Determining the life time of a excited state.

In summary, the smallest uncertainty in the frequency of emitted light for excited atoms returning to ground state is estimated to be 8 MHz. This information can be used to estimate the lifetime of the excited states by applying the energy-time uncertainty principle, which states that \Delta E \Delta t \ge \frac{\hbar}{2}. However, there is some uncertainty in using this principle since the frequency is known but the energy is not explicitly stated.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The smallest uncertainty in the frequency of emitted light when excited atoms return to ground state for molecules is estimated to be 8 MHz. Use this information to estimate the lifetime of the excited states.
I would like to know if I'm thinking correct.

Homework Equations

Well here, it is a question we can take in general by having an uncertainty of the frequency at f = MHz.
I took the hydrogen atom in which the energy levels in general can be written as

[itex]E_n=\frac{-13.6eV}{n^2}[/itex] where I then calculate the difference in energy for instance between state n = 1 and n = 2.

The Attempt at a Solution

Can I then apply the energy-time uncertainty principle [itex]\Delta E \Delta t \ge \frac{\hbar}{2}[/itex] ?
I'm not sure about this, science we have an uncertainty in FREQUENCY which makes me stuck.

Appreciate for help.
Physics news on
  • #2
Recall the general relation E = hf.
  • #3
TSny said:
Recall the general relation E = hf.

Can this be used as the uncertainty in energy in the energy-time uncertainty principle?
(Im not very sure about this, science I don't have a solution for this)
  • #4
Need to mention that of course f = 8 MHz
  • #5

Yes, you are on the right track. The energy-time uncertainty principle states that the uncertainty in energy (\Delta E) multiplied by the uncertainty in time (\Delta t) must be greater than or equal to hbar/2, where hbar is the reduced Planck's constant. In this case, the uncertainty in energy is related to the frequency by the equation E = hf, where h is Planck's constant and f is the frequency. So, we can rewrite the energy-time uncertainty principle as \Delta E \Delta t \geq \frac{\hbar}{2} \implies \Delta f \Delta t \geq \frac{1}{4\pi}.

In order to determine the lifetime of the excited state, we need to first calculate the uncertainty in time. We can do this by rearranging the equation for energy levels of the hydrogen atom to solve for the energy difference between states n = 1 and n = 2:

E_2 - E_1 = \frac{-13.6eV}{2^2} - \frac{-13.6eV}{1^2} = 3.4eV

Now, we can use the equation E = hf to calculate the uncertainty in frequency:

\Delta f = \frac{\Delta E}{h} = \frac{3.4eV}{h} = \frac{3.4eV}{6.63 \times 10^{-34} J \cdot s} = 5.13 \times 10^{14} Hz

Finally, we can use the uncertainty in frequency and the given uncertainty in frequency (8 MHz) to calculate the uncertainty in time:

\Delta f \Delta t \geq \frac{1}{4\pi} \implies (5.13 \times 10^{14} Hz)(\Delta t) \geq \frac{1}{4\pi} \implies \Delta t \geq \frac{1}{4\pi(5.13 \times 10^{14} Hz)} = 3.07 \times 10^{-17} s

Therefore, the estimated lifetime of the excited state is 3.07 x 10^-17 seconds. Keep in mind that this is just an estimate and the actual lifetime may vary.

Related to Determining the life time of a excited state.

1. How do you determine the life time of an excited state?

The life time of an excited state can be determined through a process called fluorescence decay. This involves measuring the decrease in fluorescence intensity over time as the excited state returns to its ground state. The time it takes for the fluorescence intensity to decrease by half is known as the fluorescence half-life, which is equal to the life time of the excited state.

2. What factors can affect the life time of an excited state?

Several factors can affect the life time of an excited state, including the nature of the excited state (e.g. singlet or triplet), the surrounding environment (e.g. solvent, temperature), and the presence of any quenchers or energy acceptors. Additionally, the type of molecule and its electronic structure can also influence the life time of an excited state.

3. Can the life time of an excited state be modified?

Yes, the life time of an excited state can be modified through various methods, such as changing the surrounding environment or introducing energy acceptors. For example, in fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), the life time of an excited state can be shortened by the presence of a nearby energy acceptor, leading to a decrease in fluorescence intensity.

4. Why is it important to determine the life time of an excited state?

Determining the life time of an excited state is important because it provides valuable information about the molecular structure and dynamics of a system. It can also help in understanding the mechanisms of various processes, such as energy transfer and chemical reactions. Additionally, the life time of an excited state can be used as a diagnostic tool for studying the properties and interactions of molecules.

5. What techniques are commonly used to determine the life time of an excited state?

Some common techniques used to determine the life time of an excited state include time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy, time-correlated single photon counting, and fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy. These techniques involve measuring the fluorescence intensity at different time intervals after excitation and analyzing the data to determine the life time of the excited state.

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