Did Nikola Tesla discover a way to harness free energy?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of free energy and whether or not Nikola Tesla was able to harness it. The speaker mentions that there are many hoaxes and unsourced information about Tesla's work, but acknowledges that he was a clever individual. They also mention that Tesla's efforts to transmit power without wires did not work and that he is often overestimated in the media. The conversation ends with the thread being closed.
  • #1
Inventor man
And did he have patent/s for it...

I understand that their are a lot of hoaxes and unsourced information out there so I want to know if there is some truth to the claim. I understand that energy can not be created or destroyed but what free energy is referring to is energy that is released naturally like solar power for example. The solar panels harness the solar energy which is "free" in that sense. I also understand perpetual motion is impossible and I know there are a lot of magnet motor/generator videos out there that are most likely all hoaxes (with science there is always possibility)... so yes I am just wondering if Tesla did find a way to harness "free energy" entirely new energy source or utilized radiant energy or the ionosphere somehow...

Thank you in advance
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  • #2
What makes you think he may have?
  • #3
That is why I am asking because there are a lot of unsourced articles say that he has... did you read
  • #4
No he didn't. Many people think his efforts to transmit power without wires was a mythical free-power system. I read extensively about Tesla back before all the Internet made it possible for nuts to spread garbage widely. The wireless power concept would have created a standing wave between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere which people would be able to tap anywhere. Didn't work.
  • #5
Tesla was a clever fellow but he is being MASSIVELY overestimated in the modern pop media. There are numerous threads about this here on this forum. Do a forum search. A good place to start, as always, is at the bottom of the post where there are links to similar threads. You'll find that most of them end up getting closed because even on this forum there are people who take the nonsense seriously.
  • #6
Inventor man said:
That is why I am asking because there are a lot of unsourced articles say that he has... did you read

Nope, I haven't got to those articles yet ...
  • #7
Inventor man said:
I understand that energy can not be created or destroyed but what free energy is referring to is energy that is released naturally like solar power for example.

By this definition, wouldn't all energy we use be free energy? Petrol is a natural chemical that we process to make gasoline after all...
  • #8
Thread closed. Discussing Tesla is a waste of time in general. He did some good things, but as pointed out in this thread, there is a lot of misinformation about real physics in discussions about Tesla.

FAQ: Did Nikola Tesla discover a way to harness free energy?

What is the theory behind Nikola Tesla's discovery of free energy?

The theory behind Nikola Tesla's discovery of free energy is based on his concept of the "ether" or "aether", a hypothetical substance that fills the universe and can be harnessed for energy.

Did Nikola Tesla actually discover a way to harness free energy?

There is no concrete evidence that Nikola Tesla actually discovered a way to harness free energy. Some of his experiments and inventions, such as the Tesla coil, have been claimed to produce free energy, but these claims have not been scientifically proven.

What were some of Nikola Tesla's experiments related to free energy?

Nikola Tesla conducted a series of experiments with the Tesla coil, which he claimed could produce free energy by tapping into the earth's natural electric charge. He also experimented with wireless transmission of electricity, which he believed could also provide free energy.

Why is there controversy surrounding Nikola Tesla's claims of free energy?

There is controversy surrounding Nikola Tesla's claims of free energy because they have not been scientifically proven and many experts believe that his theories and inventions were not based on sound scientific principles. Additionally, there are conspiracy theories surrounding Tesla's work and some believe that his ideas were suppressed by powerful interests.

Is it possible to harness free energy using Tesla's theories and inventions?

There is currently no scientific evidence to support the idea that Tesla's theories and inventions can be used to harness free energy. However, some scientists continue to explore his ideas and there are ongoing experiments and research in this field. It is also worth noting that the concept of "free energy" is highly debated and controversial in the scientific community.
