Did I finally capture decent pictures of Mars and other celestial objects?

  • Stargazing
  • Thread starter russ_watters
  • Start date
  • Tags
    Mars Pictures
In summary, the conversation involved discussing a recent night of stargazing and capturing photos with a new piggyback rig. The speaker was able to take pictures of Mars, open clusters, and the Andromeda galaxy, despite some challenges with the full moon and light pollution. The speaker also mentioned using enhancement techniques to improve the contrast of the Andromeda galaxy photo. They also shared details about their telescope and camera equipment used for the photos.
  • #1
Busy night last night. I finally got some decent pictures of Mars, and with my new piggyback rig, I captured a bunch of open clusters and the Andromeda galaxy. With the moon near full and with a somewhat humid night and lots of light pollution, the Andromeda galaxy is pretty low contrast, but I need to learn some enhancement techniques anyway, so it's something to work on. It was also a little windy, so I'll be able to get more detail on Mars on a calmer night (and when it gets higher and closer). The tracking error is noticeable, but small enough with the 135mm lens that I don't have to throw away many of the long-exposure pics. Anyway, here they are:

The first three are the easy to recognize ones: M31, Mars, and the Pleaides. The number after the name is the exposure. The Mars photo is a stack of several hundred frames and the rest are several dozen.


  • m31-45.jpg
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  • Mars 005.jpg
    Mars 005.jpg
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  • Pleaides-10.jpg
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Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
These next two are the Perseus double-cluster and M-34.


  • Perseus Double 20s.jpg
    Perseus Double 20s.jpg
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  • m34-30.jpg
    46.2 KB · Views: 451
  • #3
What telescope are you using russ, and how much is it?
  • #4
The telescope is a Meade ETX-105 (~$800) and the camera is a Meade Deep-Sky Imager (~$300). Of the pictures in the last two posts, only the Mars pic was taken through the scope (and a 2x barlow lens: ~$50). The rest were taken through a 135mm SLR camera lens (~$40, used) piggy-back mounted to the scope and adapted to the DSI (see post #84). Page through the thread for more pics...
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  • #5
very nice . Thanks every one.

Related to Did I finally capture decent pictures of Mars and other celestial objects?

1. What kind of equipment is needed to take decent pictures of Mars?

The equipment needed to take decent pictures of Mars depends on the desired level of detail and quality. At minimum, a high resolution camera with a large aperture and a powerful zoom lens is necessary. It is also important to have a stable tripod and a remote shutter release to minimize camera shake. For more advanced images, specialized telescopes and imaging equipment may be required.

2. How often can we obtain new images of Mars?

New images of Mars can be obtained on a regular basis, as long as the necessary equipment and technology are available. Currently, NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter captures new images of Mars every day, while the Mars Curiosity rover takes new images every few days. As technology and missions continue to advance, we can expect even more frequent and higher quality images of Mars.

3. What types of images can we get from Mars?

There are several types of images that can be obtained from Mars, including visible light images, infrared images, and radar images. Visible light images provide a realistic view of the planet's surface, while infrared images can reveal temperature variations and potential signs of water. Radar images can penetrate the surface and provide valuable information about the composition and structure of Mars.

4. How do scientists process and enhance images of Mars?

To process and enhance images of Mars, scientists use specialized software and techniques. This can involve adjusting brightness and contrast, removing noise and artifacts, and combining multiple images to create a more detailed and accurate view of the planet. Scientists also use various filters and color enhancements to highlight different features and geological formations on Mars.

5. Are there any challenges in obtaining decent pictures of Mars?

Yes, there are several challenges in obtaining decent pictures of Mars. The planet's distance from Earth and its constantly changing position in relation to our planet make it difficult to obtain clear and detailed images. Additionally, the harsh environmental conditions on Mars, such as dust storms and extreme temperatures, can affect the quality of images. Finally, the limited availability of resources and technology can also pose challenges in capturing and processing images of Mars.

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