Did Ancient Olympians Jump from Heights with Weights?

  • Thread starter jinxy
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In summary, the conversation discusses the theory of how ancient temples were built using ramps and platforms, and how this may have influenced the early Olympic jumps. It is suggested that the original Olympic jump was from a height, and that the use of weights and swinging them to the ground may have helped achieve greater height and distance. However, the theory is questioned and it is stated that there is no evidence that the ancient Greeks jumped from a height.
  • #1
I have a theory it states that temples where constructed using a series’ of ramps and platforms between each temple column . Eventually creating a total square platform for the next layer of temple drums to be rolled into position . As the temple got higher the builder would jump from the platform to the ground , rather than laboriously trekking round the perimeter to the staring ramp . The ability to jump from ever increasing heights would be an advantage . Jumps in the early Olympic games were done with the contestant carrying a five pound weight in each hand ( halters ) . There are recorded 50 foot jumps in the early Olympics dismissed by historians as exaggeration , compared to just over 29 feet in our modern Olympics. Legend has it that one Olympian cleared the entire pit by approximately 5 feet, breaking both legs as he landed. In my opinion the original Olympic jump was from a height . The athletes jumped from a platform of ever increasing heights , and used the jumping stones as kinetic breaks. They held them above there head and a the last second swung them to the ground . Theory of relativity states for ever action there is an equal and opposite reaction
( did this action slowed the body down). is this how they achieved height and distance jumps of 30 to 50 feet ,a combination of the two . Could halters or jumping stones literally mean to halt air? to slow the air passing the falling jumper?? so the question ? could a person weighing say 10 stone jumping from a height of 30 feet with two 5 lb weights in each hand and swinging them to the ground as described above have any beneficial effect to the landing ? could anyone give me the equation .
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Firstly, the theory of relativity does not state that for every action there is a reaction, that would be Newton's Laws.

As for your question... you've added a couple of variables. Pulling the weights down as you near landing will make very, very little difference. However, jumping off a tall object instead of ground level will allow you to jump much farther, with or without weights. Remember, your drop to the ground vs distance is going to be parabolic. The higher you start from, the farther you'd go.

I have a hard time believing the Greeks left out that little detail about jumping from a height, considering how important this was to them.
  • #3
Do you have any reason for thinking that they jumped from a height?

I recently heard the speculation that jumpers would throw the weights behind them at the peak of their jump, thus gaining some forward momentum.

FAQ: Did Ancient Olympians Jump from Heights with Weights?

1. What is the "Olympic jump 2700 year ribble"?

The "Olympic jump 2700 year ribble" refers to an ancient Olympic event where athletes had to jump over a river called the Ribble. This event was popular during the Olympic games held in Greece around 2700 years ago.

2. What was the purpose of the "Olympic jump 2700 year ribble" event?

The "Olympic jump 2700 year ribble" event was primarily held to test the physical abilities and skills of the athletes. It was also a way to honor the Greek god Zeus, who was believed to have created the Olympic games.

3. How was the "Olympic jump 2700 year ribble" event conducted?

The event was conducted by marking a starting point on one side of the Ribble river and a finishing point on the other side. The athletes had to jump over the river without falling in to reach the finishing point. The distance of the jump was measured to determine the winner.

4. Who could participate in the "Olympic jump 2700 year ribble" event?

Only male athletes from Greece were allowed to participate in the "Olympic jump 2700 year ribble" event. They had to be freeborn citizens of Greece and had to train for months in preparation for the event.

5. Is the "Olympic jump 2700 year ribble" event still held today?

No, the "Olympic jump 2700 year ribble" event is no longer held in modern Olympic games. It has been replaced by other track and field events such as long jump and triple jump. However, it remains an important part of the history and origins of the Olympic games.

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