Did You Get Into SULI DOE Summer 2021?

In summary: You're sure to get it with a 3.9ish." You don't know that.In summary, this thread is for people to post whether or not they received any offerings from the SULI 2021 program. The conversation includes an anxious individual who has applied for the internship and shares their impressive credentials, as well as others who have previously participated in the program and offer advice and insights into the application process. It is noted that GPA is not the only factor in the selection process, as individual lab scientists have their own criteria for choosing interns.
  • #36
Vanadium 50 said:
The labs do not bundle up their offers. The procedure was described in #8.
Can you explain what this means? I'm not sure what #8 refers to, but from what I understand, the admissions are sent in rounds until all positions are filled. Am I understanding this wrong?
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  • #37
mjetty said:
Am I understanding this wrong?

Yes. When a scientist selects a student, it goes out "immediately". Now, it's not instantaneous because there is some post-processing involved so it needs to go "through the pipes as it were", but the Labs do not "bundle" requests on a long timescale. No scientist makes a decision and then has it wait for months for other scientists to make their decisions.
  • #38
Vanadium 50 said:
Yes. When a scientist selects a student, it goes out "immediately". Now, it's not instantaneous because there is some post-processing involved so it needs to go "through the pipes as it were", but the Labs do not "bundle" requests on a long timescale. No scientist makes a decision and then has it wait for months for other scientists to make their decisions.
Out of curiosity, would you happen to know if we are supposed to get an update if our first choice rejects us? My application is pending review still.
  • #39
username1989 said:
Out of curiosity, would you happen to know if we are supposed to get an update if our first choice rejects us? My application is pending review still.
When I participated in the SULI program I got zero notice that my first choice rejected me. Funny enough I read a bunch of silly lies while lurking around, that second choices do not make offers since so many good first choice candidates... I thought my preferred lab was unachievable and that it would cut down risks of not receiving an offer by making them my second choice , but I was wrong as they were the ones to contact me anyways with an offer :) (this was more than 5 years ago)

I wouldn't be overly thinking this. Seeing when other people are getting their offers if any at all is going to cause you misery. The only time I'd be pressing on this is if I have another offer on the table. If you have another offer that's up to you if you can wait or willing to risk it for one you haven't or may not receive at all. If you don't have another offer and you're counting on this one, then keep looking around for other opportunities just in case. Talk with professors to see what kind of work you might be able to do during this time, maybe other internships or part-time jobs, or at the very least try to work on project on your own... give yourself more marketable skills and a pitch for the next opportunity.
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  • #40
Vanadium 50 said:
I don't think you understand the selection process.

Lab scientists get a list of applicants. Each individual scientist decides who, if anyone, on that list will be selected. They each have their own criteria. GPA may be a strong factor. It may not. Grades in individual courses may matter more. Or not. Letters may matter more. Or not. Previous experience may...well, you get the point.

The scientist makes her selection and an offer is generated, If the student does not accept, the scientist makes her second choice and so on.

It is wrong of you to say "You're sure to get it with a 3.9ish" You don't know that.
I concur with V50 here. Our lab accepts undergrads and high school seniors.

The high school seniors are ranked by grades, SAT scores and college of interest ie our affiliated college. We get the list of potential ones and then we select based on the skills needed for our summer project.

The undergrads are honors scholars with the highest GPAs and we get a list to select from. The best strategy is to pair a scholar with a high schooler so you direct the scholar and they direct they direct the high schooler. It works really well. In general they do ap some amazing work.

one other thing to be aware of is that the labs may be on reduced schedules and less likely to have or hire students and many folks are forced to work at home at least part-time. Our lab has done that this past year.
  • #41
username1989 said:
Out of curiosity, would you happen to know if we are supposed to get an update if our first choice rejects us?

Apparently my original reply was confusing.

The SULI application has the students rank Labs. This entire thread has been based on the assumption that the Labs make decisions. I tried to dispel this in the now-infamous message #8. Labs don't make decisions, individual scientists do. But "has Brookhaven decided?" and "has my first choice decided?" are the exact same question, since the first choice is a Lab.
  • #42
Timing has been all over the map this year. After some back and forth, a student I mentor has received an offer from BNL.

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