Did Feynman unify special relativity with QM

In summary, Feynman's main contribution to the scientific community was his development of Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) and its associated toolbox. He did not unify special relativity with QM, but rather made important contributions to the field. His success lies in creating a formalism that made calculations in QFT much easier. While his work was collaborative, his techniques and theories are still used today. Dirac's equation, which incorporates special relativity, was the basis for later work on QED. Overall, Feynman's work was a group effort and he did not make the decisive step in unifying special relativity and QM.
  • #1
did feynman unify special relativity with QM or was it mostly a group effort and he just made some important contributions? did he make the decisive step just as leibniz and Newton made the decisive step with calculus? i watched a documentary about him and i couldn't get what his central claim to fame was. of course I've read the wiki article.
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  • #2
I don't think "unification of special relativity with quantum mechanics" is a good description of what he did. His claim to fame was, of course, his contribution to the development of Quantum Electrodynamics and the toolbox that goes with it.

I think you'd say that QED is a quantum theory of electromagnetism ... iirc: EMag had already been formulated in a way that was consistent with special relativity.
  • #3
I think Feynman's main success has been the development of a formalism that makes way more easier to calculate things in quantum field theory (i.e. the theory of QM and special relativity unified). Obviously he gave many other contribution to QFT and to QED in particular but he didn't developed the theory all by himself.
  • #4
It's a little like asking what the single claim to fame is for the Roman Empire isn't it ... what we still use today are the roads. We still use Feynman's formalism ... what I called "the toolbox" that goes with QED. Though technically this was still collaborative - all science is fundamentally collaborative anyway.

Anyone can go watch him online ... he's on youtube.
I say: go watch and make up your own mind :)
  • #5
Dirac's equation has built-in special relativity and that equation was basis for all later work on quantum electrodynamics so I would say no, no he did not.

FAQ: Did Feynman unify special relativity with QM

1. Did Feynman successfully unify special relativity with quantum mechanics?

Yes, Feynman's work on quantum electrodynamics (QED) is considered a unification of special relativity and quantum mechanics. QED is a quantum field theory that explains the behavior of particles and their interactions through the principles of both special relativity and quantum mechanics.

2. How did Feynman contribute to the unification of special relativity and quantum mechanics?

Feynman developed a new mathematical approach to quantum mechanics called the Feynman diagram, which helped to simplify and visualize the complex interactions between particles. This approach also incorporated the principles of special relativity, allowing for a more complete understanding of particle behavior and interactions.

3. What is the significance of unifying special relativity and quantum mechanics?

Unifying special relativity and quantum mechanics has allowed scientists to better understand and explain the fundamental workings of the universe on a microscopic scale. It has also led to the development of new technologies, such as transistors, lasers, and MRI machines, which rely on the principles of both theories.

4. Did other scientists contribute to the unification of special relativity and quantum mechanics?

Yes, other scientists such as Paul Dirac, Werner Heisenberg, and Wolfgang Pauli also made significant contributions to the unification of special relativity and quantum mechanics. However, Feynman's work on QED is considered one of the key achievements in this area.

5. Are there still unanswered questions about the unification of special relativity and quantum mechanics?

Yes, there are still ongoing debates and research about how to fully unify special relativity and quantum mechanics. Some scientists believe that a grand unified theory (GUT) could reconcile these two theories, but it has yet to be fully developed and proven. Additionally, the concept of quantum gravity, which attempts to explain gravity within the framework of quantum mechanics, is still a topic of active research.

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