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1. Hi i need help with this question,
Show, using maxwell's equations as a starting point, that the discontinuity in the component of the electric displacement normal to a boundary between different media is equal to the free surface charge density on a boundary.
i have tried by using the integral form and integrating over a cylindrical pill box (define top lid= A1, bottom lid = A2 cylinder wall = A3) to on the surface (a flat plane with constant charge density)
[tex]\oint E . dA[/tex] = [tex]\int[/tex] E . dA1 + [tex]\int[/tex] E . dA2 + [tex]\int[/tex] E . dA3
last integral is zero as the electric field is perpendicular to the area
but i am not sure as to whether i can re-use maxwell's equations as an expression for the electric field that doesn't seem rigorous and
Show, using maxwell's equations as a starting point, that the discontinuity in the component of the electric displacement normal to a boundary between different media is equal to the free surface charge density on a boundary.
i have tried by using the integral form and integrating over a cylindrical pill box (define top lid= A1, bottom lid = A2 cylinder wall = A3) to on the surface (a flat plane with constant charge density)
[tex]\oint E . dA[/tex] = [tex]\int[/tex] E . dA1 + [tex]\int[/tex] E . dA2 + [tex]\int[/tex] E . dA3
last integral is zero as the electric field is perpendicular to the area
but i am not sure as to whether i can re-use maxwell's equations as an expression for the electric field that doesn't seem rigorous and