Determining margin off error within experimental calculations

In summary, a group of friends conducted a physics project to calculate g using kinematics and found an average value of 8.5 m/s^2, much lower than the expected 9.81 m/s^2. They discussed the best way to present this data and considered using the formula for deviation, but ultimately decided to consult a statistics instructor for a more accurate method. They were advised to use the average, calculate the difference from the average for each measurement, and determine the probability of error using standard deviation. They also discussed the potential influence of air resistance on their experimental results.
  • #1
For a physics project, a few friends and I got ahold of a couple of balls that would record the time of an impact. Using this, we wanted to calculate g using kinematics to see how off we would be from the expected 9.81 m/s^2. Obviously, differences in altitude, air resistance, and experimental issues mean that we won't be exact, but I was surprised to find that the value of our data averaged 8.5 m/s^2, much lower. I thought that we would get at least 9.2. Two questions, firstly, what is the best way to present this data? A physics instructor suggested the following method for experimental calculations:
Choose 7 random values of g from your list w/replacement. Take the average of them. Do this 5 to 6 times, or as many as possible. Take the range of the samples. Your answer is then average of all samples±range
Can anyone think of a better method? I'm not sure which would be best, considering we're this off. I know people like to use actual value- experimental value ÷ actual value, but for this project specifically, I'd rather not use this. Thanks!
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  • #2
I'd just calculate the arithmetic mean for the best estimate, and then use the standard formula to calculate the deviation... sqrt(sum(value-error)^2/N).

It doesn't seem right to base your method of analysis on the details of your findings. You can't say "we were slightly wrong, so let's take the median instead of the mean and present that". You're slightly wrong for a reason, and if you tinker with a result you're unjustifiably concealing whatever effect caused the deviation! If you're calculating g from the free-fall time then I'd be more surprised if you got 9.81, since there will always be an air resistance term slowing the descent.
  • #3
To determine the statistic uncertainty, I would use the variation in the sample itself, as described by MikeyW (and divide by N-1 instead of N).

To determine the systematic uncertainty, it would be necessary to know more about your setup.
  • #4
Could you elaborate on the formula for deviation? I've never used it before, so I'm not familiar with it.
  • #5
Clearly you should ask a stats instructor, not a physics instructor! You can see how flawed the suggestion by supposing you only had 7 measurements and see what the scheme tells you to do. The MikeyW/mfb suggestion is far more reasonable:
- take the average
- calculate the difference from the average for each of the N measurements
- square each of those differences and add them up
- divide by N-1
- take the square root
This gives you a fair estimate of the standard deviation of your experiment. The probability that the actual value is more than X away from the average you calculated can then be estimated by comparing X with the standard deviation (D). You can look the probability up in standard tables for normal distributions, e.g. . For that table, calculate Z = X/D. Read out the value, p, from the table for that Z. The probability that your error is more than X is then 2*(1-p). E.g., if Z = .31, you read out 0.6217, and the prob that the error is more than 0.31*D is about 0.76
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  • #6
This is pretty interesting! Definitely seems a lot more precise than what my physics instructor gave me.
Thanks a lot for all of your help!

It doesn't seem right to base your method of analysis on the details of your findings. You can't say "we were slightly wrong, so let's take the median instead of the mean and present that". You're slightly wrong for a reason, and if you tinker with a result you're unjustifiably concealing whatever effect caused the deviation! If you're calculating g from the free-fall time then I'd be more surprised if you got 9.81, since there will always be an air resistance term slowing the descent.

Mikey, could you explain in a bit more detail why this method doesn't work? I want to make sure I understand it fully.
  • #7
Are you referring to your experimental method or you analysis method? I don't know why the "split into 7 then take the average" idea doesn't work... to me, it just doesn't make sense and it's not something I'd tell anyone to do.

FAQ: Determining margin off error within experimental calculations

1. What is margin of error in experimental calculations?

The margin of error in experimental calculations is a measure of the accuracy and precision of the results obtained from an experiment. It represents the range of values within which the true value of the parameter being measured is likely to fall.

2. How is margin of error calculated?

Margin of error is typically calculated using a formula that takes into account the sample size, confidence level, and standard deviation of the data. The most commonly used formula is MOE = Z * (σ/√n), where Z is the z-score corresponding to the desired confidence level, σ is the standard deviation, and n is the sample size.

3. What factors can affect the margin of error?

The margin of error can be affected by several factors, including the sample size, variability of the data, and the confidence level chosen. A larger sample size typically results in a smaller margin of error, while higher variability and a higher confidence level can lead to a larger margin of error.

4. How does margin of error impact the reliability of experimental results?

The margin of error is an important factor in determining the reliability of experimental results. A larger margin of error indicates a higher degree of uncertainty in the results, while a smaller margin of error suggests a more accurate and precise measurement. Therefore, a smaller margin of error is generally preferred in scientific research as it increases the confidence in the results.

5. Can the margin of error be reduced?

Yes, the margin of error can be reduced by increasing the sample size, reducing the variability of the data, or choosing a higher confidence level. However, it is important to note that reducing the margin of error also increases the cost and time required for the experiment. Therefore, it is crucial to strike a balance between the desired level of accuracy and the practical limitations of the experiment.

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