Diagonalizing a polynomial of operators (Quantum Mechanics)

In summary, the problem asks for the diagonalization of (Ap^2+Bx^2)^n, where x and p are position and momentum operators with the commutation relation [x,p]=ihbar. This can be achieved by using the basis of energy eigenstates |n>, where n is a positive non-zero integer. By equating (Ap^2+Bx^2) to the Hamiltonian H and using the expressions for x^2 and p^2 in terms of creation and annihilation operators, the generalized Hamiltonian operator can be written as 2AB*(hbar/omega). This can then be diagonalized as (2AB*(hbar/omega))^n|n><n|, where n is
  • #1
The problem asks for the diagonalization of (a(p^2)+b(x^2))^n, where x and p are position and momentum operators with the commutation relation [x,p]=ihbar. a and b are real on-zero numbers and n is a positive non-zero integer.I know that it is not a good way to use the matrix diagonalization method, so I need the method using Dirac notation.
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  • #2
An operator is diagonal when it is written using the basis of its own eigenstates. Now you have an operator of the form ##(ap^2+bx^2)^n##. The eigenstate of this operator is also the eigenstate of ##ap^2+bx^2## since ##[(ap^2+bx^2)^n,ap^2+bx^2]=0##. Does ##ap^2+bx^2## remind you of the Hamiltonian of a certain quantum system?
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  • #3
blue_leaf77 said:
An operator is diagonal when it is written using the basis of its own eigenstates. Now you have an operator of the form ##(ap^2+bx^2)^n##. The eigenstate of this operator is also the eigenstate of ##ap^2+bx^2## since ##[(ap^2+bx^2)^n,ap^2+bx^2]=0##. Does ##ap^2+bx^2# remind you of the Hamiltonian of a certain quantum system?

Isn't it Hamiltonian of the Harmonic oscillator?
Then should I use the energy eigenstates? and transform x and p to ladder operators?

Thanks a lot!
  • #4
Ghazaleh_Zm said:
Isn't it Hamiltonian of the Harmonic oscillator?
Well, not exactly since the coefficients ##a## and ##b## are taken to be general here. Nevertheless, you can still adopt the same method to find the eigenvalues, e.g. in the harmonic oscillator, the eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian are half-odd multiples of ##\hbar \omega##. In this problem, ##\hbar \omega## must be replaced by something else.
Ghazaleh_Zm said:
Then should I use the energy eigenstates? and transform x and p to ladder operators?
If you are familiar with the harmonic oscillator problem, you don't have to start over again from the factorization of the Hamiltonian into the ladder operators, just make some replacement of the constants.
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  • #5
blue_leaf77 said:
Well, not exactly since the coefficients ##a## and ##b## are taken to be general here. Nevertheless, you can still adopt the same method to find the eigenvalues, e.g. in the harmonic oscillator, the eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian are half-odd multiples of ##\hbar \omega##. In this problem, ##\hbar \omega## must be replaced by something else.

If you are familiar with the harmonic oscillator problem, you don't have to start over again from the factorization of the Hamiltonian into the ladder operators, just make some replacement of the constants.[/You mean I change this polynomial to 1dim. H.O. hamiltonian?]

I thought there should be another way of diagonalizing this using operators algebra. I mean putting this polynomial inside a basis bra ket, maybe <n | n>. I tried to sandwich it in position basis bra ket, wrote p in position representation, but I don't know how to proceed.
  • #6
What do you mean by operator algebra? As you may already know, the eigenstates of the harmonic oscillator-like Hamiltonian form an infinite set, therefore I don't recommend writing that operator in matrix form. An equivalent form of a diagonal representation is the so-called spectral representation. The spectral representation of an operator ##O## is obtained by first computing
\sum_i |u_i\rangle \langle u_i| O \sum_j |u_j\rangle \langle u_j|
where ##\sum_i |u_i\rangle## is the eigenstate of ##O##.

Sanwiching in position basis braket like ##\langle x|(ap^2+bx^2)^n|x \rangle##? It obviously won't be diagonal.
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  • #7
blue_leaf77 said:
What do you mean by operator algebra? As you may already know, the eigenstates of the harmonic oscillator-like Hamiltonian form an infinite set, therefore I don't recommend writing that operator in matrix form. An equivalent form of a diagonal representation is the so-called spectral representation. The spectral representation of an operator ##O## is obtained by first computing
\sum_i |u_i\rangle \langle u_i| O \sum_j |u_j\rangle \langle u_j|
where ##\sum_i |u_i\rangle## is the eigenstate of ##O##.

Sanwiching in position basis braket like ##\langle x|(ap^2+bx^2)^n|x \rangle##? It obviously won't be diagonal.
blue_leaf77 said:
What do you mean by operator algebra? As you may already know, the eigenstates of the harmonic oscillator-like Hamiltonian form an infinite set, therefore I don't recommend writing that operator in matrix form. An equivalent form of a diagonal representation is the so-called spectral representation. The spectral representation of an operator ##O## is obtained by first computing
\sum_i |u_i\rangle \langle u_i| O \sum_j |u_j\rangle \langle u_j|
where ##\sum_i |u_i\rangle## is the eigenstate of ##O##.

Sanwiching in position basis braket like ##\langle x|(ap^2+bx^2)^n|x \rangle##? It obviously won't be diagonal.
blue_leaf77 said:
What do you mean by operator algebra? As you may already know, the eigenstates of the harmonic oscillator-like Hamiltonian form an infinite set, therefore I don't recommend writing that operator in matrix form. An equivalent form of a diagonal representation is the so-called spectral representation. The spectral representation of an operator ##O## is obtained by first computing
\sum_i |u_i\rangle \langle u_i| O \sum_j |u_j\rangle \langle u_j|
where ##\sum_i |u_i\rangle## is the eigenstate of ##O##.

Sanwiching in position basis braket like ##\langle x|(ap^2+bx^2)^n|x \rangle##? It obviously won't be diagonal.
I did the following procedure. Just please tell me its correct or not. Thank you!

because the operator ##(Ap^2+Bx^2)^n## is in the form of general harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian, the basis set in which it would be diagonal is energy eigenstates ##|n\rangle \langle n|## . If we equate ##(Ap^2+Bx^2) = (\frac{p^2}{2m}+\frac{mω^2 x^2}{2})=H## and use:
x^2 = \frac{\hbar}{2mω} (a†+a)^2 = A \frac{\hbar}{ω} (a†+a)^2
p^2 = \frac{-m\hbar ω^2}{2} (a†-a)^2 = -B \frac{\hbar}{ω} (a†-a)^2
Ap^2+Bx^2=-AB \frac{\hbar}{ω} (a†-a)^2 + AB\frac{\hbar}{ω} (a†+a)^2 = 2AB\frac{\hbar}{ω} (a†a+aa†) = 2AB\frac{\hbar}{ω}
which is the eigenvalue of the general Hamiltonian operator. Therefor the diagonalized general Hamiltonian operator will be:
2AB\frac{\hbar}{ω} |n\rangle \langle n|
therefore generalized Hamiltonian operator to the power of n can be diagonalized as:
(2AB\frac{\hbar}{ω})^n |n\rangle \langle n|
and to find the eigenstates, this eigenvalues should be pluged into the Hermite polynomial ##det \left| (Ap^2+Bx^2)^n - (2AB\frac{\hbar}{ω})^n \hat{1} \right| = 0##
because the question did not ask for the eigenstate, just asked to explain how to obtain the eigenstates!
  • #8
Ghazaleh_Zm said:
Ap^2+Bx^2=-AB \frac{\hbar}{ω} (a†-a)^2 + AB\frac{\hbar}{ω} (a†+a)^2 = 2AB\frac{\hbar}{ω} (a†a+aa†) = 2AB\frac{\hbar}{ω}
##a^\dagger a + a a^\dagger \neq 1##. Moreover, you should not introduce ##\omega## in the last expression of your calculation as this quantity was not given at the start. Consider the fact that you can express ##m## in term of ##A## alone. From this and ##B = m\omega^2/2##, you can write ##\omega## in terms of ##A## and ##B##. You can eventually bypass all those steps by simply adapting the eigenvalue of a harmonic oscillator, ##E_n = \hbar \omega (n+1/2)##, to the present problem where ##A## and ##B## replaces the constants.
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FAQ: Diagonalizing a polynomial of operators (Quantum Mechanics)

1. What does it mean to diagonalize a polynomial of operators?

Diagonalizing a polynomial of operators in quantum mechanics refers to the process of finding a new set of operators that have the same effect on the system as the original polynomial, but are simpler and easier to work with. This involves finding a basis in which the operators are diagonal, meaning that they have only non-zero values on the diagonal elements of their matrix representations.

2. Why is it important to diagonalize polynomials of operators?

Diagonalization of operators is important because it simplifies calculations and makes it easier to analyze and understand the behavior of quantum systems. By diagonalizing operators, we can obtain the eigenvalues and eigenvectors, which are crucial in determining the energy levels and states of a system.

3. How do you diagonalize a polynomial of operators?

The process of diagonalizing a polynomial of operators involves finding a basis in which the operators are diagonal. This can be done by using the spectral theorem, which states that any square matrix can be diagonalized by finding its eigenvalues and eigenvectors. The eigenvectors form the basis in which the operator is diagonal, and the eigenvalues correspond to the diagonal elements of the matrix representation of the operator.

4. What are the benefits of diagonalizing a polynomial of operators?

As mentioned earlier, diagonalization simplifies calculations and makes it easier to analyze quantum systems. Additionally, it allows us to easily determine the energy levels and states of a system, which are crucial in understanding the behavior of quantum systems. Diagonalization also helps in solving differential equations and finding the time evolution of a quantum state.

5. Can any polynomial of operators be diagonalized?

Not all polynomials of operators can be diagonalized. For a polynomial to be diagonalizable, it must be a Hermitian polynomial, meaning that it must be equal to its Hermitian conjugate. In other words, the polynomial must be self-adjoint. If a polynomial is not Hermitian, it cannot be diagonalized, and alternative methods must be used to solve the system.

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