Developing equation for rare gas thermometer using F

In summary, to develop an analogous equation for a rare gas thermometer using the Fahrenheit scale as reference points, you need to set up two equations using the freezing point and boiling point of water (32°F and 212°F). By solving for the constants a and b, you can write the equation T = 1.1778L + (32 - 1.1778L) which can be used to convert temperatures from Fahrenheit to the rare gas thermometer scale.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Develop an analogous equation for a rare gas thermometer using the Fahrenheit scale as reference points.

Homework Equations

T = aL + b where L is length of metal rod used to determine scale, a and b are constants

expansion coefficient = 2.7315

The Attempt at a Solution

So we derived the formula for Kelvin scale in class using T = aL + b, and now we're supposed to do the same with Fahrenheit. I've been working for a little over a week now and have come up with little to nothing. I don't need answers, I need somewhere to start

I tried using 32, the freezing point in the F scale, in that first equation to get

32 = aL + b

When we used Celsius to get the Kelvin scale, this worked well because freezing point was zero and that meant b = -aL ... from there I could figure the rest of the derivation out..

I tried to use 212 as the boiling point to get:

212 = aL + b

I then substituted b from the second equation into the first, took up a few pieces of paper with math, and came out with a bunch of hot mess... any suggestions?
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  • #2

Hello, thank you for posting this question. I understand that you are trying to develop an analogous equation for a rare gas thermometer using the Fahrenheit scale as reference points. Here are some steps that may help you in solving this problem:

1. Review the equation for the Kelvin scale that you derived in class: T = aL + b.

2. Recall that the Fahrenheit scale has two reference points: the freezing point of water at 32°F and the boiling point of water at 212°F.

3. Use these reference points to set up two equations:

32 = aL + b
212 = aL + b

4. Rearrange the equations to solve for b in terms of aL:

b = 32 - aL
b = 212 - aL

5. Substitute the second equation into the first equation to eliminate b:

32 - aL = 212 - aL

6. Solve for aL:

aL = 180

7. Substitute this value of aL into the second equation to solve for a:

212 = a(180)

a = 212/180 = 1.1778

8. Now that you have the values for a and b, you can write the analogous equation for the rare gas thermometer using the Fahrenheit scale as reference points:

T = 1.1778L + (32 - 1.1778L)

T = 32 + 0.1778L

9. This equation can be used to convert temperatures from the Fahrenheit scale to the rare gas thermometer scale. For example, if you have a temperature of 100°F, you can plug it into the equation to get the corresponding temperature on the rare gas thermometer:

T = 32 + 0.1778(100) = 50.78

Therefore, a temperature of 100°F is equivalent to 50.78 on the rare gas thermometer scale.

I hope this helps you get started on solving your problem. Good luck!

FAQ: Developing equation for rare gas thermometer using F

1. How is F related to temperature in the rare gas thermometer equation?

F is the fractional abundance of a rare gas isotope in the gas mixture being measured. In the rare gas thermometer equation, it is used to calculate the temperature by comparing the relative abundances of different isotopes in the gas sample.

2. What are the rare gases commonly used in rare gas thermometers?

The most commonly used rare gases in rare gas thermometers are helium, neon, argon, krypton, and xenon. These gases have stable isotopes with different masses, making them suitable for temperature measurements using the rare gas thermometer equation.

3. How is the rare gas thermometer equation developed?

The rare gas thermometer equation is derived from the principles of thermodynamics and the ideal gas law. It involves comparing the relative abundances of different isotopes in a gas sample at two different temperatures and solving for the unknown temperature in terms of F, the fractional abundance.

4. What are the advantages of using a rare gas thermometer?

Rare gas thermometers have several advantages, including high accuracy, stability, and reproducibility. They also have a wide temperature range, from cryogenic temperatures to high temperatures, making them suitable for various applications in scientific research and industrial processes.

5. How is the accuracy of the rare gas thermometer equation verified?

The accuracy of the rare gas thermometer equation is verified by performing calibration experiments using known temperatures and comparing the results to the calculated temperatures using the equation. It is also important to ensure that the gas mixture being measured is well-mixed and does not contain impurities that could affect the accuracy of the equation.

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