Determining the tension on a rotating particle

In summary, the homework statement is that a particle slides on a smooth table and is pulled downwards by a force. The equation for the tension is found by using F=ma in polar coordinates. The acceleration in the ##\small \theta## direction is found to be not equal to ##\ddot{\theta}##.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A particle of mass m slides (both sideways and radially) on a smooth frictionless horizontal table. It is attached to a cord that is being pulled downwards at a prescribed constant speed v by a force T (T may be varying)

Use F=ma in polar coordinates to derive an expression for the tension T (T will depend on r and θ and how they may be changing)

Show the particle's polar coordinates satisfy r2dθ/dt = constant

HINT: The only horizontal force on the particle is T and it acts purely in the inward radial direction. Also, dr/dt is known and it is equal to -v

Homework Equations

a = (r''(t)w2)r_hat +(r(t)θ''(t) + 2r'(t)θ'(t))θ_hat
L(t) = L_o ?

The Attempt at a Solution

Not entirely sure how to get started. I've identified that a_r must be zero (since dr/dt is a constant, r''(t) must be zero making a_r zero). I've also set up the equation a_θ = r(t)θ''(t) - 2vw since r'(t) = v and θ'(t) = w. The issue I'm having is trying to identify another equation for the acceleration (or force) in the θ direction, and then from there rectifying that into T.
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  • #2
Welcome to PF!

If the force has only a radial component, what can you say about the component of acceleration in the ##\small \theta## direction: ## a_{\theta}##?

What is the expression in polar coordinates for ##a_{\theta}##?
  • #3
That's part that's confusing... if there's only a force radially, θ''(t) should be zero. However, intuitively, as the radius gets shorter the particle should start rotating faster (cons. of ang. mom.) As far as aθ goes, I'm not exactly sure what the expression should be because I can't identify any forces working on the particle along that axis.

The other part that's messing with my head is the fact that, despite there being a force in the radial direction, there is no radial acceleration.

I've attached the image that came with the problem.

  • #4
freddie711 said:
That's part that's confusing... if there's only a force radially, θ''(t) should be zero.
It turns out that ##a_\theta## is not equal to ##\small \ddot{\theta}##. Note: From your first post you wrote a = (r''(t)w2)r_hat +(r(t)θ''(t) + 2r'(t)θ'(t))θ_hat. So, you can read off ##a_\theta## from there.
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  • #5
Oh. That makes a lot of sense, thanks. How would I use that to get to T(t) though?
  • #6
freddie711 said:
How would I use that to get to T(t) though?
Consider ##a_r##. In your expression
a = (r''(t)w2)r_hat +(r(t)θ''(t) + 2r'(t)θ'(t))θ_hat
it doesn't appear that you have written the r-component correctly.
(Note: there is a tool bar for formatting. Click on the ##\Sigma## tab for math symbols.

You know that ##r^2 \dot{\theta}## is a constant, say ##\small h##. So, ##r^2 \dot{\theta} = h##.Try to find an expression for ##a_r## in terms of just ## r## and ##h##. Then think about how ##r## changes with time.

FAQ: Determining the tension on a rotating particle

1. What is tension on a rotating particle?

Tension on a rotating particle refers to the force applied to the particle in order to maintain its circular motion. It is directed towards the center of the circle and is responsible for keeping the particle on its circular path.

2. How is tension on a rotating particle determined?

Tension on a rotating particle can be determined by using the centripetal force equation, which states that tension equals the mass of the particle multiplied by its tangential velocity squared, divided by the radius of the circular motion.

3. What factors affect the tension on a rotating particle?

The tension on a rotating particle is affected by the mass of the particle, its tangential velocity, and the radius of the circular motion. In general, the greater the mass and velocity of the particle, or the smaller the radius, the greater the tension will be.

4. Can the tension on a rotating particle be negative?

No, the tension on a rotating particle cannot be negative. It is always directed towards the center of the circle and therefore has a positive value. If the calculated tension is negative, it indicates that the particle is not rotating in a circular path and the calculations are incorrect.

5. How does the tension on a rotating particle relate to its centripetal acceleration?

The tension on a rotating particle is directly related to its centripetal acceleration. As the particle's tangential velocity increases, the centripetal acceleration also increases, resulting in a greater tension force being required to maintain the circular motion.

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