Why Does My DFT Program for Helium in Mathematica Give Incorrect Energy Values?

In summary, the problem arises when vhartree is not zero. My program works perfect when vhartree={0,0,..,0}.
  • #1
I'm trying to solve this problem with Mathematica.


Im not a Mathematica expert, but my program works perfect when vhartree={0,0,..,0}.

This is the program I wrote:
Clear[u, poisson, vhartree]
h = 10^(-2);(*step integration*)
rmax = 20;
rmin = 10^(-30);
Z = 2; (*atomic number*)
points = rmax/h;
vhartree = Table[0, {i, 1, points + 1}];
(*numerov integration*)
g[energy_, j_] :=
If [j < rmax/h,
a = N[2 (energy + Z/(rmax - j h)) - vhartree[[points - j]]],
a = N[2 (energy + 1/rmin)] + vhartree[[1]]];
numerov[energy_] := Module[{j},
u = {N[rmax*Exp[-rmax]]};
PrependTo[u, N[(rmax - h)*Exp[-(rmax - h)]]];
alpha = N[h^2/12];
x = u[[1]];
y = u[[2]];
z = (2 (1 - 5 alpha g[energy, 1]) y + (1 +
     alpha g[energy, 0]) x)/(1 + alpha g[energy, 2]);
PrependTo[u, z];
For[ j = 2, j < points, j++,
x = y;
y = z;
z = (2 (1 - 5 alpha g[energy, j]) y - (1 +
      alpha g[energy, j - 1]) x)/(1 + alpha g[energy, j + 1]);
PrependTo[u, z];

searchenergy := Module[{k, n, a, b, M, j},
(*searching range where numerov[[1]] change its sign*)
k = 1;
a = -10 ;(*min. energy*)
While[numerov[a][[1]]*numerov[a + 0.1][[1]] > 0,
a = a + 0.1;

b = a + 0.1; (*max energy*)
M = 50;(*max number of iterations*)
wave = {};
n = 0;
epsilon = 10^(-8);
While[(n < M) && (Abs[a - b] > epsilon),
energy = N[(a + b)/2];
If[(numerov[a][[1]])*(numerov[energy][[1]]) > 0, a = energy,
b = energy];
wave = numerov[energy];
(*normalization, Simpson's rule*)
hsimpson = rmax/(Length[wave]);
integrate = (hsimpson/3) ((wave[[1]])^2 +
  2 Sum[wave[[2 j]]^2, {j, 1, Length[wave]/2 - 1}] +
  4 Sum[wave[[2 j - 1]]^2, {j, 1, Length[wave]/2}]);
wave = wave/Sqrt[integrate];
Poisson := Module[{i, beta, t, v, w},
(*Verlet algorithm*)
t = 0;
v = h;
poisson = {t, v};
For[i = 1, i <= puntos - 1, i++,
w = 2 v - t - (h) wave[[I]]^2/(i);
AppendTo[poisson, w];
t = v;
v = w;
(*adding homogeneus solution*)
beta = (1 - poisson[[Length[poisson]]])/rmax;
For[i = 1, i <= Length[poisson], i++,
poisson[[I]] = poisson[[I]] + beta (i - 1) h;
(*adding vhartre \neq 0*)
lista = {energy};
For[k = 0, k < 5, k++,
vhartree[[1]] = poisson[[1]]/rmin;
For[m = 2, m <= Length[poisson], m++,
    vhartree[[m]] = 2 poisson[[m]]/((m + 1) h);
(*print the number of cycles before self consistency*)
AppendTo[lista, energy];
integrate2 = (hsimpson/3) *(vhartree[[1]] (wave[[1]])^2 +
vhartree[[Length[vhartree]]] (wave[[Length[vhartree]]])^2 +
2 Sum[vhartree[[2 j]] (wave[[2 j]])^2, {j, 1,
   Length[vhartree]/2 - 1}] +
4 Sum[vhartree[[2 j - 1]] (wave[[2 j - 1]])^2, {j, 1,

The problem arises when vhartree is not zero. In books: 2energy-integrate2= -2.861, I get: -3.89561. I would appreciate any suggestion, thanks in avance for your help. In this page, you can find the code in Python for the whole problem (including the exchange potential):



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  • #2
@Astr, please repost your code. The mentors have tried to format it so that it is readable, but there are still problems, mostly due to browsers mistakenly interpreting array or list indexes of 'i' as the start tag for BBCode italics.

In your opening post (now modified by mentor actions), the text changed from regular text to Italics in your module for the Verlet algorithm. This was caused by writing wave[i]. To prevent this, add a space before the i index like this: wave[ i], or use another index, like j or k.

If you are getting results that you don't expect, that's where debuggers are extremely useful. I am not at all familiar with Mathematica, so don't know what debugging capabilities it has. Since you're not getting the expected result from "2energy-integrate2" I would look at each of these expressions to see what values they have. BTW, I don't believe "2energy" is a valid expression. Mathematica, unlike virtually all other programming languages, allows you to omit an explicit multiplication operator, but I believe you have to at least include a space.
  • #3
Hello @Mark44, thank you for your reply. I translate my program from spanish and I missed a ""puntos"" where should be changed for "points" , I wanted to edited but I don't know how.

By the way, In mathematica 2energy=2*energy is a valid operation, no need for whitespaces, though integrate2 is a valid variable name.

FAQ: Why Does My DFT Program for Helium in Mathematica Give Incorrect Energy Values?

1. What is DFT and how is it used to study helium?

DFT stands for Density Functional Theory, a computational method used to study the electronic structure of atoms, molecules, and solids. In the case of helium, DFT can be used to calculate the energy levels and properties of the electrons in the atom.

2. Why is Mathematica a useful tool for performing DFT calculations on helium?

Mathematica is a powerful software program that allows for efficient and accurate calculations in a variety of scientific fields, including DFT. It has built-in functions and algorithms specifically designed for DFT calculations, making it a convenient and reliable tool for studying helium.

3. What are the advantages of using DFT for helium compared to other methods?

DFT is a more efficient and accurate method for studying helium compared to other methods, such as Hartree-Fock theory. This is because DFT takes into account the interactions between electrons and the overall electronic density, rather than just the individual electrons.

4. Can DFT be used to study helium in different environments?

Yes, DFT can be used to study helium in various environments, including in different states (solid, liquid, gas), under different pressures, and in the presence of other atoms or molecules. This makes it a versatile tool for studying the behavior of helium in different conditions.

5. Are there any limitations to using DFT for helium calculations?

Like any computational method, DFT has its limitations. For helium, DFT may not accurately predict properties such as the exchange energy, which is important for understanding the interactions between electrons. In addition, DFT may not be suitable for studying helium at very high energies or in extreme environments.
