Did I Accidentally Cause Harm to a Fox While Driving?

  • Thread starter reenmachine
  • Start date
In summary, the speaker shares a story of accidentally running over a fox while driving. They feel guilty and worried about the fate of the injured fox and question what could have been done differently. Other individuals in the conversation offer support and reassurance.
  • #1
Gold Member
Just ran over a fox :(

I was bored tonight so I decided to go out for a drive.As I was driving , two running foxes appeared right in front of my car and I ran over one of them.This happened while a police car was following me , so I made a U-turn to go check with them.They told me this happened sometimes on this road as it's close to a field.As I was talking to the cops , I could see the fox was not in the middle of the road where I hit him anymore but was just beside the sidewalk.He was trying to walk with his two front legs as I think I ran over the back of his body.Clearly he had no use of his back legs , and the saddest thing is he actually looked me in the eyes :frown:.He was struggling so much.The other fox was still there , trying to check on him.I don't know what happens next as I just left since the cops were taking care of it.They will wait for people who capture wild animals and then what? They will kill him won't they?

I feel so bad and guilty , what if I wasn't bored and didn't go for a drive? What if I decided to take another road? What if one of the fox was actually the mother and I ran over his child?

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  • #2
reenmachine said:
I was bored tonight so I decided to go out for a drive.As I was driving , two running foxes appeared right in front of my car and I ran over one of them.This happened while a police car was following me , so I made a U-turn to go check with them.They told me this happened sometimes on this road as it's close to a field.As I was talking to the cops , I could see the fox was not in the middle of the road where I hit him anymore but was just beside the sidewalk.He was trying to walk with his two front legs as I think I ran over the back of his body.Clearly he had no use of his back legs , and the saddest thing is he actually looked me in the eyes :frown:.He was struggling so much.The other fox was still there , trying to check on him.I don't know what happens next as I just left since the cops were taking care of it.They will wait for people who capture wild animals and then what? They will kill him won't they?

I feel so bad and guilty , what if I wasn't bored and didn't go for a drive? What if I decided to take another road? What if one of the fox was actually the mother and I ran over his child?


At least you cared and stopped . That's all you can do. Yes, it will be put down, they won't spend money for care for a fox.
  • #3
Evo said:

At least you cared and stopped . That's all you can do. Yes, it will be put down, they won't spend money for care for a fox.

That sucks so much , and the other fox will be forced to continue his life alone :(
  • #4
reenmachine said:
That sucks so much , and the other fox will be forced to continue his life alone :(
You are a very good person to care so much. Sometimes things can't be avoided, but caring is very special.

  • #5
Why couldn't it have been honey boo boo instead whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy T_T
  • #6
Many years ago, I rammed into a family of raccoons crossing the highway single file, at night, on the prairie in Minnesota.

Didn't see them till the last second, and couldn't have stopped in time, but I still felt like a monster for a while.
  • #7
Whoever built the universe put check and balance mechanisms into all creatures great and small.
Compassion I guess could be our built in mechanism to hold claw and fang at bay.

So, in my opinion, occasional sadness when random bad things like this happen is the price we pay for our propensity to find joy in random acts of kindness.

“Compassion is the antitoxin of the soul: where there is compassion even the most poisonous impulses remain relatively harmless.” eric hoffer

You're okay, re-en...

old jim
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  • #8
reenmachine said:
I was bored tonight so I decided to go out for a drive.As I was driving , two running foxes appeared right in front of my car and I ran over one of them.This happened while a police car was following me , so I made a U-turn to go check with them.They told me this happened sometimes on this road as it's close to a field.As I was talking to the cops , I could see the fox was not in the middle of the road where I hit him anymore but was just beside the sidewalk.He was trying to walk with his two front legs as I think I ran over the back of his body.Clearly he had no use of his back legs , and the saddest thing is he actually looked me in the eyes :frown:.He was struggling so much.The other fox was still there , trying to check on him.I don't know what happens next as I just left since the cops were taking care of it.They will wait for people who capture wild animals and then what? They will kill him won't they?

I feel so bad and guilty , what if I wasn't bored and didn't go for a drive? What if I decided to take another road? What if one of the fox was actually the mother and I ran over his child?

I've had similar experiences with other wildlife. I ran over a wild turkey hen who had crossed the road but then turned back right in front of me just as I was passing where she had crossed. I was mortified and anguished. I was traveling with others, and the car behind me stopped and they took the hen off the road. She was still alive, but too badly injured to survive. :frown:

I just try to be more careful since.

And ditto to what Evo said.
  • #9
I was once gardening and badly injured a toad. It lost the use of it's back legs and I had to kill it (I don't think I could have done that for a mammal though). I felt awful though, especially as I have areas of the garden set aside for for animals and insects. Next time I was on the garden I found another smaller toad exposed and hopping to shelter, so I picked him up and put him somewhere safe. That helped.
  • #10
My mother once put a whole litter of baby rats into the bags that will be collected by the garbage trucks the following day. No way I could've done it.
  • #11
cobalt124 said:
I don't think I could have done that for a mammal though.
"Larger the animal, the larger the compassion."
It doesn't have a base in reason, but on propensity.
  • #12
I was bored tonight so I decided to go out for a drive.

What? Why would anyone do that? Next time you're bored find something else to do. For the good of the planet.
  • #13
You are most certainly EVIL!


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  • #14
billiards said:
What? Why would anyone do that? Next time you're bored find something else to do. For the good of the planet.

I find driving very relaxing and enjoyable.

FAQ: Did I Accidentally Cause Harm to a Fox While Driving?

1. What should I do if I accidentally ran over a fox?

If you have just run over a fox, the first thing you should do is pull over to a safe location and assess the situation. If the fox is still alive, call your local wildlife rehabilitation center for guidance on how to safely handle the injured animal. If the fox has passed away, it is important to properly dispose of the body to prevent the spread of diseases.

2. Will I get in trouble for hitting a fox with my car?

In most cases, hitting a fox with your car is considered an unfortunate accident and you will not get in trouble. However, if you intentionally hit the fox or were driving recklessly, you could face legal consequences.

3. How common is it to hit a fox while driving?

It is relatively uncommon to hit a fox while driving. Foxes are typically nocturnal animals and are most active at night, so the chances of encountering one while driving during the day are lower. However, it is still important to be cautious and aware of your surroundings while driving to avoid hitting any animals.

4. What should I do to prevent hitting a fox in the future?

To reduce the chances of hitting a fox while driving, it is important to follow speed limits and stay alert while behind the wheel. Pay attention to signs warning of animal crossings and use your high beams at night to increase visibility. Additionally, avoid throwing food or litter out of your car, as this can attract foxes and other wildlife to the road.

5. Are there any potential consequences for hitting a fox with my car?

Aside from the potential legal consequences mentioned earlier, hitting a fox with your car can also result in damage to your vehicle. It is important to get your car inspected and repaired if necessary after hitting a large animal to ensure your safety on the road.

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