Determining Voltage in Parallel Current Source Circuit | Homework Solution

In summary, when replacing multiple sources with a single equivalent source, the current splits evenly among the resistors on either side of the source. This is determined by the resistance ratio between the two resistors. If the resistors are of equal value, the current divides equally. If one resistor is a multiple of the other, the larger resistor carries a fraction of the current equal to the inverse of the resistance ratio. Ideal voltage sources can give and take any amount of current, making it possible to put them in parallel with ideal current sources as long as there is something in between to prevent the sources from directly influencing each other.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Determine the voltage v in the circuit after first replacing the three sources with a single equivalent source.


Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I've arrived at the correct answer. I just want to make sure I did it correctly and didn't just get lucky.
I know that the equivalent current source will be +10A upward. So I redraw it with the source in the middle and the resistors on either side. The current splits evenly, and half flows to the left resistor, while half flows to the right resistor. This gives v=iR=(5)(10)=50V.

My question: Does the current split equally in that situation regardless of the elements and their values on either side?

For example, if there were a 10Ω resistor on the left and a 3V battery on the right, would half the middle current flow through the resistor and half flow through the battery?
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  • #2
you solved it correctly with good reasoning.

to answer your question. You cannot put to ideal sources in parallel with each other. an ideal voltage source (a battery) has 0 resistance. that means 100% of the current would flow throw the battery. If you tried to implement that in the real world, you would risk blowing the battery.
  • #3
Ah, I see. Thanks for the confirmation. 'Preciate it.
  • #4
donpacino said:
you solved it correctly with good reasoning.

to answer your question. You cannot put to ideal sources in parallel with each other. an ideal voltage source (a battery) has 0 resistance. that means 100% of the current would flow throw the battery. If you tried to implement that in the real world, you would risk blowing the battery.

No, that is not correct. An ideal current source and an ideal voltage source CAN be put in parallel, provided that there is something (like a resistor) that allows the total circuit to not require either of those sources to have a value other than what is specified.

For example, a circuit consisting of a 10volt source, a 10amp source, and a 10ohm resistor, all in parallel, would be no problem, since it would just require that that 10volt source have 9 amps flowing through it the "wrong" way. Ideal sources don't care. A real-world source would of course be a different story.
  • #5
phinds said:
No, that is not correct. An ideal current source and an ideal voltage source CAN be put in parallel, provided that there is something (like a resistor) that allows the total circuit to not require either of those sources to have a value other than what is specified.

For example, a circuit consisting of a 10volt source, a 10amp source, and a 10ohm resistor, all in parallel, would be no problem, since it would just require that that 10volt source have 9 amps flowing through it the "wrong" way. Ideal sources don't care. A real-world source would of course be a different story.

the fact that there is something like a resistor in between the 2 sources would mean the sources are not in parallel...

It is NEVER good practice to drive a load with multiple sources unless proper control circuitry is in place.

that being said, yes in an ideal case 9 amps would go through the voltage supply and 1 amp would go through the resistor. my mistake... note please never try to do that in lab
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  • #6
donpacino said:
the fact that there is something like a resistor in between the 2 sources would mean the sources are not in parallel...
No, it does not. I don't see how you get that. Think of exactly the configuration shown in the OP. There are 3 current sources in parallel. How can you say they are not? Just remove one of them and replace one of the remaining ones with a voltage source and you have exactly the configuration I am talking about.

It is NEVER good practice to drive a load with multiple sources unless proper control circuitry is in place.
Agreed, but that is NOT a limitation that is place on ideal circuits in introductory courses.
  • #7
the definition of parallel is that 2 components share the same nodes. if you put a limiting resistor in series with one or both of the power sources then that implies that the power sources are not in parallel.

note op has all required information. i am no longer replying to this thread
  • #8
donpacino said:
the definition of parallel is that 2 components share the same nodes. if you put a limiting resistor in series with one or both of the power sources then that implies that the power sources are not in parallel.

Yes, if you were to put something in series with any element, it wouldn't be parallel, but that's not the case I'm describing. You clearly don't understand what you are saying.
  • #9
Hi kandrew!
My question: Does the current split equally in that situation regardless of the elements and their values on either side?

For example, if there were a 10Ω resistor on the left and a 3V battery on the right, would half the middle current flow through the resistor and half flow through the battery?

The current leaving a node like you have divides up according to the resistance ratio. More correctly, it splits according to the inverse of the resistance ratio.

So if the two resistors are of equal value, the current divides equally. If one resistor is x3 that of the other, then that larger resistor carries precisely one-third of what the other carries. You can see this from Ohm's Law, once you recognize that the voltage across the parallel components is common, i.e., it's the same for each.

In the example you have conjured up, the current source puts out its constant 10A of current, the 3v ideal voltage source mantains its terminal voltage at 3v come hell or highwater, and the 10Ω resistor carries 0.300A because it has 3 volts across it. The remainder of the current source's output goes through the voltage source without ill effect. Ideal voltage sources can give and take any amount of current you wish, except infinite current.

I think that answers your question?
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  • #10
That clears it all up. Thanks a bunch, Nascent. :)

FAQ: Determining Voltage in Parallel Current Source Circuit | Homework Solution

1. What are parallel current sources?

Parallel current sources refer to two or more current sources that are connected in parallel, meaning they share the same nodes or terminals. This means that the same current flows through both sources, but they may have different magnitudes or directions.

2. How do parallel current sources behave?

Parallel current sources behave similarly to parallel resistors in that the total current flowing through the parallel combination is equal to the sum of the individual currents. This is known as Kirchhoff's Current Law.

3. Can parallel current sources be replaced with a single equivalent current source?

Yes, parallel current sources can be replaced with a single equivalent current source. This is done by finding the total current that would flow through the parallel combination, and using that as the magnitude for the equivalent current source.

4. What is the effect of adding more parallel current sources to a circuit?

Adding more parallel current sources to a circuit will increase the total current flowing through the circuit. This can be beneficial in certain applications, but it is important to ensure that the total current does not exceed the capacity of the circuit components.

5. How are parallel current sources represented in circuit diagrams?

Parallel current sources are typically represented by drawing the individual current sources as parallel lines, with the same nodes or terminals connected. The direction and magnitude of each current source can also be indicated with arrows and values, respectively.
