Did I Solve the Tray Oscillation Problem Correctly?

In summary, the conversation is about a physics problem involving a tray suspended from a spring and a glob of peanut butter dropped onto it. The conversation discusses finding the spring constant and the maximum extension of the spring after the butter is dropped. The attempted solution involves using conservation of momentum and energy.
  • #1
I think I solved the problem but tell me if I made any errors

Homework Statement

A tray of mass m, when suspended from a spring attached to the ceiling, stretches the spring by a distance Δx. A glob of peanut butter with mass M is dropped from a height h onto the tray, which is at rest, and sticks there.

a) What is the spring constant k of the spring in terms of the variables given above?
b) Find the maximum extension of the spring below its initial equilibrium position before the tray had been attached.

Homework Equations

x = Acos(wt + @)
v = -Awsin(wt + @)
w = sqrt (k/mass) etc.

The Attempt at a Solution

(a) Since the spring stretches Δx when tray is attached,
kΔx = mg, k = Δx/g

(b) The butter of mass M drops height h, so the velocity just before it sticks to the tray is
sqrt(2gh). And using conservation of momentum during the very short time period it sticks to the tray, M * sqrt(2gh) = (M + m)Vi, Vi = (M*sqrt(2gh))/(M + m)
Vi can be found from this and it is the v at time 0.
v(0) = -Awsin(@)
0 = x(0) = Acos(@)

A = sqrt((v(0)/-w)^2 + 0^2) = v(0)/w = Vi/w

So the maximum extension is (M*sqrt(2gh))/(M + m) / (sqrt(k/(M+m))) + Δx

Is this correct?
Is there a faster way to do this?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
kky1638 said:
Is this correct?
Is there a faster way to do this?

Hi kky1638! :smile:

Your vi is right, but I'm not following what you've done after that. :confused:

(why are you using angles?)

Hint: use conservation of energy …

that is, KE + gravitational PE + spring energy. :smile:
  • #3

Your solution appears to be correct. The spring constant k can be expressed as k = (M+m)g/Δx, which is equivalent to your solution of k = Δx/g. As for a faster way to solve this problem, it may depend on your specific approach and what you consider to be "faster." However, one possible approach could be to use the principle of conservation of energy. The initial potential energy of the system is mgh, and after the peanut butter is dropped, the potential energy is converted to kinetic energy of the combined system (tray + peanut butter). This kinetic energy can then be used to find the maximum extension of the spring.

FAQ: Did I Solve the Tray Oscillation Problem Correctly?

1. What is the tray oscillation problem?

The tray oscillation problem is a phenomenon in which a tray or flat surface, when pushed or pulled, starts to move back and forth in a repetitive motion instead of moving in a straight line. This can be seen in everyday situations, such as when trying to slide a tray on a table or when pushing a shopping cart.

2. What causes tray oscillation?

Tray oscillation is caused by a combination of factors, including the coefficient of friction between the tray and the surface it is on, the force applied to the tray, and the natural frequency of the tray itself. When these factors align, the tray starts to oscillate instead of moving in a linear direction.

3. Can tray oscillation be prevented?

While tray oscillation cannot be completely prevented, it can be minimized by adjusting the factors that contribute to it. This can include using trays with lower natural frequencies, reducing the force applied to the tray, or using surfaces with higher coefficients of friction.

4. Are there any practical applications of studying tray oscillation?

Yes, understanding tray oscillation can be useful in various industries, such as packaging and transportation. By knowing the factors that contribute to tray oscillation, engineers can design better packaging materials and transportation methods to minimize its effects.

5. How is tray oscillation related to other oscillation phenomena?

Tray oscillation is a type of self-excited oscillation, which means that it is sustained by its own energy and does not require an external force to continue. Other examples of self-excited oscillations include the swinging of a pendulum and the vibration of a guitar string.
