the scoreboard read 75 seconds and the leading car was on the opposite side of the 6 km oval track. It is impossible to determine the leading car's average velocity during the time without picture without additional information. However, based on the record for the fastest racing car of 450 km/hr, the most likely distance the leading car traveled when the TV was out is 2.25 km. This means that the leading car's average speed when the TV was without picture was approximately 108 km/hr.
  • #1
Vic was watching a car race on TV. At the instant the flag was lowered to start the race, the picture on TV screen goes out due to surge in the power. When the picture come back on TV, the timer on score board reads 75 s. At this point Vic observes that leading car was on opposite side of the racing track (opposite side to that racing was started). The racing track is oval in shape and 6 Km in length.
a) Determine leading cars average velocity during the time when TV was without picture? ☺☺
b) What are two possible distances leading car traveled when TV was without picture? ☺
c) Given the record for fastest racing car is 450 Km/hr, which is most likely distance-leading car has traveled when TV was without picture? ☺☺
d) Based on your calculation in (c), calculate leading car average speed when TV was without picture? ☺
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  • #2
navya said:
Solve This!
You first!

That's how we do things here...
  • #3
ok, I did'nt understand the problem.But I guess that the total length of a tracking field is 6 km and when the power came again, the timer showed the time s 75 s and the leading car is on the opposite side of the track. Please help!
  • #4
The question is horribly ambiguous. Where exactly is the starting point with respect to this oval? But you can probably assume that "being on the opposite side" meant half a lap, i.e. 3km away...

so...2 possible distances! Considered the possibility of lapping...?

***a) is unsolvable without additional info (such as that in part c), either you transcribed it wrongly or it's just set wrongly. After all, it's repeated in part d), no?***
  • #5
I think that the help on this may be a little late.

The OP was 2 years ago.
The question is horribly ambiguous.
I believe that was the point of the question ... to encourage the student to consider the possibilities of what may have transpired.

FAQ: Determining Leading Car's Velocity On TV Outage

What is the purpose of "Determining Leading Car's Velocity On TV Outage"?

The purpose of this study is to determine the velocity of the leading car during a TV outage in order to understand the impact of technology disruptions on the accuracy of speed measurements.

What is the methodology used in this study?

The methodology used in this study involves analyzing video footage of a car race during a TV outage and using mathematical calculations to determine the leading car's velocity based on the distance and time traveled.

Why is it important to determine the leading car's velocity during a TV outage?

It is important because technology disruptions, such as a TV outage, can affect the accuracy of speed measurements in car races. By determining the leading car's velocity during a TV outage, we can better understand the impact of these disruptions on race results and improve future speed measurement methods.

What are the potential limitations of this study?

One potential limitation of this study is the accuracy of the video footage used. Factors such as camera quality and angles may affect the precision of the measurements. Additionally, the results may only be applicable to the specific race and circumstances analyzed.

How can the findings of this study be applied in real-world situations?

The findings of this study can be applied in real-world situations by improving the accuracy of speed measurements in car races. This can help ensure fair competition and potentially prevent disputes over race results. The study can also contribute to the development of new technologies and methods for measuring speed in sports events.
