Did ancient civilizations use astronomy for scientific purposes?

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In summary, the ancients believed in eternal life or re-incarnation because when you fall asleep you never actually remember the point at which you actually pass out...you just remember waking up. The egyptian god amen is known as the hidden or divine principle, a somewhat intangiable omni-present relationship between all things, sort of holding them together. Engineering tools where made and referred too in a circular fashion, inches are based on the size of the Earth and are a circular/fractional number system (1/4 inch cutting tool for example). The UK, in my life time, ancient based measurements where(/possibly are) still being used.
  • #1
I have been speculating that the ancients believed in eternal life or re-incarnation because when you fall asleep you never actually remember the point at which you actually pass out...you just remember waking up.

The ancients commonly believed certain gods had domain over natural elements such as a god of fire or water. The egyptian god amen is known as the hidden or divine principle, a somewhat intangiable omni-present relationship between all things, sort of holding them together.

Are phycists who are searching for a unifying theory of space-time, looking for god?

By the way, the great pyramid was built by floating the building blocks into place...using the natural properties of water, barges and locks, I think they where in tune with nature.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
where did you get the pyramids theory from?
  • #3
where did you get the pyramids theory from?
  • #4
www.thepump.org, it theorises that the chambers where a water pumping system, which is quite an interesting idea.

In the UK, in my life time, ancient based measurements where(/possibly are) still being used. Engineering tools where made and referred too in a circular fashion, inches are based on the size of the Earth and are a circular/fractional number system (1/4 inch cutting tool for example). Also, we have an extensive barge/lock system that was used to transport goods like coal during the industrial revolution. Egyptian influence?
  • #5
In every society that had invented or inherited a system of recording data, astronomy has been an interest. The regular/irregular motion of the moon and the bright planets, and the yearly changes in the apparent path of the sun from horizon to horizon catch everybody's eye. You can do a lot in the way of analysis and forecasting by just making careful observations over long time (centuries) and recording your observations and comparing them with past ones.

Certainly the Babylonians, Hindus, Chinese, and Mayas all did this, and stone circles in western Europe suggest that bronze age people of that area did it too. This activity is science to me, no matter wat social use was made of the results.

FAQ: Did ancient civilizations use astronomy for scientific purposes?

1. What is the significance of ancient to modern mapping?

Ancient to modern mapping allows us to understand the evolution of human civilization and the changes in our understanding of the world over time. It also helps us to study the development of cartography as a science and its impact on societies.

2. How did ancient civilizations create maps without modern technology?

Ancient civilizations used various methods such as astronomical observations, triangulation, and measuring distances to create maps. They also used landmarks, natural features, and local knowledge to create accurate representations of their surroundings.

3. What role did mapping play in the exploration and colonization of the world?

Mapping played a crucial role in the exploration and colonization of the world by providing navigational tools for sailors and explorers. It also helped in the establishment of trade routes and the expansion of empires.

4. How has the use of technology changed modern mapping?

The use of technology, such as satellites and GPS, has greatly improved the accuracy and efficiency of modern mapping. It has also allowed for the creation of digital maps, making it easier to share and access spatial data.

5. What are some challenges faced in ancient to modern mapping?

Some challenges faced in ancient to modern mapping include limited technological advancements, cultural and linguistic barriers, and inaccuracies due to human error. Additionally, mapping disputed territories and areas with complex topography can also pose challenges.

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