Deuteron Ground State / Perturbation Theory

In summary, the deuteron ground state cannot be an eigenstate of a central potential Hamiltonian because of the mixing of l=0 and l=2 states. In order for this mixing to be possible, the potential must contain a term proportional to a combination of Y2m. This can be achieved by using the tensor product of two spherical harmonics to construct a scalar perturbation in the Hamiltonian.
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Homework Statement

The deuteron ground state is made up of l = 0 and l = 2 states;
a)Show this mixture cannot be an eigenstate of a central potential Hamiltonian
b)Using first-order time independent perturbation theory, argue the potential must contain a term proportional to some combination of Y2m for this mixing to be possible.
c) However Y2m are not scalars, they're components of rank 2 tensors. The Hamiltonian must be a scalar so how can one construct a perturbation that is a scalar yet contain this rank 2 tensor?

Homework Equations

[itex] H = (\frac{p^{2}}{2m} + V(r)) [/itex]
[itex] \psi_{total} = c\psi_{l=0} + d\psi_{l=2} [/itex]
[itex] \psi_{l=0} = \frac{u_{0}(r)}{r} Y_{0m} [/itex]
[itex] \psi_{l=2} = \frac{u_{2}(r)}{r} Y_{2m} [/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

a) Since r is the same for both of them the fact that [itex] H \psi = E \psi [/itex], this implies that

[itex] \frac{p^{2}}{2m}c \psi_{l=0} + \frac{p^{2}}{2m}c \psi_{l=2} = D (c \psi_{l=0} + d \psi_{l=2}) = (E - V(r))(c \psi_{l=0} + d \psi_{l=2}) [/itex]

where D is a constant, however this is not true as as the two psi functions are not of the same form, hence they are not an eigenstate if the potential is constant.

b) I'm really stuck on this bit, I'm not really very familiar with time independant pertubation theory but I've been trying to teach myself, so I let the hamiltonian equal sometime of the form;

[itex] H_{new} = H_{0} + V [/itex]

I've tried playing around with the algebra trying to figure out why V(r) would be proportional to Y2m but I'm really stuck, and I can't envisage why it'd be proportional to Y2m but not Y0m anyway.

I'm sorry but I really don't know where to go, if anyone could point me in the right direction that'd be great thanks.

Thank you for your time.
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  • #2
I would like to offer some insights on your questions.

a) You are correct in saying that the mixture cannot be an eigenstate of a central potential Hamiltonian. This is because the two states, l=0 and l=2, have different angular momentum values and cannot be combined to form an eigenstate.

b) In order for the mixing to be possible, the potential must contain a term that is proportional to a combination of Y2m. This is because Y2m represents the spherical harmonics, which are functions of the polar angles (θ and φ). These functions are related to the angular momentum of the system, and in this case, the l=2 state. So, in order to mix the two states, the potential must contain a term that is proportional to Y2m.

c) You are correct in saying that Y2m are components of rank 2 tensors and the Hamiltonian must be a scalar. In order to construct a perturbation that is a scalar yet contains this rank 2 tensor, we can use the tensor product of two spherical harmonics. This will result in a scalar quantity that contains the information of both Y0m and Y2m. This can then be used as a perturbation in the Hamiltonian.

I hope this helps clarify your questions. If you have any further questions, please let me know.

FAQ: Deuteron Ground State / Perturbation Theory

1. What is the Deuteron Ground State?

The Deuteron Ground State refers to the lowest energy state of a deuteron, which is the nucleus of a deuterium atom. In this state, the two protons and one neutron in the nucleus are in their lowest possible energy configuration.

2. How is the Deuteron Ground State calculated?

The Deuteron Ground State is calculated using perturbation theory, which is a mathematical method for finding approximate solutions to complex problems in physics. In this case, the perturbation theory is used to calculate the energy levels of the deuteron by considering the interactions between the protons and neutrons in the nucleus.

3. What is the significance of the Deuteron Ground State?

The Deuteron Ground State is significant because it provides important information about the structure and behavior of the nucleus. It also plays a crucial role in nuclear reactions and energy production, as well as the formation of heavier elements in the universe.

4. How does perturbation theory work?

Perturbation theory works by breaking down a complex problem into simpler, easier to solve parts. It then uses a series of mathematical approximations to calculate the solution to the original problem. In the case of the Deuteron Ground State, perturbation theory is used to calculate the energy levels of the nucleus by taking into account the effects of the proton-proton and proton-neutron interactions.

5. What are the limitations of perturbation theory in calculating the Deuteron Ground State?

While perturbation theory is a useful method for approximating solutions to complex problems, it does have its limitations. In the case of the Deuteron Ground State, perturbation theory may not accurately predict the actual energy levels of the nucleus, and higher order corrections may be needed to improve the accuracy of the calculations.
