Determining Someone's Age Through Body Examination

In summary, coroners look for specific features on a body to determine the approximate age of the person. They might also use things like growth plates in bones to estimate a person's age. If the body is decomposed, they might only be able to guess a person's age.
  • #1
Just a simple question for people knowledgeable in biology:
what are some specific examples of determining someone's age by studying their body? I know you can use bones and teeth, and perhaps hair or something, but what specifically is it that the coronor, let's say, looks for to determine accurate age in a cadaver? Are there layers of cacium on the bones, like rings in a tree trunk, or what?

More importantly, what is a non-conspicuous way of telling someone's age if a body were intentionally fabricated to look older? (nevermind how).

p.s. this sounds creepy I know; I'm writing a novel.
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  • #2
ThomasFuhlery said:
Just a simple question for people knowledgeable in biology:
what are some specific examples of determining someone's age by studying their body? I know you can use bones and teeth, and perhaps hair or something, but what specifically is it that the coronor, let's say, looks for to determine accurate age in a cadaver? Are there layers of cacium on the bones, like rings in a tree trunk, or what?

More importantly, what is a non-conspicuous way of telling someone's age if a body were intentionally fabricated to look older? (nevermind how).

p.s. this sounds creepy I know; I'm writing a novel.
What stage of decomposition is the body in?
  • #3
They can't determine a precise age, just an approximate age range. Assuming the body wasn't too decomposed, they'd use the same features anyone would use to guess someone's age...wrinkles, gray hair, other body hair, baldness. In a young person, they could also look at the growth plates in the bones, which fuse when we reach our adult height, whether they have their baby teeth or adult teeth, how many sets of molars, whether the wisdom teeth are formed or still present, assess secondary sex characteristics and gonads to determine if they are pre- or post-pubertal. In older adults, perhaps evidence of worn cartilage, especially in the spine, maybe bone density scans that would indicate osteoporosis could add to the age range. In women, the ovaries would give clues if she's post-menopausal. I'm just guessing here at what a coroner would use though. This is just stuff I can think of that might be able to give clues about the age of a body. I think if the body is fairly decomposed, all they can really give are pretty broad guesses, like "middle-aged" or "elderly." Children's ages they could probably guess more precisely because there are characteristic growth stages...assuming of course that the kid isn't at the extreme ends of the spectrum so that a 2 year old has bone lengths of a 5 year old.

Related to Determining Someone's Age Through Body Examination

What are the signs and symptoms of aging in humans?

The most common signs and symptoms of aging in humans include wrinkles, gray hair, loss of muscle mass and strength, decreased vision and hearing, and an increased risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and dementia.

What causes aging in humans?

The exact cause of aging in humans is still unknown, but it is believed to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Some theories suggest that aging is caused by the accumulation of damage to cells and tissues over time, while others propose that it is programmed into our DNA.

At what age does aging begin in humans?

Aging begins at different ages for different people, but it typically starts around the age of 30. This is when the body's natural processes start to slow down and signs of aging become more visible.

Can the effects of aging be reversed?

While some age-related changes can be slowed down or managed, the effects of aging cannot be completely reversed. However, there are ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle and potentially delay the onset of age-related diseases.

What role does lifestyle play in the aging process?

Lifestyle choices can greatly impact the aging process. A healthy diet, regular exercise, and avoiding harmful habits such as smoking can all contribute to a longer and healthier life. Additionally, managing stress and staying socially connected can also have a positive impact on aging.

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