Diamond Evacuated Bubble Contest.

In summary, a pseudo team of engineers is trying to win a pseudo X-prize by producing the latest advancement in Diamond Evacuated Bubbles. The pseudo prize includes millions of pseudo dollars and a lifetime pseudo contract with NASA. The contest rules state that the Diamond Evacuated Bubble must be made of nanotubes and specify the necessary bulk weight, gauge of the shell thickness, area of displacement, and diameter for achieving buoyancy to space. The contest also requires the production of a perfect vacuum within the bubble and the use of specialized materials for additional shielding. The concept of a Space Bubble involves using a powerful electromagnet and breathable oxygen for buoyancy and radiation shielding. The bubble can also be used for space tourism and deep space travel.
  • #1
Lets create a pseudo team of engineers for the purpose of producing the latest advancement in Diamond Evacuated Bubbles, Our team is trying to win a pseudo X-prize, The pseudo prize consists of many millions of pseudo dollars and a lifetime pseudo contract with NASA for the production of the Diamond Evacuated Bubbles to space.

Pseudo Contest Rules.

1.The Diamond Evacuated Bubble is made of nanotubes.
2.Specify the necessary bulk weight of the nanotubes after the Bubble has been designed?
3.Specify the gauge of the Diamond Evacuated Bubbles shell thickness?
4.Specify the necessary area of displacement to achieve a buoyancy to Space by a Evacuated Diamond Bubble with an assumed perfect Vacuum contained within it? (To Edge of Space)
5.Specify the necessary diameter of the smallest Diamond Bubble possible to achieve such a feat.
6.The pseudo contest doesn't require any other additional loads to be brought to the edge of space.
7.Specify how many joules of energy were needed to produce a perfect vacuum within the bubble.
8.Specify the total Gross cash of the Materials needed to construct the winning bubble of the specific bubble size requirement to the edge of space.
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Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
usually i'd say count me in but i can't really help much here because i have a limited knowledge of the kind of physics you need. maybe in a few years i can help but this is too much for a 13 year old.

maybe i can help with concepts though. first i need to know, what is a daimond evacuated bubble?
  • #3
Ki Man said:
usually i'd say count me in but i can't really help much here because i have a limited knowledge of the kind of physics you need. maybe in a few years i can help but this is too much for a 13 year old.

maybe i can help with concepts though. first i need to know, what is a daimond evacuated bubble?

Hi Ki Man.

It would look like a soap bubble but made of Diamond, The Diamond in mention was produced by Carbon nanotubes, Exotic, but this Diamond bubble has no atmosphere inside it so it would be an evacuated bubble. EDB Evacuated Diamond Bubble.

Nanotubes: http://www.nanotech-now.com/nanotube-buckyball-sites.htm

Nanotube Diamonds: http://www.anl.gov/Media_Center/News/2005/news050830.html

Vacuum pressures:
Atmospheric pressure = 101.3 kPa (760 Torr)
Vacuum cleaner = approximately 80 kPa (600 Torr)
Mechanical vacuum pump = approximately 100 Pa to 100 μPa (1 Torr to 10−6 Torr)
Near Earth outer space = approximately 100 μPa (10−6 Torr)
Cryopumped MBE chamber = 100 nPa to 1 nPa (10−9 Torr to 10−11 Torr)
Pressure on the Moon = approximately 1 nPa (10−11 Torr)
Interstellar space = approximately 1 fPa (10−17 Torr)

Have fun :smile:
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  • #4
The good thing about Diamond Evacuated Bubbles is that, Once in space they can be repressurized as a habitat and act as a shielding against incoming space dust, It might even be possible to built internal structures inside the Diamond Bubble and even link them together in space for much bigger enviroments, The benefits are high and would force the market to find better and faster means of developing more efficient materials on supply and demand criteria.

Specilized materials could be brought up to add Gamma shielding when Bubble modules are sent aloft and assembled by a space team.

If you want to swallow the cost. :smile:
  • #5
Fun experiment.

1. Take one pound of a spherical solid mass (1.00lbs)
2. At the core of the spherical solid mass object, begin displacing the core with an evacuated hollowness until there is exactly one pound of displaced atmosphere.
3. Now measure the difference in weight.

What does the weight scales measure the new buoyant weight of the 1.00lbs hollow mass with a 1.00lbs internal displacement of atmosphere at its core.

The most efficient way to get to space: What falls down, must float up.

No need for speed.

Our friend = 10−17 Torr
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  • #6
Doesn't anybody want to take a safe ride on a space bubble?

Offers a quiet ride with time to see all the sights, then go to orbit and set the High end Ion thrusters into full throttle and take a cruise around the globe.

Perfect for family cruises.

Then a nice reentry at a stable slow speed ballasting back to Earth. :smile:
  • #7
Here is a principle of how a Space Bubble might work under advanced concept using a powerful Electromagnet in order of Tesla Strength.

Using a Powerful Super Conductor field to condense an internal atmosphere to a Vacuum for buoyancy in an external atmosphere.


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  • #8
A simple concept of a Space Bubble craft.

SEM = Super Conductive Electromagnet in order of 20 Tesla or better.


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  • #9
would the bubble be a sufficient shield against radiation and cosmic rays though?
  • #10
Ki Man said:
would the bubble be a sufficient shield against radiation and cosmic rays though?

The Gondola for the passengers would have the Radiation shielding built in like an insulation, There still needs to be an advancement in Shielding research, The amount of shielding that the space shuttle has shouldn't be a problem as long as the Space bubble is big enough, The bigger the bubble the more weight it can carry, If the Bubble is made extremely large then shielding weight can be increased for maximum safety of passengers, The benifit is that these bubbles could be made very enormous to carry super payloads to space.

In this case, Bigger is better.

Also, Breathable Oxygen can be used in the Bubble for the Ballast Gas, The SEM would condense it to the surface of the SEM as a condensation, The condensation can also be tapped for breathable atmosphere in the Gondola as a back up atmosphere, Also when in space for inside bubble walks the SEM can be turned off so that the Breathable atmosphere can allow Astronauts to remove their Helmets, Also note, A gold film can be surface plated over the Bubble to add to bright light shielding And the Gold surface plating can also act as a type of solar sail, The reflected radiation can be used to push the Bubble into deep space at very fast speeds over time. SCRAM/ION engines can also be used to manuver and go places with a little help from the Suns radiation the bubble could make very efficient trips to very far places, Maybe the Moon and or Mars with very good fuel milage.

Also, It would be a good idea to be able to control the reflectivity of the bubble like in Silver Nitride embedded windows that can turn white when electrified, if there is no way to make a gold reflection turn off and on like Silver Nitride. It makes me curious, if a Gold Nitride has the same properties by rearranging its molecules to turn opaque. Very interesting indeed.

Wouldn't it be cool to have a clear Nanotube Diamond Shell that turns reflective Gold at the flip of a switch. if not, Silver Nitride will be sufficient.

Also note, Gold Nitride is Photoluminesent and much harder than pure Gold and can be made thinner than pure Gold Foil.

So many benefits and sounds like a lot of fun. :smile:
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  • #11
Come on guys, It takes (nothing) to get to space, To pun a fact. :smile:

Safer and Great fuel Mileage too! :smile:

The next best thing for centuries to come. :biggrin:
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  • #12
Is Anybody currently working for NASA in this Forum?

If so, I would like to go over the many good attributes and advanges to having Space Bubble Ships over conventional Space ships and Rockets.

Including Electromagnetic field protective shieldings and so many good things involved with this high technology.

I want to see this happen in the 21st Century.

Holy Bubble Ships Batman!:smile:
  • #13
Also, the outside atmospheric pressure increases with the SEM field because of the Magnetic attraction of local Gases outside the bubble, this increases the buoyancy of the bubble by forcing a greater displacement by magnetic saturation of the sorrounding external Gases. So a magnetic vacuum would increase in buoyancy accourding to its field strength compared to outside gases which should become denser by product condesation of a powerful Super conductive Electromagnetic field influence.

Super conductive Electromagnetic fields seem to be the key to negative weight if incorporated as a means of Vacuum displacement techniques.

If the fields are strong enough then exterior atmospheric condesation may allow its shell/bubble to be made smaller because the air pressure is greater outside the shell or bubble from the strong SEM field attraction on exterior local gases outside the bubble.:smile:
  • #14
Diamonds are very strong, but transparent [offer hardly any protection] to almost any radiation frequency... including gamma rays.
  • #15
Chronos said:
Diamonds are very strong, but transparent [offer hardly any protection] to almost any radiation frequency... including gamma rays.
Hi Chronos.
Please read all my prior posts about possible shielding, SEM field, Diamond Bubble and Gondola as a shielding material, all work together to shield its occupancy.:smile:

I have heard mention that NASA is investigating using EM shields to help protect there occupancy.:smile:
  • #16
You need to define what you mean by 'edge of space'. The bubble can only achieve buoyancy when surrounded by atmosphere. There is the possibility that it might achieve enough upward velocity to coast on upwards even when its buoyancy becomes negative, however.
  • #17
ceptimus said:
You need to define what you mean by 'edge of space'. The bubble can only achieve buoyancy when surrounded by atmosphere. There is the possibility that it might achieve enough upward velocity to coast on upwards even when its buoyancy becomes negative, however.

The pseudo elevation to achieve would be 60,000 Meters in the Stratosphere using a Vacuum Bubble of any size using its own buoyancy as a Ballasting effect. reaching this point would bring new frontiers to the pseudo space program. Any achievements after this elevation of 60,000 meters is reached will make the space program stare very hard at your feat and would bring new routes to space for People and Materials to be shipped or transported.

After the 60,000 meter goal, any type of engines capable of taking it further than 60,000 meters is allowed for achievement of a greater record of elevation.

persons who travel above an altitude of 50.0 miles (80.5 km) are designated as astronauts.

Proper displacement of Near Earth outer space = approximately 100 μPa (10−6 Torr) to reach the edge with a Vaccum on its own.
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  • #18
Vacuum Bubbles could be designed in a substrate inwhich a material could be very strong and absolutely lighter than air with a substrate sandwhich.

___________________________ <--- Substrate
Vacuum sandwhich area
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO <--- Vacuum Bubbles 1mm in diameter
Vacuum sandwhich area
-------------------------------<--- Substrate

If the displacement of Atmospheric pressure between substrates and inside the bubbles is greater than the weight of the combined material then a strong lighter than air material can be fabricated.

Just passing some other thoughts for construction of new materials.
Maybe it can be done.

To hell with Anti-Gravity, (((((Specific Gravity Rules!)))))
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  • #19
To see why we would use pure Oxygen as our Ballast Gas in a Space Bubble for buoyancy caused by the SEM's Super Strong Magnetic Field then you can go here to see Liquid Oxygen attracted to an Electromagnet:

The exception is that a SEM's field would be extremely more powerful than the small Electromagnet in the above link.:smile:
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  • #20
Some TORR values for Space Bubbles.

50 meter depth under water would be Aprox: 3800 TORR of pressure, With atmospheric pressure added comes to Aprox: 4560 TORR.

637.5524 TORR at 5,000 ft or 1,524 meters in elevation.
525.0432 TORR at 10,000 ft or 3,048 meters in elevation.
375.0308 TORR at 18,000 ft or 5,486.4 meters in elevation.
187.5154 TORR at 34,000 ft or 10,363.2 meters in elevation.
112.5093 TORR at 45,000 ft or 13,716 meters in elevation.
93.75771 TORR at 54,000 ft or 16,459.2 meters in elevation.

264,000 ft or 80,467.2 meters or 50 miles to the edge of near Earth Space at approximately 100 μPa (10−6 Torr) of vacuum.

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  • #21
Floating Gold in Liquid Oxygen by applying a Magnetic field.


Liquid Oxygen should become denser (towords) a strong Magnetic field proportional to the Magnetic Field strength by condensing the Oxygen via Magnetic susceptibility. in a 2 tesla field, Gold will float in Liquid Oxygen.:smile:
  • #22
It's amazing how many people reads this thread but only a few have posted.:smile:

I feel like I am talking to my self.:bugeye:

I am afraid the U.S Goverment was right about UFO's, They were balloons!... Well Bubbles, Hmm, My Bubbles?.
  • #23
Other Diamond Materials.

Aggregated diamond nanorods, or ADNRs, are an allotrope of carbon believed to be the least compressible material known to man, as measured by its isothermal bulk modulus; aggregated diamond nanorods have a modulus of 491 gigapascals (GPa), while conventional diamond has a modulus of 442 GPa. ADNRs are also 0.3% denser than regular diamond. The ADNR material is also harder than type IIa diamond and ultrahard fullerite.

A process to produce the substance was discovered by physicists in Germany, led by Natalia Dubrovinskaia, at the University of Bayreuth in 2005. ADNRs are made by compressing the carbon-60 molecules to 20 GPa, while at the same time heating to 2500 Kelvin, using a unique 5000 metric tonne multianvil press. The resulting substance is a series of interconnected diamond nanorods, with diameters of between 5 and 20 nanometres and lengths of around 1 micrometre each.

A diamond anvil cell, located at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility at Grenoble, France, was used to measure the compressibility of the material

  • #24
New update to Space bubble diagram functions.


  • Space BubbleII.gif
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  • #25
It's certainly an interesting concept. I imagine you're getting little response because it's so 'out there'. Have you thought about doing some testing and looking for a grant?

(BTW, before you send your diagrams to anyone important, make sure you get them proofed - they are rife with typos.)
  • #26
DaveC426913 said:
It's certainly an interesting concept. I imagine you're getting little response because it's so 'out there'. Have you thought about doing some testing and looking for a grant?
(BTW, before you send your diagrams to anyone important, make sure you get them proofed - they are rife with typos.)

I am sorry about the typos, I was so excited about the concept when I got home from work, I forgot to proof it for spelling, the idea came to me when I was fixing some video equipment.

Our work load at work has doubled and I have been very tired, trying to catch up on everything, the work load is going to triple this month.

About the grant, I haven't pursued one yet.:smile:

Maybe some Noble Scientist will pick up where I left off and pursue it with a passion, One can only hope.:smile:

Captain Kirk: Welcome to the 21st Century!
  • #27
In space, a space bubble could travel very efficiently and very fast to destinations using the last updated space bubble functions.

All though this technology is as far out as Star Trek is to Time travel it is more feasible than either latter.

anyone is welcome to advance this concept further.:smile:
  • #28
Here is what the Super Conducting Electromagnetic core of a Space Bubble ship might look like.


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  • #29
Updated image of SEM Cell.


  • SEMcell.gif
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  • #30
You realize that this will only work on paper? the weight of the materials required to keep the vacuum in the bubble is more than the lift provided? this theory of yours dates back to the 17th century. also, the liquified gasses in this diamond buble of yours are still there in terms of weight, adding to the mass of the vacuum container. great theory, but it isn't goind to work. sorry to burst your bubble.
  • #31
Flyboy said:
You realize that this will only work on paper? the weight of the materials required to keep the vacuum in the bubble is more than the lift provided? this theory of yours dates back to the 17th century. also, the liquified gasses in this diamond buble of yours are still there in terms of weight, adding to the mass of the vacuum container. great theory, but it isn't goind to work. sorry to burst your bubble.

Ahhh, But the Gas that is condensed to the SEM is ciphened off into the Atmosphere, Making the Liquid Gas from the inside of bubble none applicable as a weight factor.:smile:

It's very hard to pop a diamond bubble.

By the way, Nano assembly bots would be needed to build a such a structure.
Not currently in service at this time, But maybe soon.
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  • #32
Intuitive said:
Ahhh, But the Gas that is condensed to the SEM is ciphened off into the Atmosphere, Making the Liquid Gas from the inside of bubble none applicable as a weight factor.:smile:
It's very hard to pop a diamond bubble.
By the way, Nano assembly bots would be needed to build a such a structure.
Not currently in service at this time, But maybe soon.

We need to accelerate Nano Technology as quickly as possible so we can can get this off the ground.
  • #33
Half the Hemisphere of the Diamond Bubble would be shielded inside with possibly a Pyrolytic Graphite or an exotic version of Pyrolytic Fullerenes or Pyrolytic Nano Tubes, The desired Diamagnetism should be optimal to repell a pulsed magnetic field at most any temperature, It would not be hard to develope coolant arteries within the material in question if coolant enhances the effect of Diamagnetism within the materials mentioned.:smile:

Hmm, Could Nanolytic Carbon exist that is grown by Nano bots.
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FAQ: Diamond Evacuated Bubble Contest.

1. What is the Diamond Evacuated Bubble Contest?

The Diamond Evacuated Bubble Contest is a scientific competition that challenges participants to create the largest and most stable bubble in a vacuum chamber using a diamond-shaped wand.

2. How is the winner determined in the Diamond Evacuated Bubble Contest?

The winner of the Diamond Evacuated Bubble Contest is determined by measuring the diameter and stability of the bubble created in the vacuum chamber. The larger and more stable the bubble, the higher the chances of winning.

3. What is the purpose of the Diamond Evacuated Bubble Contest?

The purpose of the Diamond Evacuated Bubble Contest is to promote scientific curiosity, creativity, and innovation in the field of fluid dynamics. It also serves as a fun and engaging way to explore the properties of bubbles and vacuum chambers.

4. Who can participate in the Diamond Evacuated Bubble Contest?

The Diamond Evacuated Bubble Contest is open to anyone with an interest in science and a passion for bubbles. It is a popular event among students, scientists, and bubble enthusiasts of all ages.

5. What are the potential applications of the Diamond Evacuated Bubble Contest?

The Diamond Evacuated Bubble Contest may have potential applications in industries such as cosmetics, food and beverage, and pharmaceuticals, where the properties of bubbles and vacuum chambers are important. It also serves as a fun and educational activity for science outreach programs and events.

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