Difference and relationship between spectrometers and interferometers

In summary: However, this only applies if both signals are real and if the signal obtained using the interferometer is in the form of f(x) as mentioned in Q2. If the signal obtained using the interferometer is in the form of f(t), then it is not a Fourier transform pair with F(v) obtained using the spectrometer.
  • #1
Q1. A spectrometer measures the optical power spectral density as a function of the wavelength or optical frequency (say F(v) v.s. v, where "v" is frequency), is this right?

Q2. An interferometer can be used to detect the amplitude of a light source v.s. the path difference (x), i.e. if the detected signal is f(x), then we can plot f as a function of the path difference. Can it be used to detect a signal which is as a function of time, i.e. am I able to plot f(t) against time using results obtained from an interferometer?

Q3. Assume a laser light source is sent to both a spectometer and an interferometer, then what is the relationship between the signal obtained using the interferometer (in time domain, i.e. f(t) or f(x) mentioned in Q2) and the signal obtained using the spectrometer (i.e. the spectrum or F(v) mentioned in Q1)?

For Q3, personally I don't think F(v) and f(t) are Fourier transform pairs because they must both be real signals, I wonder if the answer of Q3 is about Hilbert transform.
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  • #2
A1. Yes, a spectrometer measures the optical power spectral density as a function of the wavelength or optical frequency.A2. Yes, an interferometer can be used to detect a signal which is as a function of time. By calculating the phase difference between two waves and then correlating the phase difference with the time difference, one can plot f(t) against time using results obtained from an interferometer.A3. The relationship between the signal obtained using the interferometer and the signal obtained using the spectrometer depends on the type of measurement being taken. If the measurement is of the frequency spectrum, then the relationship is that the signal obtained using the interferometer can be used to calculate the Fourier transform of the signal obtained using the spectrometer. If the measurement is of the time domain, then the relationship is that the signal obtained using the spectrometer can be used to calculate the inverse Fourier transform of the signal obtained using the interferometer.

FAQ: Difference and relationship between spectrometers and interferometers

What is the difference between a spectrometer and an interferometer?

A spectrometer is a device that measures the intensity of light at different wavelengths, while an interferometer is a device that measures the interference patterns of light waves. In other words, a spectrometer measures the spectral content of light, while an interferometer measures the interference of light waves.

How do spectrometers and interferometers work?

A spectrometer uses a grating or prism to disperse light into its component wavelengths, which are then measured by a detector. An interferometer uses two or more beams of light that interfere with each other to create an interference pattern, which is then measured by a detector.

What are the applications of spectrometers and interferometers?

Spectrometers are commonly used in many fields, such as astronomy, chemistry, and biology, to identify and quantify the chemical composition of substances. Interferometers are used in fields such as optics, astronomy, and metrology to measure small changes in distance, velocity, or wavelength.

Can spectrometers and interferometers be used together?

Yes, spectrometers and interferometers are often used together in a technique called Fourier transform spectroscopy. This combines the spectral information from a spectrometer with the high-resolution measurements of an interferometer to provide a more detailed analysis of a sample's properties.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of spectrometers and interferometers?

The main advantage of spectrometers is their ability to measure a wide range of wavelengths, while the main advantage of interferometers is their high precision and resolution. However, spectrometers may have lower resolution and interferometers may be more complex and expensive to use. Additionally, both devices may have limitations in the types of samples they can analyze.

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