Determining the period of a periodic motion

In summary, the conversation involves a problem of finding the period of motion for a ball being dropped from a height of 4m and making a perfectly elastic collision with the ground. The equation V(final)=V(initial)-gt is used to find the time t, and the period T is found by multiplying t by 2. However, the answer does not match the one given in the book. The speaker questions whether their method is correct and asks for clarification on why this type of motion is not considered simple harmonic. It is determined that the motion is only considered simple harmonic if there are no external forces present, such as air resistance or friction. The book states that it would have been more straightforward to use a different equation and confirms that the
  • #1
Hi. I am currently working on a problem involving a ball being dropped from a hieght of 4m making a perfectly elastic collision with the ground. Assuming no mechanical energy is lost due to air resistance, I must find the period of the motion.
I used the equation
V(final) = V(initial) - gt
where V(initial)=0
therefore V(final)= -9.8t

and V^2(final) = V^2(initial) - 2gh
h= -4m
V(final)= -9.8t
so i replaced these values in the equation, and i find t= 0.9035 seconds
To find T, I simply multiplied 0.9035 sec by 2. However, my answer does not correspond that what it says in the book, and now I'm lost! Can someone help me by telling me if my method is right or wrong? I would really appreciate it!
Thank you!
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  • #2
And also, why is this type of motion NOT Simple Harmonic?
  • #3
It is simple harmonic motion if the collisions are completely elastic and no air resistance/friction is present.

It takes 1.807s for the ball to fall, hit the ground, and go back to its original height. What does the book say?
  • #4
1) it would have been more straightforward to use
x = x_0 + v_0 *t + .5 g t^2 => 4m = .5(9.8m/ss) t^2

2) yes, the time Period T = 1.807s . Did they give frequency?

3) "Harmonic" means location function x(t-t_0) can be written
as a Sum of sine waves with (a) w_i = n * w_0
"Simple Harmonic" means that there's only one term:
x(t) = A sin(wt) (if you set your starting time right, so no phase).
Do you think this ball's motion is Simple Harmonic?

FAQ: Determining the period of a periodic motion

1. What is periodic motion?

Periodic motion is a type of motion where an object repeats its path or movement in a regular and predictable pattern. This can be seen in objects such as a pendulum, a swinging door, or a bouncing ball.

2. How do you determine the period of a periodic motion?

The period of a periodic motion can be determined by measuring the time it takes for one complete cycle of the motion to occur. This can be done by using a timer or stopwatch and recording the time for multiple cycles and then calculating the average.

3. What is the unit of measurement for the period of a periodic motion?

The unit of measurement for the period of a periodic motion is seconds (s). This represents the time it takes for one complete cycle of the motion to occur.

4. Does the amplitude affect the period of a periodic motion?

No, the amplitude (the maximum displacement from equilibrium) does not affect the period of a periodic motion. The period is solely determined by the properties of the object in motion, such as its mass and the force acting on it.

5. Can the period of a periodic motion change?

Yes, the period of a periodic motion can change if there are changes in the properties of the object or the forces acting on it. For example, if the length of a pendulum is shortened, the period of its swing will decrease.
